Now this is what I call running weather! ☀️☀️☀️
I’ve had some lovely “fast” runs recently and have chalked up a few PB’s, but today’s run wasn’t about speed - it was about pootling about on the trails. 🐕😀🏃♀️
It was chilly first thing, so on popped the trail shoes, the long sleeved top, running jacket and gloves, and sunglasses (yay, it’s been a while! 😎). The jacket came off during my warmup walk. Off I trotted, with the aim of doing an easy 4k. 🏃♀️
After hating the first few minutes more than words can say (such a shame that happens isn’t it?), I got into my stride - up hills, down hills, flat bits, more hills. It was amazing. 😍 My pace was slow, as I’d intended, and I heard Garmin buzz at 4k. I wasn’t ready to stop yet - I went for 5k. Buzz. Nope, still not ready to stop - so 6k clocked up and I could have continued, but I was getting hungry, so I thought I’d better head home.
I walked back to the car grinning inanely. Happy me, happy dog. What a lovely run! I hope you all have the sun where you are. What a difference it makes, whether it’s warm or chilly. ☀️☀️
Next up - Southampton Common PR on Saturday! Sooo excited to meet some fantastic VRB’s! 😆🏃♀️👍🏃❤️