TBF I do live in the east where it’s a bit drier than some parts but it was a wet morning so I put it off for a while but then just took the plunge and off I went. My plan to run under trees and be relatively dry misfired badly as the path isn’t paved and so was just a series of very wide puddles. By the way - how long DO shoes take to dry out?! Kept it to under half an hour and guess what - it was dry when I got home! Anyway proved to myself that a wet run is ok and I managed to keep going better than I have recently so all good.
First wet run and I’ve been running for 6 mo... - Bridge to 10K
First wet run and I’ve been running for 6 months!

I graduated a couple of months ago and have been running 3 times a week and still managed to avoid a wet run! I feel inspired by your post...☔️💦💧 😬
Are your trainers dry yet?

Hello Sybilw, I haven’t done the rain yet either but I’ve read that you should stuff your shoes with newspaper to help dry them out .

I didn’t experience running in the rain for months! I ran 3 times a week too! Only been out in it once or twice and I quite like it! My shoes do get wet though as I run on beach and salt marshes sometimes. I just leave them to dry naturally and they are dry in a day or so before I need them again! 😀

Well done, that's dedication! I put my shoes by the stove and they were dry by the next time I needed them 👣

I've been out in the rain twice since I started back in June. I agree with stuffing your shoes with rolled up newspaper to help them dry out faster. One time that wasn't enough to get my shoes dry 48 hours after my run, but that gave me an excuse to buy a second pair for rotation in wet weather!

I remember towards the end of the summer we started to get a few showers and I got caught once, and I loved it! Cooled me down and I knew I could have a nice hot shower as soon as I walked in.
This morning I was planning on a slow & steady 10k..... woke up at 7am..... hmmm nope, not yet..... snooze, 7.20.... nope...... 7.45..... and so on, until at 10.30 I just gave up the thought of running today and started planning my roast dinner - that was a much better idea lol!
Well done! ☔️
Snap.. although I didn't set alarm, planned on run today...but didn't! Hope u enjoyed your dinner. Sometimes u just need a lazy day

I really had to poke myself to get out for a short one , but I agree a wet one was worth doing . Thanks for the newspaper tip. About ten minutes after I got back the rain stopped!

Great job... love that cooling rain.
I knew about the newspaper thing, but my iPad won’t screw up and isn’t very absorbent. Maybe I need to lay off the tech.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Any free papers up your way?

Splish splash Syb, I stayed indoors today thinking I'd run tomorrow. Guess what, rain tomorrow too 😬😬😬☔️

I should be ok tomorrow but I’m off to Scotland after that so don’t fancy my chances up there! No stereotypes implied of course - but as I’m Scottish it’s allowed!!