Wow. It’s that time again already. That was a fast week. Last Saturday and Sunday many of us did our own virtual parkruns. Not on parkrun courses or in groups, just a 5K run on our own in our own locality. My 5K route is within a 2 kilometre radius of my home and I can practice social distancing. I’m only out of my home for the time I’m running. So it’s all legal and you can do it at anytime tomorrow or Sunday.
So looking forward to my run tomorrow morning. I’m going to proudly wear my red parkrun 50 T-Shirt. As the same as last week I’ll put up a post in the morning and everyone can reply with their own run reports. Last weekend we had over 100 replies to the thread and it was like parkrun was back again. I really enjoyed it. So feel free to join in. Everyone welcome.
See you all for the pre-parkrun briefing at the virtual parkrun start line.