Getting near end of hols. Went a walk , left Mr D reading . Warmest day so far in the 70’s , better make the most of it back to gloomy and dreary Scotland weather. Went along the coast near the sea , on road to Prai Formosa and Camara DeLobos , Walked 5 .43 km but managed to jog last km. Slower today 55.11 another lot of hills. I’ll wish you a happy new year 🥳 (Feliz ano nouvo).
Walk and 1 km jog: Getting near end of hols... - Bridge to 10K
Walk and 1 km jog

Happy New Year to you both and how lovely to have spent time in the warm sunshine

Feliz ano nouvo 2022 to you Doris8, I hope you are enjoying your holiday walks and short runs in Madeira, looks a lovely place to have a short winter break, you are correct about the weather in Scotland, its been a very dreary weather month this December, no exception today, New Year's Eve, it gets dark around 4pm and the sun doesn't rise until just before 9am, I wish you and Mr D (in English) A very happy New Year for 2022.

Good that you enjoyed your winter break Doris8. The lovely blue skies are worth the travel for me. Happy new year to you and to yours.
Same to Mormor and your having a lovely time in York. I’ve to say from Mr D he had a Norwegian grandmother called Mormor

Happy New Year Doris8 How lovely to have spent it in the sunshine and lovely blue skies of Madeira

Lucky you to be somewhere so beautiful and warm at this time of year. You will need to brace yourself fir coming home - it is dreich!