Goodbye Willow: I will need to change my name... - Bridge to 10K

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Goodbye Willow

SueAppleRun profile image
120 Replies

I will need to change my name, Willow sadly passed away this morning, I don't know why or how just that he's gone, my life my world my best friend. I will be running soon just because I don't know what else to do

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SueAppleRun profile image
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120 Replies
ForbiddenPlanet profile image

Oh no. How awful. And just when you are about to retire. I think you have good family around you so I hope that will help. 🤞

Birdlady64 profile image

Oh my goodness Sola, what can I say? What a terrible shock! My heart goes out to you. Sending you the biggest virtual hug.

Roxdog profile image

Oh Sola, what a terrible shock. I am so, so sorry to hear this news. Please take very good care of yourself and know that we are yhinking of you. Very big hug and love. X Bernice (Roxdog)

CBDB profile image

I am so, so sorry to read this. There are no words. Sending you loads of hugs. 🫂💙💚💛🤎🧡❤️💔

Doris8 profile image

Oh Sola , how dreadful. I am so sorry and my heartfelt thoughts are with you. All the best to you and your family. A big 🤗 x

LottieMW profile image

oh Sola I am so sorry to hear this, you must be devastated Sending love x

Papillon17 profile image

so sorry to hear this. Hope your ok? If needing a chat just message.

Sulley101 profile image

Sola, I am so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you. Xxx

Dexy5 profile image

Sola, I’m so sorry to read this . I don’t know what to say, other than we , on the forum, are here for you . Big hugs from me. Look after yourself .

Meanmommab profile image

Oh Sola! I'm so sorry to hear your news! Sending love and kind thoughts to you and your family. 💔

lexi6 profile image

Sola, what terrible news, I'm so very sorry, sending you big hugs from over here x

Curlygurly2 profile image

Oh no, I am so sorry to read this. I hope that you can take some comfort from your friends here on HU, when you are ready xx

nowster profile image

Oh no! That is such a shock! Thoughts and virtual hugs. 🤗

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Sola, that is heartbreaking news. So sorry. Big hug from me too. You have friends here. xxx

59er profile image

I am so shocked and sad to hear this news - your whole world turned upside down. I am thinking of you and your family and send my love to you all. ♥️

PeggySusi profile image

I’m so sorry to read this Sola. I hope you will find support and love and good memories to help you for the difficult days ahead. Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs.. Sue xx

Beachcomber66 profile image


Vespina profile image

Such sad and shocking news. I can’t begin to understand how you feel. I hope you have lots of support and we’ll all be thinking of you.

Cmoi profile image

Oh Sola, I am so, so sorry to hear this utterly dreadful news. I know there's nothing I can do to fix this, but if I could, I would. Big hugs xxx

Oldgirlruns profile image

Oh Sola, there are no words to say how sorry I am to hear about your Willow.  Sending a big hug to you and your family; run when you can but know that we on the forum will be here for you over the coming days and weeks.

Killerblue profile image

I am sooo sorry to hear this and I am finding it hard to believe. My heart goes out to you ❤️❤️❤️

AlMorr profile image

So sorry to hear about the passing of Willow, my deepest sympathy to you Sola, all the best to you, I know that you will have Willow in your memory for a long time when you resume running, a big hug from me.

Woollyweaver profile image

Oh no, how utterly dreadful for you. Sending you a big virtual hug 😘

RunBrianRun profile image

Oh goodness me, Sola. I am so so sad and sorry to hear this. Please know that we are all here for you as you have been for us. Sending big hugs your way. x

TailChaser profile image

Oh Sola, I’m so sorry to hear this. Big big hugs from Katnap and I xxx

MissUnderstanding profile image

Sola, I am so, so sorry to hear this awful news. I can’t begin to imagine how you must be feeling. It was so obvious how much you meant to each other and he touched many lives on here too. Please know we’re all thinking of you and sending love and hugs and all the support we can.

Sincere condolences to you ❤️

Sunnytom profile image

really sorry to hear your sad news xx

Instructor57 profile image

Oh Sola !!!I am so shocked and sorry to hear this sad news .

