Never could handle surprises.: Never liked... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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Never could handle surprises.

Tbae profile image
β€’29 Replies

Never liked surprises really of any sort.

Been coping with tooth pain since the first of August.Eventually got a tooth extracted on the Thursday 16th, that the dentist offered to root canal fill.

Came home and stupidly began to strip down two damaged gazebos from the wind and after grandchildren’s departure, disturbed the socket blood clot.Sorted that.

Went to the Woodland Workout Friday morning, lot colder, 3 layers on , stripped to one as session progressed , back to two at finish, think I gave myself a chill , summertime.πŸ€”

Saturday back to hedge cutting, felt OK.

Got up 0100, Sunday morning rinsed mouth out with salt water and cleaned with high fluoride and took a couple of ibuprofen, by early morning was drenched and coughing.

So today was my 10K test,πŸ€” I’ll get up , bed stripped, feed the neighbours cats, b/f, hedge cutting, fill some green bins for collection day Monday, short run to maintain my streak,

and see what surprise awaits.πŸ€”πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

As the day has progressed and after getting my job list knocked off and 25yds of hedge will reluctlantly have to end my short run streak.

See how I go each day now before reconvening a new 28 day, 2 short runs per day for 3 weeks and 4th week testing programme.

Cannot Risk waking up tomorrow in another lather. Definately got a fever but no mouth pain, so that is good.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

No surprise now.Have not run Sun/Mon/Tues.

Yes succeeded in giving myself another rookie cold/ fever/etc.

following an August of toothache/ strong painkillers/ extraction/ hassle etc.just demanded too much from running body.

Lesson to be learnt.Second time since I have began running that I have made this rookie mistake.

Got to reflect and learn something.πŸ™ˆ

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Tbae profile image
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29 Replies
Sadie-runs profile image

Oh buddy. πŸ˜• Sounds like you need to rest up to me, you are always on the go! Tooth extraction is quite a major trauma on the mouth and if you loosened the blood clot in the socket you could be prone to infection. Keep a close eye on that and get back to the dentist if you feel feverish/in pain.

And for heaven’s sake fella! Take a rest! xxx

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toSadie-runs

Thanks dearest Sadie.

I think I have just thrown off the fever.πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ . Bed sheets have got the fever now.They are so poorly they can’t even hang themselves out to dry.

I think I have managed to avoid the dry socket and infection.πŸ‘πŸ€”

Weekends are as always a problem , but at least you have to try and get on a fix yourself.πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

Yes Monday if I am not right can get to the professionals.

I feel better already having chatted to you, that is as good as any tonic,

so crack on with the jobs and see if I can slip my short run in later.

Thanks and take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

roseabi profile image

I'll second Sadie-runs 's comment. You need to rest, you are risking infection.

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toroseabi

Thanks Abi for your concern.Appreciate it.See how the day goes.πŸ‘

Take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

You women of steel are something else.Gotta try and keep up.πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

roseabi profile image
roseabiβ€’ in reply toTbae

Mine was a bit of a blunt comment - sorry about that, matey!!! Take good care of you too xxx

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toroseabi

Not at all Abi.βœ…No tender toes here.

I have just updated and will have to surrender willingly.

Take good care of you. W of S.


roseabi profile image
roseabiβ€’ in reply toTbae


Sqkr profile image

Tbae! Goodness, I think your body is sending you some not so subtle hints. I do hope your day is going to be a gentle, enjoyable one, whatever surprises do await!

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toSqkr

Thanks you another woman of steel admin.

Appreciate it, see how the day goes.

You know what they say about men , cannot multi task and cannot handle pain.

So what use are they anyway.πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

Tasha99 profile image

Take a day off!

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toTasha99

As above.

