Did a very short 2km post COVID jog this morning to see what happened. Kilometre one felt like when I started couch to 5k exactly a year ago, kilometre two involved a bit of coughing but by the end I was feeling ok. Heart rate a bit high. But pleased to be out again and in sunshine. Will try again tomorrow - I’m guessing a gradual reintroduction is the way to go. Anyway else have any post covid advice? PS I was wasn’t seriously ill with it thankfully (today is exactly two weeks since I got symptoms) but I still have a bit of a cough.
Post COVID jog: Did a very short 2km post... - Bridge to 10K
Post COVID jog

Bet it was lovely to be out again! I would say take it really easy. Consider jeffing/walk breaks for a few more weeks and going slowly & less often. Aka as easy as you possibly can, you don't have to prove anything to anyone & the gentler you are with yourself the more likely you are to recover fully. Your fitness won't go back to zero just from a few gentle weeks.
Any virus is a big deal for your body to handle - well done your body! - so give it a proper chance to recover.
Disclaimer: I'm speaking as someone who lost 3 months to post-viral fatigue last year, so I am biased towards caution. 😊
PS Definitely consider at least one rest day between runs, imho that's always a good approach.
I tested positive a few weeks before Christmas and had flu like symptoms. My first " recovery week" was a challenge but not too bad and I was soon back up to 5k.
Then the wheels fell off. I get breathless quickly and HR is very erratic. I tried to "run" myself back to health but that just did not work.
I would suggest going very steady and listen to your body.

Good post, I haven’t had COVID but have been knocked flat by an awful virus have been on antibiotics but didn’t leave the house between 16 Dec and 1Jan when I finally went for a walk! Totally shattered, I really miss running as I like the headspace it gives but think I need to get rid of the last dregs of this virus before I run.Walks for me this week, hope you feel better soon 🤞🏻
Hello. The first time I went running post covid I threw up ! Took me six weeks to get back to where I was before. But just take it easy. Would seem simpler to sit on the couch. But we don’t so keep going!
It’s really hard. I wanted to just rest up and did for about three weeks then took it v v slowly