I have just seen this post .

I have no words other than you are certainly in my thoughts .

Lots of love and big hugs !

I hope you have some family around you at this time .

Sorry I hadn't seen this before my post went up 😟😟😟

❤️ xxx

linda9389 profile image

Oh Sola. I'm so, so sorry. Words are totally inadequate. My heart absolutely goes out to you 💙 One day at a time, one step at a time; lean on anyone and everyone who offers support. My thoughts - along with those of so many others here - are with you xxx

Frizzbomb67 profile image

oh Sola I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. What a shock it must be. In all of your posts you come as a pair 😢 look after yourself and let your family take care of you for a while. Sending hugs 🤗 🤗

Readandrun profile image

There are just no words but so sorry to hear this devastating news and am sure the whole community are thinking of you at this time.

Irishprincess profile image

Oh Sola, what an awful shock for you and all of Willow’s loved ones. I am so very sorry for your grief.

Surround yourself with people who love you and lean on them.

I’m sending you a tight hug. You are in my thoughts xxx

grumpyoldgirl profile image

I'm so sorry my lovely 🌹Always around if you want to talk about anything or nothing x

RunWillie profile image

I’m so sorry Sola. You are in my thoughts and prayers x

Oldlady64 profile image

Oh I am so very sorry to hear this awful news. Thinking of you and the family and sending very best wishes through such a difficult time.

Jools2020 profile image

Dear Sola, I’m so sorry to read this. What a terrible shock for you. Thinking of you. I hope you will get the support you need. Such sad news.

JonathanP profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this very sad news - take care

JoP61 profile image

So sorry 💜

LeeU profile image

I really don't know what to say, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Maisiecat1 profile image

So so sorry for your loss. I've never met either of you but feel I know you from your wonderful posts. What devastating news. Thinking of you Sola. 💕

Reggit profile image

oh no! There’s nothing I can say, hope you have the support you need at this terrible time. Take care.

Reggiegirl profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this, Sola! What an utterly dreadful shock for you. Sending you hugs. Val x

Mudita11 profile image

This is such sad news, I’m so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you Sola x

TimeInNature profile image

so sorry to read this news Sola.

Take care of yourself and do whatever works for you be that run, walk or sit in a corner x

Oh Sola I am so so sorry to read this such sad news. Sending you my condolences x

FriendofRondo profile image

I'm so sorry, Sola. Please take comfort from knowing you have a virtual community here to help keep you upright. Look after yourself. x

tmbtrain profile image

I am so sorry for your loss Sola, take care and sending you my warmest wishes at this hard time.

doggytail profile image

So sorry to hear this sad news 🤗♥️

Freecloud profile image

Very sorry to read this, such a shock. It was always great to read about the two of you from your tales. Best wishes and hugs.

Kevin41 profile image

like many others I am lost for words. I am truly sorry for your loss

BBrun profile image

I’m so sorry to read this. I always enjoy reading your posts. You are a true inspiration for me. I hope that all the love expressed in this forum will give you some comfort in the difficult days ahead.

PHalliwell profile image

Oh Sola, I’m so sorry to hear that. We lost my dad suddenly 11 years ago and the shock was awful. It was worse for my mum of course and she misses him still but she sees my sister and me often, and her granddaughters, which helps. Thinking of you and your family at this dreadful time, Alison xx

Jackapoodle profile image

I am so, so sorry to hear this awful news. My thoughts are with you and your family 💜

Lookslikejames profile image

I'm so very sorry for your loss x

Wavy-chick28 profile image

oh what awful news, sending hugs and strength xx

Knittingrunner profile image

on no! That’s such awful news. Sending you hugs and thoughts of love. Xx

Sisteract5 profile image

So sad to read your post. Sending love and prayers. We’re here to support in any way we can, whether you’re running or not . Take care x

Kirst13 profile image

Sending warm thoughts.. Such a sad shock and no words seem enough.

