Hello my lovely family, well, what a morning??!! Firstly, I couldn't decide where to run today, on strava I needed to run a 10k to get my sept 10k badge so I wanted somewhere that i enjoyed, but then part of me wanted somewhere I'd never run before or maybe a while ago...but I went with my gut and headed down to the canal...parked up, fed the parking machine its breakfast and warmed up for 5 mins, that takes me to the first lock...well, the torrential rain had made the canal overflow into the river running parallel, crossing the tow path and I had to do that funny walk like when you walk on a new carpet in your shoes, a kind of tiptoe movement?? My feet were wet before I started but not really any wetter than they've been before, I like running in the rain as long as it doesn't double my weight!! 5 mins up, started my trot for about 1k...then I hit the wall. What am I doing?? Colder air made sure, even though I'd remembered my inhaler, that my lungs just wouldn't open up..I have to do this kind of sobbing thing and I know I'm going to be ok, does anyone else do that??? Stopped my watch...started again...no no I'll do intervals, stopped again, no no I'll run a 3k, stopped it again...no no I'll put Laura on, stopped again...oh ohhh, tears..I'm crying, feeling absolutely rubbish, that's it, I'm packing in...I'm throwing my headphones and trainers into the canal..I am just not cut out to be a runner..what am I thinking???? I am not joking when I say I stomped back to the car, cursing myself under my breath while tears ran down my face...how can I have been running for a years, yesterday being my 2 year runniversary of graduation, and still be struggling..what is wrong with me?? The fishermen must've wondered what the heck was up with me!!! By the time I got back to the connection between the canal and river the water had risen to about 4 inches but I just waded through, cross, so not giving a monkey's about my trainers....gets back to the car, sped out of the carpark, grrrrr, I was cross. I went home, realised i had a breast screening at 10.10, yes, I'm in that stage now and I dont like that either, this is just adding to the fact that I am not cut out for this....but while I was waiting to go in, I looked on strava, desperately seeking some inspiration and a reason not to pack it all in...after a good squashing I went home again and instead of getting in the shower, I found myself locking the door, with me on the outside, making my way across the road to the park where I decided to do some interval work...my head was so wanting to run today but my lungs and legs were protesting...I warmed up for 5 then started some 1/4 mile intervals, so 1.30secs walk inbetween ....and I thought right legs and lungs, because you've protested today I am going to make you suffer so I did the intervals again....and it worked...I felt I'd had a really good work out, I'd got rid of my crossness, even though a little bit of me felt like I'd cheated doing intervals but it really is hard work...not every run is a good run, but sometimes theres a way around a bad day...just do a bit of jeffing which is a run/walk method because any distance is better than being on the couch whether it's a run, walk or run/walk...you will feel so much better for going, I promise. I didnt get my strava 10k badge this month but theres always Oct and I'm still on track for my medal a month with my virtual runs. Have a lovely week everyone, however and wherever you run
MC xxxx