Time nothing to write home (35 minutes) about, and I detest the new flat tarmac course, 5 times round a very flat place, but at least I am not on the IC any more.
The great pity is, that when the old course is re-opened, the morons of the National Park have conspired to have it tarmaced. Nice for cycles and mobility scooters I guess. I think I'm going to try to Whinlatter Forest Parkrun soon.
On recommendations from physio, I did my Monday and Wednesday runs as 3Km and 4Km Jog/Walk intervals, watching (feeling) for any suspicion of the hamstring playing up. And then today I ran 8 minutes, walked 5, ran 8, walked 5, and then ran to the funnel - which all seemed good.
As it was a very hot day, and I don't have any good short running shorts, the 'jeffing' was probably a good thing.
As a reward I have ordered some 3 inch leg split-side running shorts, and some 5 inch shorts to complete my summer running kit. No clothes porn from me yet!
Hope your runs today were all wonderful.