Well that was a strange one
Poor Willow couldn’t run because he hurt his knee. I keep telling him smoking is dangerous 😂
He was sitting on the windowsill smoking and when he got up he caught his foot on the corner of the sofa and twisted his knee which is a horrible thing to do
He said he’d come with me and walk, but he didn’t get far before he had to admit defeat
Our track was full of families so I ran round the grass and when i got bored with that i ran round the river but it’s Sunday afternoon and so many families were there, when I got to the bridge there were 7 people on it and i couldn’t run through them so went up the slope over the grass and down the other side, i was enjoying myself although feeling quite lonely when my foot went down a rabbit hole 🐇 but the rabbit gods were on my side and apart from a sharp twinge all was ok so i plodded on
I went to work at 2pm yesterday and came home at 3pm today only to find the milk had gone off so ran without rest or even a cup of tea, crikey get the violins out but i’m a happy bunny 🐰 because run 1 week 5 of the 10k plan and still running
Now I have 2 days off so rest and relaxation
Happy Sunday everyone