Weekly chat 12 - 18 March: Hiya and welcome to... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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Weekly chat 12 - 18 March

Bluebirdrunner profile image
15 Replies

Hiya and welcome to a new week.

Sometimes we don't feel like putting a whole post up but just want to share something small, so this is a great place for doing that during the week.

If youre a lurker it is a great place to say a little hi without the pressure of a full post.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week,

Juju, Realfoodieclub, Oldfloss, Millsie-J and Bluebirdrunner


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Bluebirdrunner profile image
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15 Replies
siabod profile image

Hi Bridge to 10kers.

I finished c25k a month ago now. I found a local 10k on 5th of may and signed up for it. Then I registered with Myasics for a training plan to deliver a time of 1:01:32. It looked a bit complicated at first with five different paces but it only took a few runs to get the hang of it.

The first month has been preconditioning mostly at the two slowest paces, this has resulted in me actually enjoying the runs themselves (I always thought that people that enjoyed running were a bit mad!) I increased my distance and have gone to 8.5 k a few times and not really wanted to stop.

I have started the next phase now called Getting faster the distance has dropped back to 5k and the next few weeks are rest/5k jog/5kfast/rest/3.5kinterval/rest/5kfast /rest. I have just finished the first week of this, I went a bit too fast on the five ks and have yet to nail a consistent fast pace, and Interval training isn't fun!

Getting slimmer and fitter and really pleased with progress so far.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to siabod

This sounds really good siabod. I think I would feel a bit nervous on looking at that Myasics plan,as you say, it sounds complicated, but this shows that just getting started and following the plan Works! And you are enjoying it and reaping the benefits. I didn't feel a competent enough runner for a 'proper' grown up training plan, but may take a look later on this year..

Good luck continuing with your training, you will definitely be good for that 10k in May, keep posting as to how you are getting on.

I think other people will be interested in doing something like this themselves.😊xx

Oldfloss profile image

Moving on slowly... I had a slight detour from the repeat C25K, to do a Virtual run... but I am moving towards slowly towards where I paused for the IC..:)

Th bad weather did at least slow me down... ha ha, is that possible , to be any slower:)

I am back to three times a week runs and looking for another new adventure:)

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

So pleased to hear the IC has been left in the distance and you are running freely and with ease again Floss.

Not sure if Zombies Runs! are your thing..but its a free app that plays your music alongside the unfolding mission. You feel a bit like Annika Rice in Treasure Hunt wearing a headset and being given instructions. You just do your run though, they do the describing...

*At no time are you in any danger 😉😁😁😁

Have fun running this week😊x


Anthie profile image

Week 3 of Ju-Ju's 10K done! Not easy but very pleased after the 7k on Saturday. My knees felt it though and I hesitated to go for the short run today but in the end, did it in the evening. Surprisingly, the running and stretching before and post run, actually got rid of the tensions around the knees.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Well done Anthie, those longer runs have you digging quite deep don't they. I found the first 3k the toughest part, then once breathing nicely and robot legs kick in start to relax a bit.

I like to think of the short run as a little treat for. .my legs, stopping before feeling worn out is nice....

Great work, keep listening to your knees though... have you seen these knee strenghening exercises...



Millsie-J profile image

Birthday week this week so quite busy socially. I have been getting out every day this month either running as usual, or walking at the very least mile and half at pace, but mostly much further. My knees are feeling good for it, which was the aim! Physio has done the hard work to get me to recovery and I know I am better if I keep moving. So each day this month Im not thinking ‘if’ i will go out, Im thinking ‘when’ will I go out.

Turns out those gremlins can be persistently little blighters! But Im beating them 😀🏃🏻‍♀️👍🏼

Bluebirdrunner profile image

You are beating them Millsie!😄... shake them off!

Nice to be busy with friends and family, I hope you get lots of birthday treats,and wish you a very Happy Birthday🎊🎁🎈😊xxx

(...Mine is next week)

SlowLoris profile image

Had a week off for skiing so what with cancelled and rearranged flights, and general faffing, yesterday was my first run in March. So I've taken that as a long recovery week. Short trail run today in the sunshine. Upping my runs to 4 (ish) per week. Target mileage for March is more than February so aiming for 53 miles by end of month. No hard or very long runs planned. Might try to slot in a 10K somewhere.

SlowLoris profile image
SlowLoris in reply to SlowLoris

Friday 16th, this week ran 2 days, rest day, ran two days. Easy pace. Two road, two trail. Nothing over 4 miles. Legs felt a bit tired this morning so slowed right down to sub Loris pace (worked out about 40s per mile slower than my normal slow pace.) All good, now for some squats!

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to SlowLoris

Kudos for keeping up the squatting SlowLoris... and those nice steady runs are enjoyable and something to look forward to without pressure aren't they...😊xx

Langley-Loper profile image

The dreaded sinusitis is losing its grip, the antibiotic course is finished, I can almost breathe normally again.

I'm aiming for three runs this week, nothing too taxing. Today's lunchtime was cut short at work so we did a randomly selected 20 minute HIIT workout on YouTube instead. The woman we were following had scarily muscular thighs. It turned out to be continuous - instead of rest intervals, there were lunges and squats! That explains the huge thighs. Won't be doing her workout again.

My friend said to improve your squat technique, imagine you are doing a poo in the woods. I don't remember that analogy in the recent Squatz Challenge, but I understand exactly what she meant...

Anniemurph profile image

Had my op today and they took a bit more than I'd hoped for, so I am now on the IC (or RC, I suppose) for 4 - 6 weeks, which is a bit of an embuggarance, to quote Nanny Ogg.

Expect lots of pompoms from the sidelines :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Anniemurph

Hi Annie, the op is done is the main thing, rest up and concentrate on getting better. I hope you feel ok, and have plenty of help looking after you.

A bit of time snuggled on that recovery couch cheering on the new graduates and you will soon be out running again.

Gentle hug and best wishes for a speedy recovery 😊xxx


Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks, Jan - yes, at least it is done and over with :) Love all the flowers and the hugs and tea and cake, thank you!

Now to concentrate on getting better! xxx

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