Even forgotten how.πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Woman up is the new age quote, in my opinion , perception is reality.πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸ‘

Take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

limberlou profile image

Yeah I’m the same, always on the go, was gonna take it easy yesterday as my ankle was aching a bit. That lasted about half an hour, then I was out in the garden on a kneeler, sawing a tree trunk ( I’d cut the 9foot high tree down and into small enough bits to take to the dump while I was still in my fracture boot and supposedly resting) and the stump was about 6” out of the ground. I wanted it level. It is now!!!

And then I thought my ankle felt better so went for a second walk. 6 miles in total.

Now I am hobbling again. It’s the inside of ankle now not the bit I fractured.

So don’t do as I do.... REST and Don’t make yourself ill

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply tolimberlou

You have just confirmed my point above.

Definately the superior beings you ladies.

Certainly it became clear for me during the second half of my time.

First half just thick and too self centred.πŸ€”

Hope you are continuing to make good progress.πŸ‘

Take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

snailface profile image

I really admire your motivation but don’t forget to be kind to yourself and put ya leggies up for a bit πŸ’ͺ🏻

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply tosnailface

Thanks appreciate it.

Man up is a meaningless quote .πŸ€”

The new age appropriate quote is woman up.πŸ’₯πŸ‘πŸ‘In my opinion, not taking sides just dealing with reality.Perception is reality.πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

Take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

Naughty boy. What is it with men and injury: "Just a scratch" (unless you're the man flu type, which you clearly aren't). Any kind of surgery, no matter how minor, shocks the body and undermines the immune system, and you need a day at least to recover, not to mention the chemicals from the local anaesthetic in your system. Go and REST!!!!!!! Don't do anything strenuous for another couple of days at least or you will be a plonker and set yourself back ...

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply to

Thanks Flick.

Biggest plonker around. πŸ™ˆ

All self inflicted.πŸ™ˆ

Going to Dr 0940 and then perhaps back to my dentist if advised.

Appreciate your reply. On it now.

Take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

β€’ in reply toTbae

I have my own plonker. Bu**ered (this does not spell buttered) his knees playing football in his youth, did a fun run some years back with absolutely no training, and landed up in hospital. His response to injury is keep running. Mind you, now the dog is getting older and developing creaky legs, he's solicitousness itself with him - I can have my leg hanging off and be told to keep running, but he is crouched on the floor next to Dennis looking stricken.

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply to

Yes got it Flick, he has got double g.πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

Sorry about that.πŸ™ˆ

Just returned from GP, no temperature, no infection, no dry socket, just monitor and get back to the dentist if pain kicks off.

Going on Thursday evening for full MOT, with the practise nurse.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

I will be interested in my results.πŸ€”πŸ‘πŸ‘

β€’ in reply toTbae

Good boy, though I notice no mention of taking it easy! x

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply to

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. It’s raining today.

So at present no choice.πŸ€”

I have broken my 27 day Streak now anyway.πŸ™ˆMissed Sunday , day 28. Intend to just start a new 2 short runs per day Streak. Need to ask JuJu, how accommodating the definition is. A break / miss day is just that I suppose. πŸ™ˆπŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Thanks Flick for your reply.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯πŸ‘πŸ‘

LoungeLizaard profile image

Hello my running friend! - how are you today? You must take some time out to let yourself recover! If you keep pushing, you will take longer to recover!

Your running will always be there, the roads don’t go anywhere (there is a song title in there somewhere!)

Take it easy big guy! πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toLoungeLizaard

Thanks Mitch.

Would love to hear you sing your own masterpiece. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Take good care of you and your going fab.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸ’¨

mountaindreamer profile image

Just spotted your post after seeing your comment about not running on another post, Tbae. Hope you are feeling a bit better again now. 🀞

Have to admit that’s something that concerns me when I hear people mentioning running streaks. It’s not just the need for rest to recover between runs that folk might get tempted to miss out on, but the need to rest to recover from illness in general. Take care of yourself. xx❀️❀️

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply tomountaindreamer

Yes your spot on mountaindreamer.πŸ‘

Hope all good with you and your mid/front foot strike.

