Found the heat very difficult to contend with this morning. Went out aiming for 8k, as I’m running my first 10k in 10 days time, and ended up very hot after 6.7k and had to stop for a couple of minutes in the shade. Any tips for how to prepare for running when it’s hot & sunny - btw my route did have quite a bit of shade too !
Big struggle this morning: Found the heat very... - Bridge to 10K
Big struggle this morning

I think go very early is the only real way, I started at 6.30 today and it was quite pleasant but that was only 5k

Yes. you need to be hydrated to the brim - a day before. Sleep as well as you could and eat next to nothing before the run, a banana or a boiled egg in my case does the trick. Run either very early or late in the day, stick to the shade, wear a cap and very little else. Also, I find that the fitter you are the more easier you balance those warm runs, hence lots of cross-training with weights, planks, anything non-impact.
Finally, don't push it. If you have to stop-stop, need a drink-drink. Alternatively, run in the gym (which I wouldn't even if they paid me). Good luck!
Thanks for the advice. How much time do you leave between eating something and setting off ? I’m new to this, and preparing for my first 10k on 8th July
If you have, say, a banana and a small glass of water, you are pretty much ready to go. I do the same for 10K and reward myself with food afterwards. Longer runs, 15-20K, there will be carbs & protein the night before and a good breakfast a few hours before the run. Mind you, these are general points that work for me so do experiment and find what suits you best, nothing's written in tone. Good Luck!

I eat a good meal the night before, wake up and drink a pint of water then head out about 30 minutes later at 6.15-6.45am but even coming back at 7am on Monday was getting warm. I also took 300ml of water with me on Monday for the first time and it helped. I bought a proper Osprey soft flask today, as recommended by someone else. In the sale at Taunton Leisure for £12 for a 500 ml one (you don’t have to fill it up completely). Will test it out tomorrow morning. Heat + running is a challenging combination but it does get me out early as I can’t put it off, knowing it’ll be too hot to run later. Good luck!

Early early and then early. Wet running top, stick to shade, fluid and extra slow with walk breaks . This is what I do and so far it works!!
I find that running earlier is better, and I have also noticed that the park is a lot cooler than the road. I don’t eat before I go out either, but then I very rarely have breakfast - I just make sure I have a large glass of water before I go. I also run really really slowly, especially when it’s warmer. Slowing down by 1km an hour adds less than 10 minutes to the total running time at 10k.... I figure if I can run for over an hour then another 10mins must be a doddle! 🤣