I'm wondering if anybody can give me some advice?
For 2 years ive been getting pain in my right side that is so intense it makes me sick and on occasion i get diarrhea. Ive had an ultrasound which showed a small polyp in my gall bladder so no concern, i also had a colonoscopy which showed a polyp and was biopsied and came back fine. In December last year i was admitted to hospital when the pain was so bad i couldnt bear it, i had a CT scan and had my appendix removed, hoping this was the end of my troubles i was discharged from the hospital.
The CT scan showed i was, and this is the term the doc used, 'holding too much poo in your caecum' was given Laxido and have to take daily to keep me flowing.
Anyway the pain came back, the episodes last usually between 1-8 hrs i get nausea, sweats and vomiting, the last episode was last week and lasted 12 hours so i went to doctors who suggested a kidney infection, gave me antibiotics and took a urine test, the test was clear. He then sent me for my bloods doing, i got the results today which are as follows:
Serum Gamma GT: 215
Liver function test:
Serum total bilirubin level: 9
Serum ALT level: 161
Total alkaline phosphates: 93
Serum albumin: 44
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD: 81
I have other symptoms too which are fatigue, dizziness/lightheaded, itchy legs, feel like something is stuck in my right side and a slight ankle swelling. I dont drink a great deal more at the weekend if we go for a meal or out with friends but i have noticed that the episodes come 1/2 days after ive had an over indulgence.
Any advice would be great as its driving me crazy! Im 39 and this thing is taking over my life :s