Running consecutive days: Hi, So ... I've now... - Bridge to 10K

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Running consecutive days

Brian-P6 profile image
24 Replies


So ... I've now done my 10K and I run about 24K per week over Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Bearing in mind I graduated C25K on 16 January this year, I'm still very much a beginner runner with quick legs that always ache a bit first thing in the morning from the exercise.

When is it OK to run on consecutive days? I'm not talking about running 7 days/week, but there are some days where I just think .... be nice to go for a run and get outta the house. Apart from my running, life is very sedentary - it was even before the lockdown which was why I had to get off the couch in the first place!

Is this something that's OK? Something to wait a lot longer for? Or something that's OK but keep it slow and no more than 15-20 minutes kind of thing.

I used to go swimming on a Friday, but that's gone with the lockdown, and my bike .... it's hanging up in the garage where it's been for the past 30 odd years! Do they still sell imperial tyres? haha

At the moment my Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday runs are adhered to like a religion.

Thanks for your advice,


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Brian-P6 profile image
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24 Replies
AlMorr profile image

As a cyclist for over 40 years and a runner for nearly two years now I feel so sorry for that bike that has been hanging up in your garage for 30 years, 😂🚲at least you can run, I also feel sorry for swimmers who as you say can't go to the swimming pool.

Regarding running on consecutive days, the rule is that is not advisable until you have been running for at least six months, I graduated on 18th June 2018 but I have still never ran on consecutive days, but that's just me, you say that you graduated on 16th January so by the 16th July that will be six months, after that it should be OK for you to run on consecutive days.

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to AlMorr

I'll never let go of my bike AlMorr. I bought it when I was 16 with my paper round money in about 1983 ish and it cost me £140 back then. That was a lot of papers I delivered 7 days a week for less than £5 a week. It's an 12 speed Falcon with 531c tubing, Shimano 600 gears, Shimano 600 alloy headset, alloy cranks and the 6 gears were selected by me at the time. It has ratios that were good for touring up the Scottish highlands as well as going like the wind! It had to be everything for me back then.

Hmmm maybe it needs to come out of retirement.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Brian-P6

Yes, I think it should come out of retirement, you could like me go bike rides on some days and go running on other days, just as a matter of interest, yesterday I ran a 5K in just over 32 minutes, this morning I got the bike out and cycled the exact same course in 22 minutes, I also walk a lot and have walked that same 5K route, usually in around 52 minutes, so dispite the lockdown I am still getting out for walks, runs and bike rides.

Grannyhugs profile image

Great effort 👍 I’ve heard wait a year before consecutive days, that doesn’t stop you walking or dare I say it - dusting down your bike for the other days. To get more runs in I run on alternate days getting 7 rather than 6 per fortnight so days are marked alternately as walk day/ run day. Happy running 🤗

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Now there's a thought Grannyhugs, thank you. I'll maybe think about doing that :-)

SlowLoris profile image

You've been progressing to 10K. It's always good after a period of progression to consolidate for a bit. Stop increasing the load on your body for a while. When your legs stop aching go for another progression. That could include more running days. If you do more runs make them shorter so you not suddenly bumping your weekly mileage by 25%. To be on the safe side, for the first couple of weeks do four days, but with the same total weekly mileage you were doing in three days.

Buy some new bike tyres and tubes online and do some cross training as well.

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to SlowLoris

Thanks SlowLoris,

I think you're all right, this nice weather is a good time to get the bike out, dust it off, and source some new imperial tyres/tubes and find some new bearings and cones.

I've still got my cycling jersey, shorts, gloves and shoes (with plates) somewhere - I could never bear to part with them. We never had helmets back then though.

SlowLoris profile image
SlowLoris in reply to Brian-P6

I've just seen on the right of my screen that I asked the same question 2 years ago.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to SlowLoris


Buddy34 profile image

I asked this question a while ago and was told or advised that after 6 months of continuous running it would be okay . Not all the time and don't follow a hard run with another hard run. You can only try and see how you feel. Good luck and let us know how you get on 😊😊

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to Buddy34

Thanks Buddy,

I think AlMorr has shamed me about my bike. I've managed to source 'old fashioned' 27x1.25 tyres but inner tubes, now I'm sure back in the day you just bought an inner tube, now I have to know what size valve I want!

