After a shift to squash last week to keep my spot in the local ladder and a resulting near decapitation by my opponent everything seems to have slipped a bit on the running front - legs not strong, breathing like a heffer from the word go (though usually better after about 3k for some reason) and today just couldn't do the 7k without a couple of run-walk-run breaks in the middle i.e at 5.5. Came round a bit and did another 2 but very disappointed that I couldn't make it all the way through today : ( Annoying too as I had hoped that the variation from squash being more kinetic would actually help things but seems to have had the opposite and the chance of managing 8k next week now look v slim : (
Bum - Wk3 7k went a bit pear shaped - Bridge to 10K
Bum - Wk3 7k went a bit pear shaped

Oh dear, hope it was really just one of those runs and not a trend. You must be pretty fit to be playing squash so fingers crossed for you.
Thanks grannytoe - I suppose I need to follow the slow down mantra more too as I don't tend to stick very well too that one despite supporting it for everyone else! : )
I think you're perhaps not the only one, every run I go out thinking slow down, keep reminding myself but the thought - go a bit faster keep taking over. I'm so competitive with myself. I have 9k run this week so really really must slow down for it. I'm telling you so that I'm accountable. Good luck

Have just replied on the other thread but I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of walk run walk running at these longer distances. I had to slow to a walk a few times today, to negotiate "muddy corner", to go under barriers (because the footpath at the side was really boggy, and once just cos I wanted to stretch. I think as the runs get longer, it's less important to keep them all non stop running, if that makes sense!

Next week's another week. Next run's another run. Sometimes when you least expect a good run, you run better than you've ever run before. Sometimes when you expect everything to go smoothly, it does the opposite. Having a little walk in a 7K run still sounds pretty impressive compared to not running at all. Give yourself a break.

I feel your pain. I've had a couple of really difficult runs too for various reasons, so I'm not even going for my 7k until next Tuesday (my day off). I just ran 5k today and it was absolutely fine but felt tough (I hate running after work; I don't know if it's dehydration or tiredness or what, but it always feels tough). The roads were muddy and I had to run up a quite main road with constant traffic where the fumes got the back of my throat. Oh the joys. So hang on in there is what I'm saying! I'm planning for a 3.5 again on Friday back in my favourite woods, then hoping for my 7k on Tuesday and then back on the plan, just a few days behind where I'd originally set out to be. No loss; just the ups and downs of life and running I think (that and the grim November weather!).
Thanks, nice to know I am not alone on that one and totally understand the route thing - would be nice to get some un-seasonal sunshine for a bit to dry things out as my routes are all totally waterlogged and like you I hate doing busy roads. I think maybe I will do a 3.5/4 next as well and see how that goes before hitting the big numbers again : )

As someone who's time on a squash ladder was brief and never moved far from the bottom rung I am really impressed! As for the run don't give up hope, we all have days like that.

We all get runs that don’t go to plan, so please don’t beat yourself up H2R. I bet next time out you’ll feel different - and yes, slow yourself down! You’ll make that 8k. Believe me, slowing down is magic.
Enjoy your squash - you must be lovely and fit from that, so I don’t see that being your problem. 👍

Thanks cheeky - squash though not sure about that one - I read something the other day that summed it up well i.e. ' you don't play squash to get fit, you get fit to play squash' - anyway its out of the way for a bit now so I will put my feet up for another day then start the 8k week hopefully rejuvinated and ready to smash it!

Haven't played for years but I remember squash can be exhausting. Sometimes it seemed to leave me low on energy for days, and in a state like that I doubt I could have faced running at all; so I say well done for getting out there, and don't judge yourself or your progress too harshly.

Thanks FB - as usual nice to know i'm not the only one. : )
Sorry to hear you sounding so disappointed. I’m sure you’ll be fine for your 8k. Some runs are just like that sadly but a little walking doesn’t mean you’ve failed.
Look how far you’ve come!!!

Thanks rainbow fingers crossed !