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Much love and sympathy to you. This is very sad news. Xx

Knitruntalk profile image

Words seem so inadequate at times like this. We are all holding you in our hearts and hope you find some comfort in your running. Take care

Rowers profile image

Dear Sola, I'm so sorry to read this 😢 sending love x

Vragtes profile image

So very sad to learn of this. Sincere condolences. Hoping running provides some solace. As I run, I note the the cycle of beauty of nature and am comforted that life goes on and hope is restored, however sad or anxious I am at that time.

oaprunner profile image

Sorry to hear your sad news.

Sammyyy profile image

So sorry to hear this news. Sending loads of love to you x

johnt46 profile image

Sorry to read this Sola, my thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Maddee_6333 profile image

Oh Sola, I am so very dreadfully sorry.

Keeping you in my thoughts.

Jericho2332 profile image

I've not been on the group (or ran) for around a year but this headline came into my inbox this morning and I felt I had to come on and offer my deepest condolences. So so sorry for your loss x

Sandie1961 profile image

Oh Sola, I am so so sorry to hear such sad news and just as you were preparing for retirement. Words are utterly inadequate, but you are in my thoughts and sending big hugs xxx

Blackberrypie profile image

Hugs for you and your furry companion.

Cantsoimgonna profile image

You've both been an inspiration to me on this forum. I'm just so very sorry to hear about Willow's death. Wishing you gentle days and peaceful sleep. X

Lifluf profile image

I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I hope you have good support and you find that running helps to ease your heartache ❤️

Libellenlegs profile image

So, so sorry to hear your sad news, Sola. I really feel for you. Take care of yourself. x

Calcan profile image

So, so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you.

Orangemini11 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Leotigris profile image

Oh Sola, I don't know what to say, I am so, so sorry to here this sad news.

Runnin-g profile image

So sorry for your loss, so sad 🥲 Take care of yourself xxx

Runninggirl59 profile image

OMG, I'm so sorry Sola. My thoughts are with you and your family x

GoogleMe profile image

What rotten rotten news, I am so sorry. I loved hearing about your life together and the way in which you worked to meet each other's different needs and desires. Please let us enfold you in our massive forum arms as you process all this.

Teresa1632 profile image

There are no words ❤

A poem by Donna Ashford about grief
DexD profile image

How devastating - I'm so very sorry to hear. Even when he wasn't running with you, he seemed to be there in spirit, encouraging you on or waiting for you with a cup of tea. Your posts always seemed brimming with the warmth and love of yours and Willow's deep connection. Condolences and love ...

Niteflite profile image

How devastating. I am so sorry.

Scruff55 profile image

Sola. I am so very sorry to hear this very sad news. Please know that we are all thinking of you at this very sad time.

Kat332zz profile image

So sorry to hear that, sending hugs to you.

SingsAndRuns profile image

I have logged back in after many months to say how sorry I am, Sola, to hear your news. What a massive shock. My heart goes out to you. Running's a good idea, but you need to be very kind to yourself for a long time to come. Sending loads of love- I always enjoy reading your posts but take some time for yourself too. Thinking of you xxx

Rabbit561 profile image

Sola, I am filled with sadness for you. What a desperate shock and devastating loss. You are in my thoughts

Cantstopmenow profile image

Sola, I am so very sorry and shocked to hear your sad news. May you feel the love and support of your family and friends around you. Sending my love, prayers and sympathy, x💐

00marks profile image

What a shock. I'm so sorry to hear about this. It must be incredibly difficult for you.

RunningJ123 profile image

Oh Sola... How awful... What a dreadful shock... Sending you hugs

Oldlady57 profile image

Thoughts are with you, such sad news x

Lumaca0112 profile image

So sorry to hear this heartbreaking news, Sola. Sending a huge virtual hug

apatsyf profile image

Dear Sola, there is nothing I can say that will comfort you at this terrible time. Know that I am so very sorry to hear of your devastating loss of your dear Willow. Sending love and hugs, thinking of you both, as you will always be together in spirit. Xx

Sybilw profile image

Devastated for your loss. All your virtual friends are here if you need them.

beth_f profile image

I’m so sorry to read this Sola. Sending you the biggest hugs xx

Leosmit profile image

So saddened to read this. Thoughts with you.

