Little Miss Garmin you are juvenile and the ... - Bridge to 10K

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Little Miss Garmin you are juvenile and the day I beat the gremlins this one goes on a bit

SueAppleRun profile image
57 Replies

Flipping heck! I’ve done it again! 🙄 hit yoga instead of run, that’s what comes of psoriasis of hands and feet (and other places) tips of fingers often hard and scabby and don’t work on touch screen very well so I just stab and go 😂

I woke to a bed full of gremlins, they were all over the duvet whispering..... you couldn’t sleep last night, you were up til 3, you ache, your left knee hurts, your right knee hurts..... your neck hurts.....

I shrug 🤷‍♀️ them off because let’s face it I needed to get up and go well you know .....

Willow had made me tea about an hour before I woke so I gulped half of that down then topped it up with boiling water because I was too lazy to make a fresh cup then after a quick dash to the bathroom I dived back under the duvet where the gremlins sighed smuggly at me

Anyway where was I?

Oh yes, it didn’t help that Willow said it snowed but i missed it, and then kept saying he was cold!! Well if he will hang out the window smoking in not many clothes, I have no sympathy

Back to the knee, I really think the very expensive trainers i bought after a gait analysis last summer are giving me problems, I’ve been wearing them to work in the hope that if i don’t have to change when i get home I will go out and run, I get home all achey and tired and yesterday my knee is definitely not right so that doesn’t work

I’m going to go back to my ebay reeboks and see what happens..... I could feel myself spiralling downwards by the minute and the gremlins invited a few friends over

So I bounced out of bed, Willow went to have a bath, with very little in the way of washing i pulled on my clothes muttering, “if i walk 7.5 minutes and turn round and walk back that’s 15 minutes and at least i will have been out” well blow me the gremlins sniggered and off i stomped

And at last we get to the RUN 😀😂😀😂🤣

It was as close to perfect as it could be, luckily I set Zombies run off as well as music or I wouldn’t have a clue how far I went. I love running round the local streets, at every turn i read the sign, is it going to be a close, crescent, drive or road? It so exciting, 🤪I walk for 5 minutes run for 40 minutes walk for 5 minutes and I’m home, Willow makes me tea, Zombies 🧟‍♀️ run 🏃 tell me I’ve covered 4.95 k Garmin laughs and says I’ve done 51 minutes yoga and the last of the gremlins slinks away

Life is good, it’s the only one we’re getting probably so let’s make the most of it

The picture is the first magnolia flower out in my new tree that i bought a couple weeks ago

Now to add 5k to COGH and £5 to savings 😀

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SueAppleRun profile image
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57 Replies
Maddee_6333 profile image

Well done for both missing the snow - such as it was - and getting out 👍

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Maddee_6333

Thanks Maddee, how are things with you?

Jools2020 profile image

😂 You made hard work of that run - until you got out of the door! Then it all fell into place and you had a good run!

I got up early to have a cuppa with my brother and assess the weather. It was snowing heavily, so I had my tea, put on a wash load and went back to bed.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Jools2020

OoooO I forgot the washing lol, it was hard work but it’s my day off so i sort of have to run

Jools2020 profile image
Jools2020Graduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

And you did! 😊

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Jools2020

And although slow I ran non stop for 40 minutes, generally i go off too fast walk a bit etc so I’m feeling chuffed

Jools2020 profile image
Jools2020Graduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

So you should be, well done!

Oldgirlruns profile image

That Willow’s a star isn’t he Sola, making you tea just when you need it! What a day you had fighting off all those gremlins - determined little blighters aren’t they! But in the end you had a good yoga-run (it could catch on!), you’ve added to the COGH total and saved £5 so well done you! And that looks like a beautiful magnolia - it’s such a shame they always seem to come into flower just as we get a late frost!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Oldgirlruns

Thanks Oldgirlruns he is just the perfect man, cups of tea mean so much when I don’t have to make them myself, I’m surprised our morning went so well really because we always run in my day off and he really didn’t want to so I decided to at least go out for a little while and just kept going. I was pleased O didn’t stop at all today and vaguely plan one run alone a week round the streets, Willow isn’t keen on that but I really enjoy it, there’s a lot of bungalows round here and front gardens are really pretty to look at

Magnolias remind me of childhood, there was a huge one by the house i grew up in and i could lean out my bedroom window and touch the blooms

nowster profile image

There's a block of streets on my 10 mile route where I run along X Road, and off it are X Walk and X Close. It must cause problems with these people's post deliveries.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to nowster

