SPRING into MARCH.... New Quest πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡ - Bridge to 10K

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SPRING into MARCH.... New Quest πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡

Oldfloss profile image
β€’49 Replies

Pinch, Punch... First of the Month !

Happy March everyone !

Here I am, with a brand new Quest on March 1, which is the first day of meteorological spring.

The weather may, or may not be improving...but we shall get out there and enjoy ourselves anyway :)

What the Quest is;

The Quest takes one calendar month . You can at join any point during that time.

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a Graduate to join the Quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are completing the programme, your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and Strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice. So if you want to join, all you have to do is put;

I would like to join the Quest, or, count me in and then, I would like to. ..............

Each week in March I shall put up a new post...it is important that we get together and we can chat, support and encourage each other, and generally just see how we are all doing.

At the end of the Quest, there will be a certificate that you can download to keep should you wish to.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay running x!

Oldfloss, Realfoodieclub, Millsie-J, Ju-Ju and Roseabi x

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Oldfloss profile image
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49 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I am in. I have two events this month. A 2.4 mile run on the 10th ( strange distance) but there is a medal and I am a trophy hound πŸ˜€, and a 2.5 km swim on the 30th, so I have to keep going with my training.

Good luck everyone. Rfc x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Sounds very positive and exciting...great goals x

Millsie-J profile image

Morning Floss.

I am having a bit of a reset..,,.

My nasty cold has left me with a chesty cough and little energy. So i am going to start the month with gentle walks, then the following week just short run/walks. I will listen to my body and be sensible. Hopefully by the end of the month I will be doing a couple of longer runs each week 😏

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Millsie-J

Sensible goals... feel better soon...x

in reply to Millsie-J

Be kind to yourself Millsie.

Gran4z profile image

Love the rabbit - fab picture. So my quest here is to complete once again theMagic 10K, swim at least once a week, and remember to do the strength work on non run days 😳. Been a bit of a struggle so far, but I shall do it 😬🌻🐌

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Gran4z

You will indeed.... the rest day work really pays off! x

Knittingrunner profile image

Count me in. Plan for this month is to finish the magic 10 (time not distance)next week then follow ju jus outline and increase time I run by 5 mins every 2 weeks whilst running 3 times a week. Hopefully that will move me toward actually running 10k in a few months. 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Knittingrunner

Great goals!!! Slow and steady ?

Knittingrunner profile image
KnittingrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

That’s me! Slow and steady. 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Knittingrunner

It works.. take my word for it!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss,

Happy March to you too! πŸ‡πŸŒ·πŸŒ·

My birthday this month and my little trip to Bakewell to look forward to tooπŸ˜‰...

An exciting (but scarey for some) month...

Well, this 'cold' I have is not responding to cold treatments..Remember last year, and the year before those allergies I had? I'm beginning to suspect this may be seasonal rhinitis, that I have, as it came on so suddenly after my run last Friday...and I do have itchyness around my eyes.

Today I have started antihistamines and Sudafed to clear my blocked nose. Hopefully this will make it easier to sleep, and I will feel better.

No running at the moment, but like Millsie I will enjoy some lovely walks until I feel ready to don my running shoes. Unlikely to be able to do the last speed challenge run, but I will be happy at the moment for a nice gentle plod!

I will report back of any improvement...

Good luck to everyone haring around in this March Quest!😊xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Mmmmmm all I can think about now is bakewell tarts πŸ€ͺ. Yum...... I get hay fever this time of year. It is going to be interesting this year as for the last three years I was prescribed beconase for London pollution that I took all the time, but last year they told me I can’t have it anymore as you can’t use it for as long as I have been even though they prescribed it so it will interesting to see how I cope with the hayfever this year. I hope you get it controlled soon xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thank you RFC, yes, I remember you helped me last year...fingers crossed!

