You know those runs where everything is irritating? My shoes were too loose. Then they were too tight. Then I was too cold. Then too hot. And my legs hurt. And there was traffic. And my legs got stung by nettles jumping into a hedge to avoid a tractor. It wasn’t a toxic ten, it was a toxic twenty this morning.
I’d planned either 5k or 8k from this week’s magic plan and it quickly settled as a 5k. It felt like such a slog and that definitely wasn’t going to make for a happy 8k! When I finally got into it, I decided to pick the pace up for the last couple of km and ended up really running hard. I pleased to see negative splits for the whole thing (allowing for the tractor-hedge incident). I’d felt like I wanted a bit of a workout and this ticked that box.
Walking back afterwards, it was lovely to see some baby bunnies and lambs in the fields. Not my favourite sort of run but I’m sure it did me some good.