You are an inspiritation.

l have examined Mr Running Brains decision on my current streak of two short runs per day.

No P45 for Mr RB yet.πŸ€”

The benefits I am so pleased with

in strength, weight loss and mood.πŸ‘

I have also generally been careful to maximise in a simple way the time between runs all be it a lot less than recommended normal.

Must say at my slow pace have had no physical issues whatsoever due to twice daily short runs.Non illness.

I am planning to continue with a further month of this plan before reviewing.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

No I have to put it down to my mouth problem/ pain killers / extraction and going too soon to take the woodland workout, less than 24 hours.

No definately the second rookie misjudgement.Self inflicted I suppose like everything really.

I guess we are responsible for ourselves.

This forum and people like you is better than any tonic.

Thanks and take good care of you.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯πŸ‘πŸ‘

mountaindreamer profile image
mountaindreamerGraduate10β€’ in reply toTbae

Hope you manage to discover what works best for you, Tbae. Experimentation and review sounds a good scientific approach. πŸ‘β€οΈ

I like to think a flexibile approach is the key to health and happiness, which I guess is why the running streak concept makes me nervous - but you need to workout what your own mind and body prefers.❀️ (I find those signs in workplaces saying β€œx days since the last workplace accident” equally worrying, due to the suspicion that not wanting to break a good β€œstreak” will instead end up with lesser accidents no longer getting reported etc...πŸ˜•)

I’ve found the answer to my gait concerns was to go back to how I ran through C25k and to stick to smooth running surfaces, thanks. 😊 I’ve agreed with my Sports Therapist that I’ll wait until my legs are stronger before trying to tweak things or aiming to run on uneven surfaces... so I’ll be reviewing gait again later...😊

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply tomountaindreamer

I am pleased that you have got a good plan together and strategy to strengthen and get you to a sustainable and enjoyable running situation.

Your right about the flexibility and I think together with a little and often concept I think that this 2 daily running may give me what I want.

The breaking of a streak does not bring any pressures for me.

Cannot say the same for your safety example, brings back memories of my life in the electrolytic smelting industry in a hugely hazardous process.

Part of the enjoyment of running is not only that and the health benefits, but possibly pushing new boundaries and for me in a very modest way.

I guess when you get to retirement you just cannot change who you are.

With every good wish with your journey and thanks for your thoughts.


Mummycav profile image

Sounds like you need to take it easy for a bit Tbae’ve got a lot going on there & trying maintain your running streak while being under the weather will only result in need some TLC from OH...promise me you will rest??? xx

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toMummycav

Thanks Bev.Its a tonic just to talk.

Enjoyed your last post.Brillant.

Have not run since Sat evening. Honestly a broken streak not that important and certainly it’s no pressure for me.

I will ease back in slowly as soon as I get my first short run and feel how I am.

Perhaps tomorrow morning.Got a full medical MOT on Thursday 1600 just before OH and grandson arrives for a week.

Been asked to lead the woodland group on Friday morning in the absence of our qualified regular coach.

It’s a well established, knowledgeable group,so if they still want me on Friday, I will

take them through some basic warm-up, run/walk/run, cool down and some of our regular strength and cardio stuff.

I think they know that running and the HealthUnlocked forum is my passion, so I will try not bore them and let it be a group lead thing.

At the same time, not going to lose an opportunity to remind them of the magic of running.

Thanks Bev,honestly no disappointment, I have been a bit idiotic, in going too soon after an extraction,to last Friday’s session.

I am sure I am passed that now.πŸ€”

Between a short run and MOT tomorrow I will see.

In fact my 27 day streak has made me stronger, marginally quicker, shed about 4-5 pounds and mood improvement.

If not, even Friday the group can run and I can walk if I have to. No different to our regular much younger coach who is waiting for a hip replacement procedure.

Sorry, gone on as usual,

Hope you are good and still enjoying your holiday also.πŸ’₯πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’₯

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