Common sense and instinct wins every time - Bridge to 10K

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Common sense and instinct wins every time

Grannyhugs profile image
79 Replies

For a few days I've been doing long walks instead of runs as the ground is so icy. My common sense says dont run. Then I read some posts, and I hear you all talk about overcoming gremlins - which has never been an issue with me luckily. Well today obviously those vicious gremlins got the better of common sense and I headed out for a run. Like Mummycav even though I knew it was ice ahead and stopped running as soon as i put my foot down i hit the deck. Bruised right forearm now has arabica and painkillers will be following. Trust your instinct, dont run if in any doubt, NHS is more than busy enough without us causing more problems. Take care everyone and only run if you really know its date, challenges, targets etc will still be there but you'll reach them quicker injury free 🤗

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Grannyhugs profile image
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79 Replies
Jell6 profile image

Flipping heck Grannyhugs ! I hope you're ok. I posted about this a few days ago, of course I had ignored my own advice...

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Jell6

I'm fine thank you, I think as a lifelong skier I know how to just fall rather than put out an arm etc to catch me. At least I now am happy to just keep walking which I love.🤗

Oh Grannyhugs! I have liked your post as a way of sending a virtual hug 🤗. I ran this morning, but was fortunate in my route being mainly on woodland trails, but I was super careful when it came to the short stretches of pavements and road. I shall note your word of caution. I hope you recover soon xx

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to

I'm fine thank you, I thought I was going to the safest place but obviously not. Take care 🤗

RunWillie profile image

Sorry to hear you had a fall. Glad you’re okay.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to RunWillie

All good and earned my garmin 115k step into 2021 from all the walks🙆‍♀️

Buddy34 profile image

I hope you're okay Grannyhugs . These things can happen so suddenly. Hopefully the temperature will go up a bit soon and get rid of all the nasty ice. Take care 🤗🤗

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Buddy34

All good thanks, lesson learnt.

Oldfloss profile image

Oh gosh...two of you hitting the ground, running...and not in a good way!Heal fast and do stay safe xxx

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you. I think I got off better than muumycav, heads are nasty things to hit.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

You did xxx Yes..heads are a different thing..!

Cmoi profile image

Sorry to hear this Grannyhugs . I've not run for a week, and was wondering whether I was just wimping out. However, since I'm having to be careful even walking in snowboots, running would be madness, especially since I only have cheapy road shoes.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Cmoi

You are definitely doing the sensible thing. Stay safe 🤗

MoliJ profile image
MoliJGraduate10 in reply to Cmoi

You are not wimping out. Better to be safe.

Maddee_6333 profile image

Look after yourself x

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Maddee_6333

Thank you, pizza and becks blue on the de king pretending we are in the alps has cleared the memory🤣

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

I’ll be resting my bumped head in the hot tub tonight 😉😉

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Oh, still got our booking for 20 March in Val Thorens, but not feeling hopeful

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Good luck with that 😒 we are assuming we will stay local until 2022

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

You are probably right. We aren’t hopeful but you have to have something to look forward to

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

🤣 I'm looking forward to being able to drive 9 miles to walk with my sister in law in another area from us 🤣

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

I’m so happy we’ve got our son back living with us, having escaped London a month ago (although my food bill has rocketed! 😂) but long to see the grandkids 😢

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Great you have your son home. Missing my grandson although only 500m away he’s at child minder and my daughter in at work so we are choosing to keep a distance just now as cases are high in our area.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

That must be much more difficult for you. Our grandchildren are 50 miles away so not as tantalisingly close!

