Fasting!: I realise most if us start running... - Bridge to 10K

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Guesty26 profile image
22 Replies

I realise most if us start running to become fitter but a lot if us start to lose a bit if timber! Ive managed to lose a bit over this process like many but wanting advice on fasting whilst running, anyone tried it? Has it affected your running performance etc? Im already on a low carb diet similar to Keto/Atkins which works for me but dont really want to lose performabce at the sane time as losing weight, any advice appreciated.

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Guesty26 profile image
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22 Replies
pianoteacher profile image

Hi Guesty can't help you I'm afraid but Rignold might be able to. He has a lot of knowledge of macro splits and training etc x

ju-ju- profile image

I have never done fasting. I know its supposed to be good but as I run everyday I dont think it would work for me... you doing the 5:2?

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

Not doing 5:2 Ju although i have done before and it works just read an article somewhere but now can’t find it where it suggested only eating during 6hr period 12pm - 6pm giving it a whirl for the last 7lb to be back to my fighting weight. just didnt want it to impact on my running which is going in the right direction. Thanks

JennyH10 profile image

Hey Guesty. I’m a 5:2 faster. I’ve lost just over two stone gradually over the last few years with one more stone to go.

I frequently run the morning of a fast day after having a cup of coffee and nothing else. If I run later on in the the day I find it more of a struggle but it doesn’t seem to affect my speed or anything just the perception of difficulty (might just be mind over matter). The morning after a full fast day can be trickier so I usually try to have a quick breakfast of a banana or some peanut butter on a slice of toast or something to give me a little boost.

I think if you’re going longer distances (I’m still keeping around 5k) it might be trickier but at this stage I think it’s fine running on empty. Although to make a complete liar out of myself I went for a run this morning on a fast day, came home starving and just inhaled an apple and probably far too many nuts for my calorie allowance 🙄😠

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to JennyH10

Ha ha with inhaling the apple n nuts! Good info Jenny i will monitor what happens n post it back, cheers

I couldnt do it and run. My blood sugar level goes down and i feel faint and nauseous if i go too long without eating. My metabolism is quite high though, so maybe i need the fuel.

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to

Cheers Flick thats what i was worried about so will monitor closely, thanks

AnnieW55 profile image

I lost weight on 5:2 in 2013 after starting c25k in 2012.

On non-running days I usually eat in a 5 hour window lunch at 1.30-2pmish and dinner 6.30-7pmish so essentially just no breakfast. Two meals and rarely any snacks.

On running days I don't eat before a run (too early in the morning) but do have a mug of tea or coffee before going out and breakfast when I get back so three meals on those days. Those morning runs have been up to 16 k/10 miles so far and are set to get longer so might have to review.

If you are doing low carb (I am lowish) then you should be running fat adapted. Most people have enough fat to keep them going for quite some time, health/weight conditions permitting.

I am lucky enough to be able to get body testing regularly at work and so far, over the 18 months since getting them I have not lost any muscle mass or bone density and my metabolic age is showing 15 years less than my real age so it can't be doing any harm. OK I'm not the fastest of runners but I am running 3x a week marathon training.

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to AnnieW55

Annie thats a great post and good advice and pretty much how i plan to move forward it all suits my routine, cheers Phil

petrometro profile image

I would get off the fasting diet and use an app on your phone which records your intake. I like "My fitness Pal" a free app which knows not only the ingredients of what you are recording but can recognise brands you either type in manually or use a scanner on the phone for the barcode on the packet. Set your own calorie intake targets and add in the calories gained back from the run you do. I can't see how one can link C25K with the app but there are plenty that do.

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to petrometro

Ive used that app before petrometro so may download again, cheers

HoagyM profile image
HoagyMGraduate10 in reply to Guesty26

If you did go down the mfp route, you might choose to log your runs with MapMyRun, both are now owned by UnderArmour and your runs would then be uploaded automatically to mfp and the calories burnt updated. I use mfp all the time (lost 8lbs in last 2 months since starting and completing C25K) but prefer Strava over MapMyRun and so manually enter the exercise time/type on mfp.

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to HoagyM

Cheers Hoagy

Lordi profile image
LordiGraduate10 in reply to HoagyM

Be careful with apps and estimated calories! I've noticed a vast difference between what Strava estimates for calories burned running and what my running watch/HRM says. Both systems have access to my runs' distance, elevation/grade, heartrate and weight etc so it's strange that they vary so much.

e.g. for my last run yesterday (a long run/walk) my Garmin watch estimates 1,207 cals but Strava estimates 2,056 cals! The truth may be somewhere inbetween, but if I went with the Strava estimate and the Garmin one is more realistic then I might "treat" myself to 850 cals too much " energy replacement substances " (i.e. donuts, chips, beer, kebabs, cream cakes, treacle and crisps ;-)... )

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to Lordi

Cheers Lordi

Usain_Bolt profile image

I fast for 2 days a week and have tried running on both fasting and non-fasting days. I found that if i fasted on running days (I always run first thing in the morning) I couldn't do anything for the rest of the day, I just didn't have any energy. So now I only fast on days when I'm not running. Also when I say fasting I do still eat fruit.

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to Usain_Bolt

Cheers Usain

SusieHicks profile image

Hi Guesty 26, I try to do autophagy and leave a 16 hour gap between dinner and lunch, but I’ve been wondering how that would affect running ( I usually eat an apple during my warm up walk, so I don’t always manage my 16 hours on running days). Yesterday I had no apples but really wanted to run because it was cooler, so I ran on a completely empty stomach ( apart from water and black tea) at about 9.30 am, and I had a great run, longest and furthest I’ve done so far. From now on I’m going to run first thing on an empty stomach. I think it’s worth a try. And btw I did a 10 minute warm up and then just over 10k, and wasn’t hungry at the end of it ( weird):-)

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to SusieHicks

Great post, thats just what im going to do, into second day today and managing but will know more tomorrow as im doing a longer run, will post tmoz

GailMichelle profile image

Hi Guesty. I'm only on week 6 on C25K , but have done all my runs on an empty stomach other thabn 2 teas. My runs are usually followed by a work out with weights and have had no energy problems so far. But I am used to intermittent fasting- I skip brea

GailMichelle profile image

sorry got sent to soon- I skip breakfast and have fruit for lunch and eat mainly between 17.00- 20.00. Good luck with the weight loss. Mine just isn't shifting , but I'm hoping I have more muscle!!!

Guesty26 profile image
Guesty26Graduate10 in reply to GailMichelle

Thanks Gail, ive had good success with the diet and going for the last 7lbs, my daughter has been with me for 3weeks from NZ so can get back on it and off the pop! See how i go on on my longer run tmoz hopefully ok

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