Fibroscan results of Stage 4 Cirrhosis - British Liver Trust

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Fibroscan results of Stage 4 Cirrhosis

monikoki profile image
15 Replies

Hello, I need some advice or opinions regarding my situation, if possible.

I was diagnosed by Fibroscan with Stage 4 cirrhosis, and after more than two weeks after diagnosis, still waiting for an appointment with my specialist.

I want to specify that I was never drinking any kind of alcohol and never made any kind of abuse. Beside working like a crazy my entire life and smoking 20 cigarette daily, I have had a quite healthy life.

I know that cirrhosis is like a silent killer, but I am under medical care for almost 3 years, starting with spinal issues (lots of herniated discs in full spine and OA). From more than one year I started to get more weakness in full body, numbness on face and mouth, swall around knees and elbows, pain in my bones, etc. So, I start seeing Gynecologist for my abdominal pain, Ent doctor for the what is look like lymph node that I have in neck, Chest pain doctor for the intens tiredness that I have so quickly, etc. Beside the vitamin D deficiency and severe osteoporosis(which was discovered because I insisted to have a DEXA scan. In fact, I asked for every scan or specialist that I had or seen),I was in a "good health".

But I wasn't... I started to feel more and more debilitated, and start to blame myself of being to sensible (I even have seen a Psichologyst).

I have at least 3 abdominal scans last year, and everything was "fine ", and the abdominal pain from right side was without explanation. So, I was diagnosed with Fibro myalgia...

Finally, in December I started having more pain so, I was sent to have a Colonoscopy wich came back normal as well. In January my skin and eyes went yellow, and had a lymph node in my inguinal area. My Gp consulted me and said that is not a lymph node but give me anyway some antibiotic, and asked me if that is my usual skin colour and I said that maby... (I wasn't realising that my darker skin is not because of the dark light..) Thre days after, because the pain and swelling didn't subside, I went to A&E again(luckily my Gp was in holiday), and I was very lucky to find another doctor this time. He saw the lymph nodes, he saw immediately my skin colour, he asked to have an urgent scan again,but I was unlucky to have the same guy to take my scan. The same person who made it thre time before, and again saw nothing... But the emergency doctor booked me for another scan and different blood tests for the second day.

I was in the hospital for ten days, diagnosed initially with hepatitis E, but in the end was A. I had still very high levels in the blood tests when I was discharge, without any treatment.

From beginning of February when I was discharge, I saw the gastroenterologyst once when he said that everything looks fine, my blood tests are much better, nothing to worry about, but anyway he made me an appointment to have a Fibroscan, more for my peace of mind, and also said that if my blood test are still not normal after six weeks, he will book me for a biopsy. How many "six weeks" passed from February??

And... Surprise! The fibroscan results show cirrhosis stage 4!

I received the fibroscan results two weeks ago, and just today received a letter from the specialist and said"....I will see her in the clinic and discuss liver biopsy ". He looks very relax to me. I suppose that I will wait another few weeks until I'll see him..

I am very sorry to be soo long and maby boring, and thank you for reading my post. I have few questions if it is possible to give me some advice :

1.It is possible to develop Stage 4 Cirrhosis in six months, because of the hepatitis A?

2.Is possible the fibroscan to be wrong?

3.On a simple abdominal scan you cannot see liver or surrounding inflammation?

4.What are the chance to wake up with cirrhosis last stage, with all the medical "attention", and abdominal scans that I've had?

5.Can my situation be seen like a miss diagnosis or medical mistake?

6.How the type of the cirhosis is determined? By biopsy?

Thank you!

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monikoki profile image
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15 Replies

Hepatitis A should not lead to problems like yours. The following quote is from 'Dr. Melissa Palmer's Guide To Hepatitis and Liver Disease':

"People with hepatitis A do not suffer any long-term consequences from the infection and are not chronically infectious to others. Within six months of contracting hepatitis A, symptoms, signs, and hepatitis A-related liver function test abnormalities totally resolve. Chronic liver disease does not occur. Therefore, contracting hepatitis A virus does not put one at risk for cirrhosis and/or liver cancer.

