Radio 4 currently has a series by Dr Michael Mosley, Cold Therapy. The third episode deals with exercising in the cold. One of his conclusions is that people who run reasonable distances for fun (as opposed to marathons, ultra runners, professionals) have their best performance at around 10-11C. Well worth a listen
So, today the thermometer read 11C and the sun was shining so no excuses. Our garden is very sheltered so I thought I'd be warm enough with a short sleeved t shirt. Didn't realise how chilly the breeze would be.
It was great. I was singing Jingle Bells in my head (and occasionally out loud), perfect rhythm for the pace, a bit more than usual. When I got to the puddles by the marina I skirted them instead of running straight through and pretty much avoided cold wet feet, then turned towards home.
It was the quickest run I've done in a long time, not something that I particularly aim for but the combination of the chill in the air and a couple of days rest was perfect. It was strange, at times it felt like everything was working like a well oiled machine and it was huge fun. Usually I only feel that good when I'm going slowly.
As I ran back through the puddles I was springing from dry bit to dry bit like a gazelle with a hyena chasing it (or that's what it felt like), at least until I realised how hard my heart was working. I decided it was prudent to slow down a bit, and by now the wind was at my back so much less effort, so I even achieved negative splits
I'll go back to slow and steady when it warms up again.