I am new to the sure. Its 3 am and I'm going nuts with constant itch. Can be almost anywhere but mostly in face and arms and ribs. How Can you get a good night sleep? I've tried hyderm cream and aloe Vera lotion and coconut oil, baths with baking soda and more.
I had my gallbladder removed in July but the surgeon messed up and cut the common bile duct and 3 small ducts. It was corrected by another surgeon after 7 hours of surgery. After 7 weeks the drain was removed followed by a number of hospitalization and going septic a few times.
After last discharge it was decided that to go in and repair narrowing bile ducts was too difficult so I was sent home with 6 weeks of antibiotics. Not sure I can last the remaining 4 weeks as itch does not lessen.
Any advice?