hello there, have joined this group after some great advice on the sister C25K, I completed that on the 23rd. This morning was my first run on the supplemental programme that is unlocked at 35min. Found the 35 mins a little awkward after Christmas Dinner and treats yesterday but did this first run bright and early at 5.30am. Judging the intial 80% of your speed was the hard part as well as Steve Crams try to cycle your legs and feet - found attempting to alter my running style very difficult. No problem speeding up though a bit at the end managed 5.52km in 35 mins , guess I’ll try that for a week or so before considering what is suggested here!. Thanks and all the best.
new member intro after completing C to 5K - Bridge to 10K
new member intro after completing C to 5K

Congratulations on a super start to post Couch to 5k running! 5.30am….I am in awe! Is that your typical run time?
Pacing can be an adjustment-it comes with practice and you’ll get there. If you’re going to be trying the Nike Run Club app, there’s some really helpful coaching about running to effort-that is one of the things that’s made the biggest difference to my running. Lots of fun to come!
Enjoy your runs with Steve Cram! Can’t wait to hear how you get on!
I don’t know how I got into running at that time but it works for me plus I feel a lot less worried about vehicles and dogs. Interestingly after I reached the half a way point on my return around 5.30 a lady passed me running the other way we exchanged mornings as we passed each other it isn’t the first time I’ve seen people at such early hours. I guess three am would be very bizarre and I ain’t trying that for sure !!.

Great to see you here.... and well done on those early runs!

Super run, and a good way to continue to run

Welcome, welcome! Enjoy the journey...
Thanks very much and a Happy New Year for a couple of days, just broke the 30 mins mark for 5k for the first time and managed 27 mins which for me is some going !. First time I’m ran in an afternoon lots of dog walkers on the pavements meaning I had to take to the road and go around them numerous times but I guess that’s how it is in holiday periods. Will be trying the suggested 10k training on Jan 1st. Four runs this weeks with all the extra food and sweets quite happy I’ve managed to get them all in!.