Hi Guys,
I wonder if you have any advice. My liver enzymes were elevated so I was sent for an ultrasound which showed fatty liver. I then went for a Fibroscan which had horrendous results - 67.9 KPA.
I had a phone call with the liver clinic who told me I had NAFLD and cirrhosis. Based purely on the scan. The only advice was to lose weight and they would catch up with me in 4 months. At the time I was 160lb overweight (I’ve lost 45 lb since the scan but have a way to go). I’m shocked that the clinic have diagnosed cirrhosis when I am so overweight and the Fibroscan has been proven to be inaccurate with super obese people.
My Dad has cirrhosis and HCC so this diagnosis has been really stressful. I’m not sleeping worrying about being here for my family.
Would you request a biopsy? I feel like they’ve dropped a bomb and told me to get on with it and I have a ton of questions that I would like to have asked.
I have cut out all processed food, am vegan and don’t drink - is there anything else I should be doing?
Thanks so much for any advice you may have.