I’ve completed 8 park runs, i’m Toying with the idea of doing a 10 k, however after 3 months since completing C25K, I can run for 42 mins, but my pace is so slow. So 5 k is that, my pb is 39.47! I am wondering how to gradually increase my pace, or my stamina! I’m matureish! Nearly 64, have never run till May this year! I try, eating a bit before I do a park run, have coffee, don’t eat! Drink plenty, but my pace seems to be the same. However my stamina is better, I recover from a 30 min run, very easily. So is it just keep going and hoping my training will result in trying a 10K?
Will I ever get to 10k: I’ve completed 8 park... - Bridge to 10K
Will I ever get to 10k

10k is easily within reach! I followed Juju’s plan after graduating in September last year and did my first 10k on Boxing Day. Speed and distance are two separate issues. Juju’s plan encourages a weekly programme of a shorter quicker run, a 5k (which can be your Park Run) and then a longer run where your only focus is making the distance. I see you have done a PB recently so you are already headed in the right direction. Forget age; I am 67 and have decided to ignore the fact 😊

Yes, just keep plugging away. We do have to be stronger to be faster You could do some other exercise now on your non run days, eg walking, cycling, swimming, home or gym based strength stuff , yoga etc
Increasing distance no more than 10% a week will get you there, and beyond. There’s no limit 😃👍🏃♀️
Don’t worry about it. Keep enjoying your running 😃

Wow... I’m looking at all you’re saying without the self doubt bits here... and the answer is absolutely YES... you’ll get to 10k!
Your pace isn’t slow... it’s your pace... what was your 5k PB in April? It will come and over time your comfortable pace will gradually increase. That’s not a barrier to running 10k though anyway.
You’ve gone from, I assume, struggling to run for 60 seconds to running 42 times longer than that in a handful of months... if you think about that it’s pretty hard not to be amazed isn’t it?
I’d look at following ju-ju-‘s magic plan from wherever you’re comfortable. If 5k isn’t a comfortable run yet, go for the timed version which assumes 30 minutes is, and you describe that with the recovery time. Back to C25K mentality and don’t worry about pace. Some of the short runs can be treated as tempo or interval runs, but they don’t have to be. At the end of that plan you’ll either be running 60 minutes or 10k. If you do the timed version you’ll then be running a distance that you can use to drop onto the distance version of the plan at the right point... and then that 10k is in sight.
While you’re doing all this and reaching that 10k goal, your added endurance will theoretically reduce your 5k time with little to no focus on speed work.
You can do this... you can do anything.

Cheers. Just needed to hear it. I have a lot of people around who say such negative things, like watch your knees. I walk a couple of miles every day, even after running in the morning. I’m trying to incorporate some body mechanic excersises to help my running.
Again thanks for the encouragement.
My 1st park run was just under 45 mins! Did Finsbury again this week, it’s along haul up hill!it was 42.01 so I was pleased, and keep running up that hill. As Kate Bush would say. Lol my usual one is 39.47, a little easier.
That’s great... already the PB is shifting nicely. At the end of the day pace is less important than the benefits that come from the running. I’ve not actively worked on pace for a while now as I’m distance focused, after my HM I may have a look at focusing on pace over 5k for a couple of months. In general, while most plans will involve some pace work, it’s best to focus on one at a time... so a tempo run can be taken a little more relaxed if you’re upping the distance at this point in your journey.
Any strengthening work will help to keep the injury risk down, and so is highly recommended.

Of course you’ll get to 10k Rogie! Time is purely personal, so it doesn’t matter how long to take to get to it, and once you’re there it doesn’t matter one hoot how long you take to run the distance! 😀
People have mentioned JuJu’s Magic 10 Plan which I agree is excellent. I did it 4 times for fun. It’ll get you there, and believe me it’s phenomenal. Go you! 👏👏

You will reach 10k no problem. I can remember thinking 10k was impossible when I finally completed C25k early last year, and now I do at least one 10k a week and have taken part in a 10 mile race.
Ju-ju's magic 10 is a good program to follow. She did some Youtube videos on it too

No problem! If you're willing to trot for a long time you can get any distance you want. You speed is roughly the same as mine...maybe a bit quicker, and I got to 10k on juju's plan and have since moved on. Just extend one run a bit every week like on the plan. You'll be fine.

Thanks, do you just print out the plan and watch YouTube?

