Hi all. I'm recovering from acute viral hepatitis and have been out of hospital for 4 weeks after being hospitalised for 3wks. I have been improving very slowly but for the past 2 days my skin has been really itchy again like when I was in hospital and my liver more painful than it has been for weeks, should I be worried or is this just part of the healing process? I have an out patient appointment sept 16th. Thanks
Itching: Hi all. I'm recovering from... - British Liver Trust

Get your bloods checked by GP now, and take a print out of results with you to your outpatient appt. that way if there are any issues that might be causing your new symptoms your specialist will have up to date test results in front of them.
Which strain of viral hep were you hospitalised for just out of curiosity.
Thanks Bolly, phoned Dr today and made an appointment but no blood testing available till next week!!!! They didn't say which strain.. It's none of the A B C etc but either a virus that attacked my kidneys, pancreas, duodenum and liver, (liver being the worst. ) or my own immune system attacking it. They doubt the last one as my ALT etc came down to almost normal from 2100 inside a month, but I have to have blood tests regularly for the next two years in case it's autoimmune. My liver is quite sore again the last two days and I'm home from hospital a month now... How long does the pain and swelling last? Eating more than a few mouthfuls makes it worse as does using a mop, lifting and bending down. When will this be over?
I'd get back to the GP if symptoms were getting worse.
Dear Redroisin,
This is definitely not a good sign... You must get this checked asap.
Let us know how you get on...
At your appointment on the 16th
Tell whoever it is you see about the itching. Definitely a sign of liver disease so get it checked.
As Bolly says above - have the bloods done ready for your appointment - this will help to move things along...