MoliJ profile image

So glad you didn’t get more seriously injured. A great post advising people to take it easy in this weather. Always trust your instincts and common sense.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to MoliJ

Thank you, I sometimes feel we do too much to encourage eachother to get out. 🤗

MoliJ profile image
MoliJGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

I agree, I try really hard to do what is right for me and my body and not try to keep up with other on here who are doing much more than I could 😂

LottieMW profile image

Oh no! That arm will probably be stiff for a while ☹️

Be careful on your walks too! 🥰

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to LottieMW

Thank you, at least walking you are going slower🤣 all good, probably stuff tomorrow but I have faith in arnica

LottieMW profile image
LottieMWAmbassador in reply to Grannyhugs


Timotea profile image

Good response! I am tucked up on sofa and only ventured out to see if my onions are growing. They are....! Hope you feel better soon.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Timotea

All good thanks. Brr, poor onions. Enjoy being tucked up 🤗

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Timotea

Ooo, I’m glad I’m not an onion

Mummycav profile image

Ohhh...poor you Grannyhugs ...sounds like your fall was worse than mine? I felt my head hit the ground and my teeth chattered together!! Then I was like Bambi trying to get up!! Talk about elegant?!! (Not) I looked around to see if anyone had seen me but, no sensible person was around at that time and in that weather so i was saved embarrassment!! My daughter was sat doing her college work when I got back, she wasn’t happy with me and said I could still be laid there on my own unconscious! Talk about dramatic?! But I’m doing RED January so I have to go out everyday...Thank goodness we’re both ok...I’m sure Spring is just around the corner so it won’t be for much longer..take care of yourself and be careful xx

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

The fall was just at the start of my run, I changed route and headed to fo 4K of loops round the football fields instead. Lovely bruises but nothing broken. Just done a walk round the village with hubby, it’s so icy out.

Sybilw profile image

Oh, hope you’re ok - things tend to appear later in the day. My family in Moffat could barely get out to walk the dog earlier in the week as everywhere was treacherous. Glad I moved to East Anglia!! Would send a sunny posture but can’t find the button I was told about. 🤷‍♀️

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Sybilw

I'm fine, applying lots of arnica. It's not stopping me sewing which is good🤣 back to walking, I ve done 33km of walks and 31km of runs through the ice this year so doing great.

Sybilw profile image
SybilwGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Great job as ever.

Oldgirlruns profile image

Ooh ouch Grannyhugs,! I’m glad you’re ok but what a reminder of how easy it is to go down on icy paths! As you say, trust your instincts and enjoy your walks for a few days!

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Oldgirlruns

Loving my walks, dont tell the lockdown police that although we walk from home we do tend to take a flat and bite to eat with us. Saw in the news that one English police force seems this as a picnic not exercise, hopefully more easy going in Scotland

Ouch GrannyH mend well and I hope others heed your advice, simply if it's dangerous don't run!

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to

Thank you and you are Totally right, but it was such an inviting blue sky day 🤣

in reply to Grannyhugs

Sometimes GrannyHugs it's just a blue sky to tempting to resist 😬🤕

Runforurlife profile image

Oh no Grannyhugs 😧 I’m so sorry to hear you took a tumble, I hope you’re not too badly bruised. Horrible shock when you go over always. Hope the arnica does its thing and you are healing soon. Good advise to us all, if in any doubt with heavy frost, ice, snow.. don’t do it.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Runforurlife

Thank you, I still ran a 4k after my slip but thought it worth reminding everyone that safely comes ahead of targets. Arnica working well, magic stuff.

Runforurlife profile image
RunforurlifeGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

That is very good going to get up and smash out 4km after that!! 💪🏼💪🏼 Made of strong stuff!

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Runforurlife

It took a lot of persuading to stop at 4 having run 12 x 10ks in December, I have to accept January is different. Minus 3 out just now with feels like -8 so I guess nothing's good for running for a few days now

Jericho2332 profile image

Sounds nasty, stay safe out there! It's only going to get colder next few days 🥶

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Jericho2332

Thanks, just a bit of bruising. We have -3 with a feels like -8 just now so definitely cold out brrr

Birdlady64 profile image

Sorry to learn of your tumble on the ice. I hope you are OK - I can't believe you ran 4k after that happening.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Birdlady64

I'm a skier, you fall, you get up, you carry on. Just usually have a bit more padding when skiing. Cant believe I didnt hurt anything but forearm, must be years of practice relaxing into falls 🤣🤣

Lookslikejames profile image

Sorry to read this, but I’m sure you’ll recover quickly, you’re made of strong stuff! Enjoy your walks while it’s icy

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Lookslikejames

Thank you, I bounce. Got up and ran round the football fields for 4k before admitting defeat. Just wanted to put out a warning to others and remind us all there are times it's ok not to run.