And... proper Bakewell tarts...are delicious!😊xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Lots of Bakewell tarts in the cafe on the Monsal Trail today... I was eyeing up my HM course:) xx

Anren profile image
AnrenGraduate10 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Oh I'd not thought about hayfeaver and running! I was getting all excited about it getting warmer so my nose and eyes don't run so much.....

I'd not taken into account I'll be swapping that for sneezing and itchy eyes and mouth :/

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply to Anren

I am suffering a bit at the moment, this is my hay fever season or as it has become known now, three tissue runs 🀧🀧🀧

Anren profile image
AnrenGraduate10 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Oh no! I use washable hankies as the paper ones get too soggy and fall apart on me :P

I always laugh at my 'hydration' on the running app as it's clearly not keeping track of my leaky face

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Poor you bluebird. Do take it easy and I hope it is just a cold that you’ll get over quickly. Enjoy the walks.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to

Thank you Paula...will be thinking about you doing your race tomorrow! Good luck😚x

Maybe you will meet up with your running buddies!

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I do plan to meet up with my speedy over 60 buddy. In fact I would chicken out without her. There is so much wind and rain forecast for noon that I dread it. She says β€œit’ll be grand” 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Happy March! This is my month... because I am as mad as a March Hare!

The news on your rhinitis ..not good... I really hope it settles so you can get back on track!

I have really itchy eyes this evening... everything is coming into leaf much too soon!

I hope you do start to feel better again soon... this month is an exciting one... xxxπŸ˜‰

LiisaM profile image

The snow paused long enough that I could run on the snow-packed roads with Rocco this morning and also yesterday. Rocco seems to have better breath control than I do, as I am unused to running again, but my goal in March is to get used to it again. We went an embarrassingly short distance, but are at it again and thank you for the quest. Come on, March!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to LiisaM

You will get there.... every step you take, is one step of progress and one step forward....:) Stay strong... stay focused and stay warm! xxxx

Dexy5 profile image

Happy St David’s Day Oldfloss and all. My Dad was Welsh, so this is a special day for me. There’s no daffodils growing in Breckenridge to mark this occasion though.

The pine trees are cloaked in snow where we’ve had 8” overnight and it’s still snowing as we head for the slopes. This is going to be a fun day. No , this is going to be an hilarious day. Fresh deep snow is very different! β„οΈβ˜ƒοΈβ„οΈβ›·β›·β„οΈ

I will be in the quest once I get over the jet lag. I won’t have run for about four weeks so there may be some catching up to do.

In March I also want to sign up for a 10k run, with or without UpTheStanley.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Dydd GΕ΅yl Dewi Hapus! Happy St David's Day to you!

Have a super time and we look forward to your return...That 10K run sounds like a great goal!

O505k profile image

Count me in.

I plan to continue with the next 4 weeks (weeks 5-8) of the Half Marathon training. I'm going to replace the Pilates sessions with regular knee strengthening exercises.

Oh and a short ski trip planned for later in the month.

Making the most of March as in April I will be back in an office full time!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to O505k

Some great goals there....HM training sounds fun and keep up those exercises:)

Bridget007 profile image

Happy March to you too πŸ˜ƒπŸ° My quest is to finish the 10k magic plan and to do my first park run tomorrow 😬

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bridget007

Sounds like a plan... enjoy your PR.. slow and steady as you go:)

lexi6 profile image

Count me in please OF. Autumn has arrived here and its time to future plan for the cold weather coming and the quests will really help keep me focussed. Sister in law from Australia is still here for another week so currently shorter runs are all I’m managing to do. When she goes home its back to running for longer distances (I’d love 10k to happen again soon) so this week I’ll stick with 3 shorter runs. I’ve entered two more UK virtual challenges, because there aren’t any local races/runs for snails here and bonus with the virtual runs a charity benefits as well. (Awaiting my first bling in the mail for a February challenge) Happy Spring to you all 🎍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to lexi6

Goodness.... Autumn there...Spring here!!! Some great goals for you! I love 10K.... I am wanting to do my HM and just get back to my 10s!