Yes it must, I turned right at a crescent on the way to work once and ended up almost back where i started, mind you good for adding a few more metres,

Doris8 profile image

Well done getting out they’re after having fighting with your gremlins and 50 mins . I bet you were gasping for the cup of tea Willow had made for you . Hope your hands and feet are better. Is it the cold weather that does it? My garmin says odd things like yours saying I was on a elliptical machine but I was walking. I must have a funny walk 🤣 . All our snow short lived just really cold this morning and lovely day. Enjoy the rest of your day off😀

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Doris8

Thanks 😀 no it’s not cold weather, it’s not as bad as it was but the skin replaces itself too quickly so grows hard and then sheds, when it’s hard touch screens don’t respond very well I’ve had that elliptical one turn up when I’ve just been racing around at work checking things

It’s been a great day off thanks

AlMorr profile image

Great post from you Sola, well done on that 40 minutes non stop 5K run, you can certainly add it to COGH, that is a lovely photo of your first magnolia flower, so sorry that you missed the snow, that was the second snowfall of the "winter" where you live.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Hey Al, the snow didn’t lay and it’s time it warmed up here, while I ran the sun warmed my face

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Although the weather has been fine and sunny for about a week where I live in Central Scotland, there have been 6 mornings in a row with the temperature below 0C including Saturday morning when I ran my 43rd not parkrun, the temperature at the start was - 1C, later on Saturday afternoon there was a heavy snow shower, but the snow did not lay, however, the Sunday morning temperature went down to - 5C, that's very cold for April, the North of Scotland had a - 9C, the coldest temperature for a long time.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Yes it is very cold for April, I have been in the sea in April before but not even a paddle this year

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Brrrr, people have a swim in the sea on January 1st.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Yes on boxing day too

VPOLLIE67 profile image

What a fabulous post Sola 💗💗💗💗. I love how wonderfully joyful all your posts are! And I especially love the magnolia flower 🌸.

Hope the knees not too bad this evening


SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to VPOLLIE67

The knee is fine thanks now I’ve changed shoes, got to think what to wear to work in the morning

VPOLLIE67 profile image
VPOLLIE67 in reply to SueAppleRun

Lol. Not long In from work and I’m settled back to get more done now lol! It’s never ending but walking Ollie in the early mornings and walking/running after work, are keeping me going after all the school shenanigans. Sadly it’s pouring here at the minute so I might have to wait till the morning again!

Take care and don’t listen to those gremlins!!!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to VPOLLIE67

Aww school shenanigans sound great, but you need your run and walking Ollie time to repair the frayed edges xx

VPOLLIE67 profile image
VPOLLIE67 in reply to SueAppleRun

Absolutely!!! Very frayed today - first day back for most of ours today although to be fair they were very good. Assessments and sorting grades is our big focus now. I’d be a wreck if I didn’t get out and clear my head.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to VPOLLIE67

I can just imagine

VPOLLIE67 profile image
VPOLLIE67 in reply to SueAppleRun

Enjoy work tomorrow - I’m sure you are just run off your feet at the minute 💙

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to VPOLLIE67

We are having a bit of a melt down at work people going sick and cover needed but thanks

VPOLLIE67 profile image
VPOLLIE67 in reply to SueAppleRun

Another wee walk done - 9995 steps done today - thank goodness for 13steps to bed hahahahahaha.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to VPOLLIE67

Haha ha well done 😀

Instructor57 profile image

Great post ! And obviously a good yoga session 😂

Sorry to hear your running shoes may be causing you problems ! But hope you outrun those Zombies ? 😁 And got 5K closer to COGH 👍

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Instructor57

Thanks, I did!! I don’t always and had been running 25 minutes when they turned up and i had a bit of speed and evaded them, it was really slow but i wanted to find a comfortable pace and stick with it which i did

Instructor57 profile image
Instructor57Graduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

I'm not sure which is worse , Gremlins or Zombies ? 🤣

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Instructor57

Gremlins for sure they were everywhere

Instructor57 profile image
Instructor57Graduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun


CBDB profile image

Nice!! Zombies saved the day, by the sound of it! Or rather Zombies vs Mr Garmin, who will win? 🤣🤣🤣 Nice 5k it sounds like, and all Gremlins had no chance!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to CBDB

I always forget how much I enjoy just walking out the door and running, we love running together but when i’m alone i always go further if a bit slower

LottieMW profile image

You certainly saw those gremlins off finally! 👹👺

Loving yet another yoga run! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

Hope you get your knees and shoes sorted...

