I guess everyone in the world knows that Garmin was down... and is back up... well, kinda. We can sync runs again 😎
I’ve been following a Garmin coach HM plan... and today there was no run in my watch to do. It transpires that we cannot sync our workouts onto watches yet as they are restricting some services to manage the load on their servers as millions of devices sync a week of data.
So what do I do with myself. I needed a run... and I figured it was time to see what I had in the legs. My best 5k this year was 30:57 and 31:03 on Strava... it was time to take that down. 5 minute warmup walk and it was go time. Using 30:57 as my virtual partners time I’d have been happy to beat that... had to get a lead as the roads were a little damp and there’s a steep descent in the first mile. Before I got to the top of that I was 20 seconds ahead... by the bottom it was nearing a minute. I’d been on target for sub 30 last week before hitting the wrong button... there was no way I was touching that watch today! At one point it was predicting 26:50ish... and I was feeling good... then quick walk to get between parked cars while walkers came the other way, twice, and off again, then covidiots (you know why let anyone else have any pavement? There’s 6 of us and we will walk side by side) and a slightly longer walk, on a bend so road not an option. And off we go again... and done. Garmin says 28:17... Strava 28:03. I’ve always loved Strava 🤣 but now I’m thinking how much lower that time would have been if there was nobody walking the other way... and that made me miss lockdown! Anyways... feeling good about it now... and I need to be 4 seconds quicker next time I try this!
Happy running.