I am a year younger and started running in 2015. I don’t have pace (although my parkrun PB from 2016 is a bit faster than you, I haven’t run 5k in under 40 minutes this year). I trained for the Great South Run in 2017 (10 miles) and managed to complete it, even though it took me more than 2.5 hours. I have completed a few 10k events and am training (badly) for GSR again.
Some observations based on my experience, working on the basis you want to get to 10k.
1. You may need longer to recover from your long run. If that’s the case you can still make progress running twice a week or maybe 5 times a fortnight.
2. Juju’s plan is based on running 3 times a week and on running continuously. In conjunction with 1, think about using run/walk intervals (eg run 15 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeatedly). It can help you manage it a bit better and in my view isn’t cheating. If nothing else, it breaks up and structures the run.
3. You will definitely need to eat for the longer distances. Something slow release before you go out such as porridge or Bircher muesli. Possibly something with you whilst you are out, or you may hit the wall after 90 minutes or so.
4. It’s not easy to work on duration and pace at the same time, as you need to go a bit slower to be able to keep going for longer. Don’t worry about pace.
Good luck.
P.s. I ran Finsbury parkrun once, it’s lovely and friendly, and you can always walk the killer hill.

Thanks for all your advice.
Finsbury, is my kids Parkrun, so i do it when I babysit the grandson. Might get one more go before they move to Brighton.
I don’t usually eat before a run, cup of Kefir (fermented milk) and coffee.
Then have food when I get home.
I usually run 2x30 mins then a 5 k on Saturday.
Do a 2 mile walk most days.
I’ll get working on all your info, starting in the morning.
I want to keep running, it has helped me in so many ways, the health benefits, physical and mentally.
Again thanks for the advice.
I'm a kefir nut too, that was my last obsession, now I'm just used to making it so had no excuse for not finding another.
You'll find info about Juju's magic time and 10K plans on the pinned posts...there's a link there so you can print them off and start by yourself or with the next wave on here after the current one finishes.
It's well worth a go, I'm sure you'll love it 👍🏃♀️

So far as increasing distance goes, I agree with everything others have said - follow a sensible plan and you'll get there no bother. But unless you can increase the distance without reducing speed, which is not possible for most of us, I don't think your 5k speed will necessarily increase at all. To run faster you need to run faster (now there's a glimpse of the blindingly obvious ), which means increasing cadence or stride length or both, and in my opinion the way to achieve that is to run shorter distances not longer ones. You might even go back to C25K W1 R1, but this time push yourself hard for the 1 minute runs and slowly jog the 90 second walks. If you do follow Ju-Ju's plan for getting to 60 mins / 10k, you could do something like this for the short runs each week, while doing the longer runs to build up your stamina, which will mean you can put more effort into the short fast runs.
Hope this helps - good luck!!

Thanks, that makes sense.

I’m 66. After graduating Christmas Eve last year. I started JuJus plan for minutes in the first instance after consolidating for a while. Then over the summer I slowly increased the distance so that I can run my first 10k race this weekend. Well it’s not a race for me! I’ll be at the back. It will probably take me about 90 minutes. So go for it.

Cheers, i’m A crocheted, the running means, I don’t feel guilty sitting and enjoying crafting the rest of the day!

I’m the same age but started in April last year. I find my parkrun times have been creeping down and my non parkruns have got a bit longer. I ran for 60 min last weekend which amazed me and this is one of the aims of JuJu’s plan. You can aim for either 10k or 60min - a bit like C25K. Don’t think I’ll ever do 10k but then again didn’t think I’d get to 60min!! Enjoy the runs you do and don’t get bogged down with times or distances. You’ve done an great job so far. (Just realised you’re a year younger than me - not that we’re counting 🤣)

Lol. Ran this morning my usual run and lengthen my stride a bit and knocked 2 mins off my time, was happy with that. The cooler weather suits me as well. I would like. To commit to a 10k to give me an aim, as I said I think i’m 40! I’ll see what next week brings. Tried to do the plant, 5 seconds😭


I definitely endorse all the recommendations for Ju-Ju’s Magic plan. I ran 9k for the first time this evening, and I can honestly say that I find 7k easier than 5k (probably related to being properly warmed-up only after 2k). I’m slow, but I no longer dread the first few metres of my run, and actually enjoy most of it. And keep checking into this board - they’re fantastic people always full of advice and support. X