Nice temperature for a 10km strava challenge. 9 degrees but had a lot of rain and didn’t know what the outcome would be at 6.15 in the morning as dark, so kitted out in T-shirt and thin Ron hill pink running jacket and baseball hat. Wish I hadn’t put it on but a but chilly when started. Can’t really take pics as too dark as well so did a walk/run first 5km and the second 5 km ran it, (5km time 39:40: so pleased. My 10 km time was 1 hour 23 min but I thought vo2max would go up went down and ran faster 🤔 35 excellent top 15% for my age , fitness age of a 20 year old. It said 37 two days ago, is it better if u run slower .?
10 km run: Nice temperature for a 10km strava... - Bridge to 10K
10 km run

Wow Doris8, your fitness age is 20, excellent, you soon will be 21 AGAIN, congratulations on completing that 10K run this morning, perhaps it would better if you began your run at sunrise, rather when it's still dark, onwards and upwards 🏃🏾 👍

Well done Doris! VO2 max has a mind of its own as far as I’m concerned 🤣. Hurrah for a nice 10k 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️.
Really well done . Congratulations.. takes determination to go out in the dark, rain and cold but bet you are really pleased with your stats
Thank u yes pretty dark, best time of day for me before brekkie and not many people about. Probably feel safer in mornings very quiet and lots of lights, yes pretty pleased as haven’t run a 5 km straight for a long time, but will still do walking weekly . I don’t feel like a 20 year old or look 🤣 but if Mr Garmin said so I’m happy .

Oh well done! I think you can be mightily chuffed with those stats! I’m nowhere near these 🤣🤣!
Brilliant and awesome! (I’m also mightily impressed you went out in the rain, I slouched about until after the rain 😏)
Thanks. My partner lying in bed thinks I’m mad going out walking in the dark in the mornings especially that early but work at 9 am and no time after work at 5pm and too many people about later when I would walk, nice and quiet at 6.15 and keep to lighten streets. Early riser anyway. Don’t the rain too much, not keen on getting hair we but have a new baseballl hat keeps me dry. wait till the frost starts and cold mornings mmm!!

Excellent run for you Doris8, and trust impressive fitness age....I was pleased at 54... and I'm 70 but RI be down in the 20's is inspirational! I think you have to run faster to bring vo2max, increase your heart rate...but I could be wrong. I do like the challenge of trying to affect it my favour of course!

You have made a superb comeback to running, V02max is definitely cracked, 🤪

Not sure either I thought same as you run faster might came down to 35 and was 37 on Garmin two days ago. As you say it’s good to get a young fitness age at 65
VO2 max can be a bastard. One time it goes up when I run fast and the other time it goes down. Same if I run slow. I think it doesn't know its own mind 😜.
Nice time by the way and dangit you are out early. And in the dark too! I honestly don't dare do that, but I run in parks and between fields and such. Maybe not the safest environment in the dark.

Where I live very quiet, I run in street lights all the way, plenty of houses I pass to go into if anyone dodgy going about. I sometimes meet dog walkers and other runners. Yes I wouldn’t run where u are either, it’s difficult when you’re working and clock goes back an hour in 2 weeks time. Be even darker. 😕