It's been a difficult month or so.
Work has been tough, (12 hour shifts walking 6-7 miles a day) home has been not brilliant (why did I have kids and not just get a dog?) and I'd settled into a kind of deep blue funk. I hadn't been running since the 19th February, before three days ago and then, I only managed 3.5k before crapping out and giving up. And even though I'd 'been out' as I think of it, I'd settled into an old route that's pretty straight forward, but reminds me subconsciously of the beginning of the programme. And because I didn't manage to push myself, (I haven't been sleeping well, my injured knee has been creaking a lot and I've not been in a good place mentally) the gremlins have been out. In force. Wearing hard hats and Jack boots, chanting about how I can't do it, how I don't like running anyway, and if I run, my knee is going to get worse the more I run. So not a good environment inside my head for running.
Actually, it's been awful and I've felt rubbish.
But after a couple of good days, I decided to go out this afternoon and tackle one of the hardest routes I've ran. The first kilometre is uphill, and it's not particularly gentle. There's a few downward inclines, then more hills. Around 2k in, there a hill I had to walk up though. (Mainly because I didn't have my climbing gear, including crampons, harnesses and ropes!) But after that, (and a quick stretch of my thighs) I started running again. At 2.5k, it was hurting a little, but I kept on going, running slowly and enjoying being outside. At 3.5k I was inventing swear words and wishing I was pulling into my local pub as I passed! I got into the woods shortly after this and despite a minor tech problem, cruised down through my local woods, getting to the local priory. I stopped to open the gate and left it open, even though I'd just passed 5k, intending to shut it on the way back.
Now, the local priory is meant to be VERY haunted, with ghost stories abound but every time I've ever run down there, that gate has stayed open and I've run there at least a couple of hundred times in the last year or so.
Until today.
As I cruised tiredly up the gravelly path towards the gate, it started to slowly swing shut, going flush with the gate post, exactly as if someone had shut it by hand, despite the small steel plate at the base of the post, where you usually have to hitch it up an inch doesnt doesn't bounce open again. At this point, being unsure of the existence of people of the ghosty variety, I may have said something along the lines of "haha you unfunny invisible BA$T@4D!" I had to stop to open the blummin gate and then shut it behind me, no one wanted to drift it shut behind me!
I didn't go for much longer after this ghostly encounter, but I did manage a respectable 5.67k, beating my last 'long' run of a couple of weeks ago at 5.5k and any progress is good progress. 😊
Edit: this is me feeling pretty good at the distance. Hi guys!