I'll wait at least until July until I change my running habits :-)

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate10 in reply to Brian-P6

You should post a photo when you get it cleaned up and ready to go 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️

2718281 profile image

Hi, I would mix slowloris and grannyhugs answers :) I did c25k starting in may running alternate days, then continued to consolidate 30 mins x7 every 2 weeks and trying to get once a week a bit longer (up to 45 min) In September I started another plan that had me running 4x per week, but two days were only 20 min, so I didn't really increased the load the first weeks, and then I did JuJu's magic plan, back to running alternate days. Now I'm doing 4 days a week (Mon, Tues, thurs and Saturday), Saturday is my long run and Monday is very short. Over time I have increased the total km per week, but all the steps were very gradual. I haven't had any injuries so far. But I understand the feeling of "today is a rest day but I don't want to..." I'm actually looking for a bike to go out on the rest days!!

cheekychipmunks profile image

Hi Brian, sounds like you have a good sensible running routine at the moment, and I’m sure that popping in the odd consecutive day will do no harm as long as it’s not two consecutive speed or long runs back to back.

I’ve been running since June 2018, and I’m happy to throw consecutive days in every so often with absolutely no problem. It’s all common sense - and it sounds like you have plenty of that. 🏃‍♂️👍👊

Happy running (and yes, that wonderful bike of yours sounds like it could do with a spin before too long! 🚲 👍)

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

That sounds reasonable too cheekychipmunks.

You know sometimes it just feels like I need to get my legs moving if only to stretch them out - even if it's only a 15 minute jog round the block.

Take today for instance - a VERY TYPICAL non-running day, my Garmin says that at 6pm I've only done 2161 steps so far today. It rarely gets above 3500 on a non-run day and that's not great is it

misswobble profile image

It takes 18-24 months to build a pair of running legs Running everyday is not for everyone.

Ju-Ju is the font of all knowledge as regards the subject. I bet she’s written about this. Have a search on here 😃👍

Timotea profile image

I asked this question a while ago and the ‘forum flock’ descended on me in the nicest possible way and suggested this was a bad idea and reminded me of the very real possibility of the IC. I too had a very old bike gathering spiders cocoons in the garage, I dusted it off and my neighbour gave it a service..I also bought one or two gadgets for it like an iphone holder and off I set. I have to tell you it was very hard work but once my sons reminded me to use the gears it got better. Now cycle on non run days. I don’t enjoy it as much as running but it gets me out!

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Timotea

Cycling 5K is nothing compared to running 5K Timotea, you would need to cycle at least 25K probably to use as much energy and burn the same amount of calories and that would be on a fairly flat route.

Timotea profile image
TimoteaGraduate10 in reply to AlMorr

That may be so but my heart rate shot up, my legs ached in strange places, I was very saddle sore and I kept falling off when restarting peddling after pushing bike up hill! I find running 5k easier as the only machine I have to control is my body. Maybe there should be a couch to 5k cycling programme?

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Timotea

Interesting about a 5K cycle program. 😊 🚲

Centurions profile image

Am I wrong? I’ve read on here (or maybe on Runners’ World) that we should wait until we’ve been running regularly for two years before doing consecutive days. I graduated in August, did a 10K in December and I run every 2 to three days 5 or 6 Km but I won’t do consecutive days because in the whole year I’ve not once suffered an injury. I think it’s better to walk and cycle on the in between days personally. Works well for me.

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to Centurions

I think both Centurions, I've been reading around too since I posted

It seems also for us older (over 40 even though I feel like Peter Pan) runners the creation of stronger bones, ligaments, tendons and other body bits with longer names etc etc takes longer to achieve.

I'm going to be dusting off my old racing bike instead.

Leosmit profile image

Brian, Brian, Brian!! I’m seeing this now - you’ve made it to 10k!! That is fantastic! Well done! We have been doing the C25K journey roughly the same time so I’m so pleased to hear your news! I’m up to 8.5 k. Working my way to 10 very slowly. Well done again! Hope wife well.

Brian-P6 profile image
Brian-P6Graduate10 in reply to Leosmit

Leosmit, Leosmit, Leosmit!! 😀😀

Thank you, and well done to you too on your 60 mins. I’ve not got there yet and probably won’t. 50 mins out seems to be as much as I can do at the moment. Wifey is ok physically, but having no short term memory (or long term) means she doesn’t understand the passage of time, so 50 mins feels like forever to her, sometimes I can get back from a run to see her almost in tears thinking I’ve gone forever. We’re going through another decline, she’s surprised when I tell her we’re married (20 years!), doesn’t know her own name, her eating is dreadful, literally everything seems to taste horrible, and if she sleeps 4 hours a night it’s been a good one!

How are things with you in lockdown? Thank god I started running is what I think every day, it’s the only thing I have to look forward to - which is really what started this post. But now I’m going to get my old bike out again, I just need to think of how I’m going to store it ready for use - can’t keep putting it back hanging from the garage roof, it’s above my TR4 (1965) so it’s awkward, think I need to shift some junk!

You on Strava?


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