Well, damienair’s call to arms has really done something and I was up and out again this morning to do C25K week 8, run 1 - 28 minutes. Slow, natch, but it felt quite good, could that be the return of my mojo? I’m away at the weekend and wondered about parkrun near where I’m staying - crikey, that’ll be 3 runs in a week! And it’s been a while since I ran 5km but hey, why not give it a whirl? If the going gets tough, I can always walk! Happy running Bridge gang!
Getting back on that Bridge: Well, damienair’s... - Bridge to 10K
Getting back on that Bridge

Well done, so sorry I can’t run alongside you to support you. Hope your family visit goes well.
How are you getting on Coddfish ? Any improvement? 🤞
Unfortunately nothing can improve it until I have had surgery. It’s gone beyond being able to run on it. I can still get about albeit slowly and not far / not for long. I can still do a certain amount in the gym (avoiding putting load through the hips), I can swim and do aqua classes and the like. With hindsight it explains my gradually deteriorating performances over the last few years - my parkrun PB is from 2016 or possibly 2017.

Go OGR, your mojo is returning, I can tell! I’m so glad you’re back out there again. 😀🥰

When you get your mojo back nail it to the floor. My mojo keeps going on holiday with out asking. Finding on a run that your mojo has gone AWOL is not a pretty site. Keep on Running😁
Well done you. Hoping to get out for a run tomorrow evening myself. Weather very trying though, either too hot or torrential rain this week for us ☀️🌧
Hi - I am another “old girl”. I will be 68 in a couple weeks 😳😳 Graduated in 2013, but after a few years, ran less and less. This past winter took a couple months off (or more). I started C25K from the beginning again and I am due to do week 8 day 2 today!!! I am purposely running slower than ever before!!! It’s been much harder to get through this 8years later and 8 years older. Keep up the good work!
I beat you to 68 by 5 months Maitko2 and still can’t quite get my head round it - I mean, how did it even happen?! Well done on restarting C25K, I found I preferred the later runs in the programme; I didn’t get on so well with the stop-start of the earlier runs. I hope you enjoyed run 2 of week 8 - we can trot our way to the finish line together!
Another OG here, 70 and1/3.....started c25k a year ago at 69..... One of the best things I did. I'm slow I think but going for distance over speed.. And I've short legs so not a huge stride. It's just great to be able to run...and I'm probably fitter than I ever was tho I don't take it for granted now. I stiffen up if I sit for too long and have to think about my knees when I do the fire... They don't seem to be as well oiled as a year ago....
Old girls rule Mormor1! Happy running!
You are all making me feel quite the young thing at just 64! 🤣
Oh but you are!
I dream of being 64!
🤣 You have made me laugh out loud, but of course it isn't really funny is it! But you did have your turn at 64. I have just had a little browse at some of your earlier posts. Wow! Aren't you doing amazingly?! I do hope that I can run like you at 70! 😊🏃🏻♀️
64 is a perfect age
I am pleased to read that you think so Coddfish. Perhaps that means that you are also 64. Just read a few of your posts, any news on your hip replacement operation? A friend of mine younger that me I think has recently had two hip replacements. I have forgotten the gap between them. One was definitely before Covid began. She is not a runner but is walking well now.
I am indeed 64. Not expecting to hear anything about a surgery date until the autumn unfortunately. I am lucky to be in a position to go private but there’s still a 3-6 month waiting list.
I shall stay at 64 until October. 😊Are you able to keep up your fitness in any way? My friend was hardly able to walk before her first operation. I do hope things are not that bad for you.
I can swim and do aqua classes without difficulty. I can do gym weights so long as it doesn’t put weight through the hip. Walking is slow and uncomfortable but I can still get around thankfully. I was running right until Easter so it’s been a fairly steep decline (I have known I had a problem for several years but have been managing it with exercise). I hope your friend is now ok.
Swimming is such a good exercise, do you still swim in the sea or are you going to a pool? Aqua classes sounds like a pool activity. Weights are considered very important as we become older. I wonder what sort of things you do with weights and how much weight to you mean.My friend is doing well in terms of walking, a couple of hours without any trouble I think. I shall have to ask her if she is doing any other exercise.

Well done Oldgirlruns, although I am not a member of Damienair's Bridge Gang I wish you all the the very best to get over to the other side of that bridge, onwards and upwards 🏃🏾 👍
Thanks Alan, while I probably would have got there eventually on my own, it’s fair to say I was struggling a bit so damienair’s proposal for a group assault on the bridge was just what I needed to give me some oomph! Hope you’re doing OK?
I am just wondering how I can "oomph" you along for an assault on the bridge OGR, take it slow and steady, that's the way to do it as in C25K.
I am doing OK thanks, this morning I ran my 59th (not) parkrun, I am quite pleased with my time on this particular course, up to now on that route I have never managed to get a sub 36 minutes 5K, let alone a sub 35 minute one, this morning in light rain ☔ I ran this course in a time of 34.06, which I am very happy with. 😊 🏃🏾

Great to hear you are back into it! Park Run will be a great motivator.

Wow that’s good to hear, keep that mojo with you

Go for it Oldgirlruns , and don’t forget I’ll be checking the parkrun results to make sure you’ve done it!
No pressure. 🤣

Well done OGR. You are only a youngster compared to my 69 years 🙂 Doesn’t it feel good to be able to just go out and run again. 👏👏👏👏
Hi oldgirlruns well done you! Yes his post inspired me too! I’ve run 5k twice this week so far! And the scales have dropped! 👍
Well done! I’ve lapsed I’m afraid and haven’t run 5k for months. Lost confidence as a result. Planning to start again this week ( eek it’s already Thursday) so might do what you’ve done and go back to the C25K!

Well done Oldgirlruns - from another old girl who runs best way she can! I'm also on Damien's 'Bridge', and ticking over at 5k, 6 if I'm lucky.I'm also running with a late 60's number on my back and it does need a bit of shaking off at times, but as senior runners know, it's amazing what we can still do. So let's aim for our very best and hope 10k will happen, but if it doesn't I'm still grateful for all the years 'service' my legs have given me and are still 'giving'!
Would be good if we were all nearby as we could form a 60+ running group - that would be a force to be reckoned with and probably bring that bridge to 10k sharply into focus and within reach.
Best wishes ☺️ everyone, you're just great.

You’re right R - I’m constantly amazed that I can run at all (that’s if you count what I do as actual running - more like a slow shuffle/jog!). Happy running!

Well done to you Oldgirlruns. So pleased to hear that C25K week 8, run 1 has received the ✅treatment. 😊🏃🏻♀️