Approximately 0.2 percent of people infected with hepatitis A virus develop fulminant hepatitis A. Each year, approximately one hundred people either die or require a liver transplant as a result of liver failure due to hepatitis A virus. Older people and people with underlying liver disease are more likely to develop this complication and are more likely to have a poor outcome from fulminant hepatitis A."

Because of your other health problems and the long term heavy smoking habit you may be one of the small percentage of people that develop fulminant (sudden and severe) hepatitis but even with fulminant hepatitis you wouldn't expect that your liver could become cirrhotic in only 6 months. It's likely that because your liver was severely inflamed when you had the FibroScan that the score was not reflective of your liver's true state. A liver biopsy is the only accurate way to determine if you have cirrhosis. The odds are good that you don't have cirrhosis and that your FibroScan score was inflated because your liver was severely inflamed. Once your liver inflammation resolves another FibroScan may result in a much lower score.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

I’ve never had a liver biopsy? I’ve had F4 cirrhosis for 2 years now.

JimmyJackson profile image
JimmyJackson in reply to Brett11

I also have F4 cirrhosis never had biopsy ( also never a heavy drinker & stopped smoking 40 yrs ago, I have also been very fit most of my life.

I am told my condition is contained but no real idea what that means

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to JimmyJackson

Hi Jimmy,

Contained would mean compensated. Like me.



monikoki profile image
monikoki in reply to JimmyJackson

In the letter that I finally received from the specialist is used the words contained as well. Brett 11 responded that it means "compensated".

Thank you so much for the response.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Brett11

Same as me too, and I've had cirrhosis 10yrs now, went from decompensated to compensated within 2 yrs.

monikoki profile image
monikoki in reply to

Thank you so much for your answers, to everyone.

My tests blood were all normal besides that ALP which was still high, Dr. said that no inflammation shows in blood tests.

Hopefully like you said, is not going to be such advanced problem.

Thank you so much.

What was your kpa score on the fibroscan? The inflamation could have def uped the reading. However it is seeming to be that the answer is that there is no one true test to diagnose cirrhosis. Each test is part of a clinical picture. I would suggest getting the fibroscan redone when a dr are certain that the inflamattion has subsided. If the score comes down or doesnt you can always back up the findings with a biopsy. If a biospsy a fibroscan and your bloods all say cirrhosis than unfortunately its most probably cirrhosis. Fibroscan is a great test and very accurate if the criteria beimg inputed is proper. Having inflamation doesnt make fibroscan wrong as it is faithfully telling what the liver stiffness is. What can be wromg is how that liver stiffness is interpretted ie scarring vs inflamation

monikoki profile image
monikoki in reply to

Median 20.9kpa,IQR 1.4kpa,IQR7% (less than 30% indicates a successful scan), F4 Cirrhosis.

This is the fibroscan result. I don't know what exactly means or which one is showing the inflammation. Maby you can help me to understand more.

Thank you for reply.

monikoki profile image
monikoki in reply to

Also, my blood tests are normal besides ALP is still raised at 195

Thank you

Sillymo profile image

Hello monikoki sorry you are having a hard time believing in medical results I don't blame you. I have just this week been told I have stage 4 cirrhosis mine has been caused by my diabetes apparently! So really you have to wait for all of the results however if I were you I would start researching what you can do to support your liver. Hugs and love friend. ❤

monikoki profile image
monikoki in reply to Sillymo

I'm sorry for your diagnostic aswell. I have started drinking some tea 🍵 for liver problems. Take care and thanks for answering.

Sillymo profile image

What tea are you drinking sweetie? Hugs

monikoki profile image
monikoki in reply to Sillymo

Linden flower tea I read that is very good for liver.

Sillymo profile image

Thanks sweetie I will get some. Much love and many hugs.😘🤗☺

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