I am making this post in 2 separate times, a part pre-run and a part post-run.
Yesterday, Sunday, it snowed here (Belgium) with freezing temperatures, causing the roads to be slippery and all that stuff. Helped outside to clear the walkway (we are obligated to do so, should someone fall before your house you are responsible for their injuries if you did not clear the walkway) and it was not all that easy. It was not nice, soft and fluffy snow, no it was hard frozen crusts of snow. On the news I have seen a lot of car-crashes pass by and they warn that if you don't have to be outside, you better stay in. So conditions aren't all too good to say the least. And this week promises to be one of the coldest we have had in a long time. Temps are going to reach -13°C this week.
I normally have a run today and I was seriously doubting what to do. Go out in that... well THAT? Or stay inside and crawl on the dreadmill. I really dislike using the dreadmill (I do wonder why I have one hardly ever using it), but when the weather is really ugly, it can be a solution. Anyhow, some debating with my inner demons later, I decided to go for it today. -6°C which feels like -13°C according to my weather app, but at least I will have known how it feels like running (or slithering) in this weather. And I thought I better do this now, should it become even worse during the week. If I feel the need to crawl on the dreadmill this week, at least I'll have had the experience of running outside in this weather.
Still wondering whether I'll grab something extra to wear, still have a little bit of time to think about it. Once outside, there is no turning back. Oh and I did agree with myself not to do anything crazy. I'll run if running can be done and otherwise I'll walk. Not planning on breaking a leg or a tailbone! Ok, see this post back in an hour or 2, after my run!
I am alive!
The beginning was very unplaisant. Part of the road leading to the park was very slittery, though I solved that by stepping into the grass where the snow was thicker. But my hands and ears felt like they were freezing off, despite my cap and mittens. Very, very unpleasant! Also in the beginning I was running / walking very awkwardly, feeling very insecure.
Luckily after a bit I was starting to feel better, both my hands / ears as how I was running. I found the best way to run in this hard packed icy snow with slithery spots. Slow (even more slow than Slow Jogging) and taking very small steps very close to the ground. I had no idea I could go even slower than I normally run, but hey I can!
I did stop 3 times to take pictures because oh my how beautiful the scenery is! I ran aparently at 6.0 km/h, which is actually not thaaaat much under my normal speed. My GPS did act up, so not sure whether those 2.90 km is correct.
All in all I am very glad I went out. I don't know yet whether I will be going out again in 2 days or crawl on the dreadmill. All will depend on how the weather evolves. I also don't know what is better for my health / fitness / 60 minute goal: go slow outside or go regular inside...
Cheers, Evy