I must admit that since completing RED January when I rang 5k every day, my running dropped off in February due to 'life' just getting in the way. Come March, I made an effort to get back into running three times a week as I had set myself a goal to hit the 10 mile mark by Easter, quite a step up as my previous distance PB was only 12km.
Over the last week I had managed two 8km runs with a shorter 4km in between, so this morning I headed out early determined to hit the 10km or maybe even 12km mark. Glad I went early as it soon warmed up.
I could tell straight away that it was going to be an OK run, maybe having a small breakfast (tea, fruit bread and a banana) before I went out helped, as I normally just have a glass of water. I knew that I was OK for 10km and when I turned round at 8km, I thought that 12Km or more was insight. Before I knew it I had extended my route home and was at 14km and at this point I thought I might as well give the 16.1km target a go. Last 750m or so was the hardest as my legs started to tire, but there was no way I was going to give up then, so on I went. Ended up doing 16.2km (extra 100m for luck!) in a time of 1hr 46m 20s - average pace of 6:33 a km. Quite pleased with that for a first attempt. What's even more amazing is that several hours later I can still move !!
Will have to think of a new Easter target now!