9weeks2Run profile image

Oh my goodness so sorry to hear that Grannyhugs sending you a virtual hug x

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to 9weeks2Run

Thank you, I'm absolutely fine. How are you and your mum doing? I've been thinking about you both 🤗

9weeks2Run profile image
9weeks2RunGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Oh that is so lovely of you Grannyhugs thank you 😘.

My mum has felt less tired today thankfully she is doing well. I have done nothing today been tired so just been relaxing all day and looking at Sweaty Betty website to cheer myself up!!! No temperature, coughed a little more today but not badly so please God all good. Oh total loss of appetite I have lost 6.5lbs I got a shock but have not been eating much so making sure I eat more now as need to stay strong.

Take care ❤️ X

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to 9weeks2Run

That sounds good, apart from the weight loss. Look for high value foods to boost the immune system, I not snacks seem tempting but you need to fight this awful virus. Do keep us updated. Take care 🥰🤗

9weeks2Run profile image
9weeks2RunGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Thank you so much Grannyhugs yes I will do. I am drinking lots of milk now as well. I will do. Thank you for caring, so kind of you 😘 x

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to 9weeks2Run


Runjilly profile image

Ouch! Really well done on continuing your run Grannyhugs and nice post too warning others🙂. Take care on your walking expedition too 😬

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Runjilly

Thanks, -3 just now due to drop further. Wind chill -8 so I expect it to be really tricky tomorrow. No running for me until this clears, take care

Runjilly profile image
RunjillyGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Ooh not good for running. Here in Norfolk looking good for a nice run tomorrow, sunny and up to 4 degrees, lucky me 🏃 Hope it improves soon so you can get running again 🤞

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Runjilly

Thank you, there are great long hilly walks from my front door with a flask of hot chocolate if its too icy to run so all is not lost.

SueAppleRun profile image

Oh that’s not good, heal well and wait for the thaw

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Thank you, will do. Temp due to drop to -7 tonight brrr

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Grannyhugs

Not so cold here but cold enough

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

9am, still -4 no run today but arnica worked a treat on the bruies, powerful stuff

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Grannyhugs

Glad the arnica is working, there’s frost in the paths here but it’s up to 3 degrees so i’m still hopeful

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

We are due 7 and rain on Monday so if the layers of ice go I may have a long run, I feel a need to do a January 10mile, but I think that's probably wishful thinking, we dont get enough hours of daylight 🤣🤣

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Grannyhugs

Oh 10 miles sounds wonderful, I’m not sure I’ve got time for being out that long even if I did have the fitness but it may be something to dream about in retirement Here’s hoping you run strong and realise your running dreams

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Retirement is only reason I can do all this walking and running I had neither the time nor energy when working. One day you'll have this freedom. I'm missing all the community work I was doing which isn't available in lockdown so that's given even more time.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Grannyhugs

due to changing hours over new year i’ve realised i worked 7 out of last 8 days and had my vaccine which left me headachy and tired no wonder i didn’t run 🏃‍♀️ I’m glad you can get out though because this year i think retirement could have been rather depressing, going to work and being with people has helped

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Delighted to hear you've had your vaccine. Hopefully the side effects will pass quickly. Take care and watch those extra hours. 🤗

acountrycabbage profile image

Ohh, GH, so sorry to hear this, I hope you’re on the mend soonest.

As you say, running will still be there waiting for you when that ice thaws. In the meantime, rest up and work on finishing the Christmas chocolate stash instead 😊

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to acountrycabbage

Thank you, the Christmas chocolate stock was suitably large to allow for a cold weather yreats

Couchphoenix profile image

Sorry to hear you took a tumble Grannyhugs, it shakes you up when that happens, hope your ok, sending you a virtual hug and hope your arm feels better soon.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

Thank you, just a bruise and a warning for others 🤗

Sandie1961 profile image

I have found that I have been criss crossing the road to run in the bits where the sun has melted the ice. Must have looked slightly demented 😂

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

I was doing that in my last few runs, including running up grassy verges but everything is way too icy now, 9am and still -4, next week 🤞

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