DocEmmett profile image

Oh Sola, saddened to hear. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

My thoughts are with you and your family and friends at this sad time. My sincerest condolences. I’ve loved reading your posts and have drawn inspiration from them.

Running_at50 profile image

So sorry to hear this, sending bug hugs 🤗

mamajane profile image

I may not know you personally but have followed your posts and am so sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you and your family. Xx

Judith17 profile image

Oh no Sola, what a shock, absolutely devastating. I loved reading your posts and could feel the love you had for one anther shining through. he was such a comfort and support with his cups of tea! I was intending to go to the roof top hot pool in Bath after your wonderful description of it. We all feel your loss, as we felt part of your life. As others have said, take care of yourself. xx

MrBassmanjazz profile image

Sorry to hear this! My thoughts are with you.

Shake-and-run profile image

So sorry to read of Willow’s sudden passing. Our furry companions fill special places in our hearts and when they go they leave such a big hole in our lives. I hope you find comfort in your memories and the knowledge that Willow will always be with you in your heart. Take care xxx

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Shake-and-run

Willow was my partner of 10 years sorry, it's his musical name

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Oh Sola, I’m sorry. An even bigger hole. You must be heart broken.

Nordicrunner profile image

So sad to read this Sola, sorry for your loss ❤️

pinkglen profile image

my heartfelt condolences to you and your family

Jolem profile image

My deepest sympathy Sola, so very sad to hear and so sudden. Be gentle with yourself and hopefully the love of family and friends will help ease the pain of your loss ❤️❤️

Week7 profile image

Oh I am so sorry to hear this terrible news. I know that there is nothing that I can say to make you feel better but please know that I am thinking of you at this terrible time. I hope that you receive and feel able to accept all the kindness and support from those around you.

I totally get your need to run at this time. One foot in front of the other is all that is required.

Thinking of you.


Ohrid profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. I am not active on this forum but regularly read your inspiring posts. My sincere condolences x

dynamodi profile image

So very sorry to hear this. Take time to recover from your loss. Thinking of you

Ping-pong profile image

Oh my! I opened this thinking it would be saying that he had stopped running for some reason.

I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.

I’ve always loved reading your posts about your running together, him sometimes waiting in the car or having a cup of tea or a meal waiting for you at home, and I would think how lucky you were and that everyone should have a Willow in their life.

There’s never a good timing but it seems especially cruel just when you were about to retire.

Sending all good wishes and condolences to all family and friends.

Take care of yourself.

Tina xx

Sloppysox profile image

So sorry to hear your devastating news

dijep profile image

I have only just read this as I haven't been on HU much recently and I am so sorry to read it.

What a terrible shock for you, your family and friends. Keep them close and work through it at your place. Look after yourself.

Hugs hugs and more hugs 🤗🤗🤗

Run46 profile image

Oh my goodness Sola, I am so very sorry, my heart is breaking for you 💔 Yes if you feel you can then run, walk, whatever you need...fresh air is always a good idea.

Sending love ❤️

Getfitok profile image

So sorry, such sad news. Our thoughts are with you xxx

Folkylass profile image

Oh Sola…. I have only just read this now…..

My deepest condolences to and your family. There really are no words. What a shock for you all…..I’m so sorry Sola. I have really no other words except you are in my thoughts.🙏🙏

Message any time Sola if you need to chat.

Sending you and yours a virtual hug❤️xxx

Dendev75 profile image

I’m deeply sorry and saddened to read this. My thoughts are with you and your family - look after yourself and each other ❤️ x

Tetleyteagirl profile image

so very very sad to hear of your devastating loss Sola, what a terrible shock for you and your family. Sending you a huge virtual hug, we are all hear thinking of you.

Hedgehogs123 profile image

Im so so sorry, I realise that words have little effect, but Im sure everyone on here will send you their heartfelt wishes. What horrible news as i log in for the first time for a while. I hope you have people around you who can give support at this awful time. Take great care x💝

Liono profile image

I am so sorry to read this Sola, thinking of you x

Cookscat profile image

hi , so sorry to hear that xxxx

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