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to LottieMW

Thanks, knees aren’t bad at all

LottieMW profile image
LottieMWAmbassador in reply to SueAppleRun


Birdlady64 profile image

Well done on beating those gremlins, saving £5, adding 5k to COGH and on your 51 minute "yoga" run.🧘🏃‍♀️

Not sure I like the idea of hour old cold tea reheated in the microwave but it seemed to be the perfect fuel for you this morning! ☕👍

Maybe you need different shoes for work, not running shoes? I'm a firm believer in Crocs.

Lovely magnolia flower!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Birdlady64

I can’t wear crocs, i’ve work trainers and home trainers and running trainers, the first time i wore these i had a sore calf and have had odd niggles, my old reeboks wore out, i bought a few pairs by accident off ebay last year, i have special insoles and a heel lift in one so not all trainers work as the back needs to be high enough or my foot slips, that i can run is a miracle which i am grateful fir every day

Peter44 profile image

Well done Sola, you beat those gremlins! 😃 so you've given up smoking, and willow still going eh, that's an interesting one, must be harder for you i'm guessing! 🤔Giving up, and starting running, prob the best things i've done in ages!!! 😃

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Peter44

It honestly has never bothered me that he still smokes, and it’s 15 months now, I’m certain though that it’s made running easier

New shoes can give knee problems, even if they are chosen with gait analysis and such. You ran X time with the former shoes and your body adapted to it, even if they weren't 100% good for you. Changing shoes is always a difference and can be hard on the body. Maybe do 1 run/walk with the new ones and 2 runs/walks with the old ones and build it up from there?

Well done for ditching the gremlins though! That is 5K in the legs again, even if it was 'yoga'

😂. I have hit the wrong button once too, ended up with a walk instead of a run. Now I switched my icons to have running at the top, less chance of hitting something else now.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to

Hi thanks for the advice about shoes but they aren’t new i bought them last July and have given me niggles ever since

Lifluf profile image

Haha well done for beating the gremlins. They never really go away do they? I'm so glad you had such a good run/yoga 🤣. What we all need is some warmth for our achy joints but in the meantime all we can do is get out there and show those gremlins our strength of character 👏👏

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Lifluf

Warmth would be lovely it’s a cold April

HeavyFoot profile image

Big congratulations- exchanging Gremlins for Zombies can’t be bad! 😀

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to HeavyFoot

Was great

9weeks2Run profile image

Good morning SueAppleRun what a great read, I love your posts they always make me smile!!

Lol well done on your 5k yoga session 😄😄😄 what a brilliant idea regarding putting money away do you put a £1 away for each 1k you run? Such a good idea and you can treat yourself to something nice.

Omg the gremlins really were out in force yesterday, well done for kicking them into touch.

Snow, April!!!! Crazy 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

Take care and have a lovely day xxx


SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to 9weeks2Run

Hi Rebecca, yes I decided mid January to add £1 to savings for every k end that means we can get something a bit special fir us at Christmas not that we need anything but you never know xx

dijep profile image

Brilliant post 👍😊 I really should have read it yesterday when I was feeling fed up as its made me smile ☺Those gremlins love to get you down and try to make you stay there but you did a great job of feeding them to the zombies 🧟‍♂️

Hope the change of shoes works.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to dijep

Knees feel great thanks and yes i’m glad the zombies ate the gremlins too, it was a great day off altogether

Hedgehogs123 profile image

lovely photo but not so lovely to have psoriasis by the sound of it 😦 but good on you for getting out there. I couldn't believe where the snow came from on Sunday night. I put both our dogs out to do their 'business' about 10.15pm and there it was, a complete white garden! Luckily by 10am Monday, it had all gone.

Enjoy your running, when you can


SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Hedgehogs123

Thank you we didn’t get much and i missed it

Indielass00 profile image

I love magnolia trees, have been tempted to get one for our garden. Well done on your run. I hope it isn’t your new trainers that are causing the problem. Especially if expensive and you had a gait analysis too. Hope you find out what it is.

I’m getting a gait analysis done soon.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Indielass00

I think it is the shoes but bought them back last summer and they have always been suspect for niggles I’ve wanted a magnolia fir years and this year got one, it is beautiful

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