Sad, very very sad: I did my back the other... - Bridge to 10K

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Sad, very very sad

nhs2015 profile image
27 Replies

I did my back the other day. Stupid me. Cleaning the bath while in the shower. Bent slightly sideways, maybe 5 degrees to the right, and it happened. 🤬. 11days now and still 3 out of 10 sore despite pain killers and physio. Bummer! I sit outside around the back and watch the joggers passing by here and there and am envious. Physio said not a good idea to run anymore and to take up swimming instead. I like running. I am addicted to running. It is as good as eating chocolate.

Did you guys ever caught a nerve or slipped disk and eventually all went good and you could run again?

I mean, I am only 70, so another 20 years still left in me to run right? 😢

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nhs2015 profile image
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27 Replies
Bazza1234 profile image

STUPID Physios and Doctors!!! Supposedly educated people - but simply gossip and scare mongers!! They just want you into and out of their Rooms as soon as possible - pay your money for the consultation on the way out please!!! Those that say "you can't do this or that!!" There are many many examples of people who have been told that "you can't do *****" and have proved their advisers to be both wrong and stupid!!!!

Get yourself another physio - but make sure that he/she is a runner or at least a physical fitness enthusiast (might be hard to find admittedly) , not some fat slob who knows nothing about the human body except what he/she was taught in University.

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate10 in reply to Bazza1234

BTW -- only 11 days??? and 3 out of 10 painwise?? Try 8 months!!!!!! :) and still not healed :( . I do think that you are panicking prematurely - you've got years left in you - listen to your pain. Your small mishap is a bit like my fall in a gutter - just don't do it again!!! :)

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to Bazza1234

Thanks Bazza. You lifted my spirits. Thinking about trying a chiropractor if not better in a week. Just to get a second opinion. Then, you are right, I will look for a sports physio. Bound to find one who runs and understand the urge

Gillma profile image
Gillma in reply to nhs2015

I’ve had good treatment from two sports physios - one was a triathlete whose knees were severely arthritic. My current one broke her back falling off her bike about three months ago and is now back swimming and working. They’ve never said to me ‘don’t run’ although I have back and hip issues and am in latter half of my sixties. I am full of gratitude to them both.

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to Bazza1234

What an inspirational video clip. Yep, never give up.

I will be back running as soon as the nasty pain is gone. Yep will start with a nice walk tomorrow.

Curlygurly2 profile image

Yes, I have scoliosis, and a herniated disc, what used to be called slipped disc. It's been far better since I've been running. Take no notice of that advice is my advice. I was told I'd be in a wheelchair by age 16, and see what IrishJohn has to say about it! Why are you seeing a physio? Surely an osteopath of chiropracter would be better?

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to Curlygurly2

Doctor referred me to the physio. I know a good chiropractor so will organise something if it doesn’t get better. If you can run with a slipped disc then I will be fine. Eventually anyway.

You guys are great. Now I know I will be ok and can stop feeling sorry for myself and go forward....

Irishprincess profile image

That's a bit OTT from the physio! I'd get a second opinion and, like the others have said, from an osteopath or at least a sports physio.

I've had a slipped disc in the past and occasionally it "goes" again but while I can't run when it's painful I'm still running! In fact running helps it. Do you do pilates? If you can find a class then check out Reformer Pilates. It's with a machine but is brilliant for building a stronger back.

nhs2015 profile image

I don’t do Pilates Irish Princess but will enquire. Actually I would like to build a stronger back. I read about Reformer Pilates, I will check it out. Thanks for the tip.

Gillma profile image
Gillma in reply to nhs2015

I also do body control Pilates - brilliant, slow and steady and super precise.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Some great advice here! I can't add to it, but I can say "get well soon!". I look forward to your future running reports!

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Thanks Jay

nhs2015 profile image

Update : you guys made me feel good so as it was still daylight with a nice cool breeze, I decided to go for a brisk walk to the beach. Best move. Walking did not hurt provided I did not bend down. A lot of self control as my gremlin was telling me “ go on.... a little jog won’t hurt” . I did not listen. It is great. Back home now with a lot of good resolutions. I will run again one day.

davelinks profile image

Sorry to hear of your back pain NHS.. I think it's early days yet, give it time. As for some doctors, they sometimes don't know what they are talking about, it wasn't running that caused it! I have been losing faith in them recently especially when my wife slinkylinky was already diagnosed from an MRI scan by a specialist that she had a brain tumour bigger than a golf ball, our local GP tried to tell her that it was a swollen blood vessel, I promptly corrected him!

I sometimes get mild lower back ache, had it years, usually first thing in the morning getting up out of bed which lingers for a while then fades away later on. I know yours is a bit more than mine, you've put something out, hopefully with more time it will go back and settle down, then maybe like me you could do some back strengthening excercise.😊

Btw..slinky has had the tumour sorted, it was benign and she's recovering back to normal, hoping to start running again in the not too distant future...

