The usual clothing dilemma again this morning. 8 degrees, a chilly breeze, dark. I opted for tights and long sleeved fluorescent yellow t-shirt.
As I left the house, it was still quite dark and the sun had yet to rise. The wind was coming through the thin material of my t-shirt and I was quite chilly on my warm-up walk. It ended up being the perfect choice during the run, although the wind was quite chilling again on my warm down.
I opted to try intervals again for this short run - the same workout as last week of 60 second runs and 90 second recovery jog/walk intervals. Although I'd set a target pace for each I struggled to achieve that last time so I decided to just run the runs "fast", and walk the recoveries.
Overall I wasn't as fast over the 4k as on my last interval run. The runs were at a faster pace, but I walked the recovery intervals at a slower pace and concentrated on trying to breathe deeply and bring my heart rate down. This seemed to work nicely and my average heart rate over the run was 9 bpm less.
I didn't enjoy it as much this time - maybe the novelty value was missing. The recent rain has left large puddles across the width of the unmade road past the rugby club and negotiating those coincided nicely with a "run" interval! I also decided to use the path across the fields to the Leisure Centre, rather than running down the main road. Well that was a mistake! And a lesson learned never to try running in muddy conditions in road shoes again! I'm still trying to convince hubby I need trail shoes!
My next run is on the plan is a 9k - that 10k is getting closer๐จ