Virtual runs are so much fun aren't they :) Enjoy x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to lexi6

🍾🍾🍾πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚ hic

lexi6 profile image

Thanks Oldfloss, I think 10k is the maximum distance I will ever do, but its wonderful that its now doable. All power to you for your HM x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to lexi6

I felt the same.. and still am not sure why I am doing a HM... just to see if I can I think... :)

Sometimes, as we move on, things just evolve...just keep enjoying!

lexi6 profile image
lexi6Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I will and thats a promise, love this running to bits x

UpTheStanley profile image

According to Garmin Connect, my last run was a Parkrun on 26 Jan, Feb being taken up with hockey, a snorting cold and ski-ing in that order. Back in the UK on Thursday, hockey Saturday, so the quest starts for me on Monday week.

Booger, think that just went off prematurely ....

Given the long term aim remains the Great South in October, I think I’ll just aim to get back to 10k in an hour by the end of the month.

Happy questing everybody!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to UpTheStanley

Great relaxed goal! Maybe a lovely 10K in March with Dexy5 too?

UpTheStanley profile image
UpTheStanleyGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Think Dexy’s goal is just to find a 10k race this month, to run later in the spring/summer, but I’ll certainly be running alongside her a time or two.

Me, I need a goal or a quest. So as i started March with a 10km road race, I'll keep going with my hilly quest. And my 2 core strength classes and one Pilates class per week. I felt strong during my 10km and I put it down to my classes. More of the same for March and maybe I'll finish the month with a 10km race on the 24th.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

Sounds good to me... those rest day exercises pay off:)

JanB76 profile image

Hi OF, great idea! I’m doing my own version of Ju-Ju’s 10k plan and I’m scheduled to do my 10k run at the end of the month, so I need to stick to my 3 times a week (1 x short/intervals, 1 x Parkrun, 1 x increasing longer run) each week. Hoping to add in either a viva or swim also during the week but main goal is to stick with the 3 runs to get me to my 10k target.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to JanB76

Slow and steady... with a plan... you will get there!

Notsoslothfulnow profile image

Hello Oldfloss, this is such a good idea!

As a fairly recent graduate of C-5k - mid January, I have kept up since then with 3 x 30/35 minute runs per week. Sometimes with the NHS Laura week 9 and also with the three running-to-the-beat podcasts. I have just used the Stamina one to accompany my first post-C-5K parkrun: 37 minutes 49 seconds is something I would naturally like to improve on (it was 43 minutes for my very first parkrun last October, pre C-5K).

What do you reckon would be a reasonable goal timewise for a parkrun by the end of March? 35 minutes looks a tall order from here ... may be 36 minutes?

Advice welcomed😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Notsoslothfulnow

Well done you..!

I am probably not the best person to ask as I am a Park run Newbie and I am, as you know well known for my , slow and steady mantra..After graduation..mixing up the runs s a great idea.. short. faster runs, a 5K here and there or a 6 or 7K and then a longer, see where you get to run.

It is the longer, slower runs that build up time and distance...and speed too. I have done three Park runs and shaved a minute off each week..but in between there have been short faster runs and mainly, longer, slower runs.

I run at a happy pace.. and my happy pace for 5K is between 35 and 36 minutes.. so, maybe go for 36... but, put in those longer training runs..they pay off.

Some interesting reading here...


and this is what I used to try to improve my time, ( just out of interest), as I have great difficulty running on flat ground!!!


Notsoslothfulnow profile image

Thanks so much for your really helpful response - great to read those links😊.

OK - will aim to get to 5K/ either training or at parkrun in 36 minutes by the end of March!

Will report back😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Notsoslothfulnow


Anren profile image

I'm in :D

I'm enjoying the longer runs so my goal is to keep doing an 9-10k each week and also to find time for a couple of swims this month as it's great for my back.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Anren

All sounding really positive...well done you!

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