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to davelinks

Thank you Dave. Here I am whinging, when you had something to really worry about. Good everything is fine for slinky. Such things really re evaluate you lives doesn’t they

ebcroquet profile image

I am so sad for you. Do you know I got rid of my bath for that reason. With a bad back it’s tricky/dangerous getting in and out and cleaning it is a dead cert to trigger your back. Now have a nice walk in shower 🚿 I questioned whether I should run as have lower back but I have to say (fingers crossed 🤞) following the prog and taking extra rest days has got me to week 7 and I am feeling quietly confident that I am gonna make it. You will need plenty of rest though 🙏

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to ebcroquet

Thank you ebcroquet

Hello! Well first sorry to hear you news. However please try another physio. I stupidly tore a muscle in my lower back and was off work and running for a month and a bit. This happened about three years ago and then a relapse again beginning of last year. I had a X-ray and nothing sinister was found ,I requested to see a physio and the nhs guy was fantastic! so there are some good ones out there.

He incorporated exercises to help with my running and I haven’t looked back since! I still have the weakness however I can manage and know my limitations. I rarely take pain killers and when it kicks off I just rub some tiger balm on the affected area.

I work for the NHS in anaesthetics in the operating theatre so transferring patients from bed to operating table when they are anaesthetised is a heavy task.

So for me I manage my back and do the exercises I was given and am able to run happily as well as work.

I have to say though at the beginning I couldn’t do much and like you was in pain. Eventually I started walking the routes that I previously ran and became stronger. (last may and July I participated in two charity races). So for me my doctor was excellent and so was my physiotherapist .Neither were scaremongers.

Please don’t worry ,you will get over this and you will run again,just be aware of your limitations and get better.

Your age shouldn’t matter,I’ll be 60 on Tuesday and hope I’ll have a few moe years of running left.😀😀

Happy running eventually!🏃🏃

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to

Thank you Maggie. Tiger balm, I got some of that.

Oldfloss profile image

Ouch and double ouch... and can run again, and yes, you have years left to run.:)

I twisted down to the fridge with small runner in training, on my left hip. Agony.... total agony... four weeks of sleepless nights... !! No runs!

I am, quite literally, just off the IC after that trapped sciatic nerve!!!! 5 weeks...I have started C25K again and today did Week 2.. Run 1 !!! It was slow it was steady but I am back out there!

Be whatever you are told to do...exercises??? what does the Physio recommend... why is this the end of running? I did all the NHS exercises for Sciatica... I did and am still doing Physio recommended exercises and some brilliant squats that Rignold gave me a link to.

I think you need to know exactly what you have done... I know mine was a trapped Sciatic nerve..all branches affected.... I still have a numb foot!

Go for a second opinion... see a Sports physio.. try these exercises too...

Walking for me was fine...just sitting and lying was the issue... do not give up hope...please... you can come back from this...

" One day, you will not be able to run.... that day has not come!!! " xxxx

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss. I do have a couple of gentle exercises but will look up the link you mentioned.

LisaGuy-Cowes profile image

Ive done mine hoovering ... its overrated! Have you tried a chiro ! ??

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to LisaGuy-Cowes

Not yet Lisa, I will give it a week or a few days anyway and organise an appointment if it is still painful

Irish-John profile image

The very scary thing is - medicine is an art, not a science.

There are a good few gray areas when it comes to diagnosis and prescription. No Doc gets it right every time - but you don't rely on an electrician to chart out your running schedule either.

If you have a car that's giving trouble, you don't try and fix it yourself if the first mechanic doesn't. You either let him continue to figure it out or you find a different shop.

I get nervous when someone without real qualifications starts giving medical advice I'll be honest.

I myself have been in the receiving end of "you're doomed" more than once, and from highly qualified people, but I've screwed myself up a LOT more often by not finding or following optimal advice.

Just my sixpence worth. Saw my name mentioned and did not want any confusion

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to Irish-John

Thanks Irish-John. I am so mad with myself !

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate10 in reply to nhs2015

You didn't screw up NHS - you have a screwy Back.

Big difference :)

Cheer up and go easy on yourself :) Getting bent a wee bit now and learning what you need to do to forestall future - and worse - injuries is also a result of this :) In the longer run you will come out ahead :)

Hang in there Runner 😉

nhs2015 profile image

Getting better everyday. After taking your advices, not giving up and going for a walk, I have reach the seven kilometres mark with brisk walking AND It is amazing how walking does not affect my back., on the contrary. I think by moving and not freezing my body I am doing myself some good. I will give it a few more weeks and start gentle running. I think maybe on the beach instead of the asphalt. I feel I could do it now but I still get a few pain after sitting down or staying up all day so better play safe. I think the idea is for me to stay fit and keep my lung working well and try to build up some muscles. Then I will be flying 😃

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