I am feeling good today! January is generally a bad running month for motivation but I am doing ok with my hm training (up to 9.6 miles). I have joined a local running group who have been lovely. In fact, today one of the group paced 4 of us at parkrun to get a sub 30 minute. At about 2k, whilst dodging people and puddles, I managed to get ahead of our pacer who shouted for me to go for it. For the rest of the run I had images of them catching me up especially on the hill but alas no. I came in at 28.33, a new pb (last pb 30.06). I was a little teary as my 2018 goals after my brother died was to get cardiac testing (all clear so far), a sub 30 home 5k parkrun and to run a hm. I am yet to do the hm, that is a challenge! I have also now run 50 miles in January for my virtual challenge. Yes today it feels good!.
Im feeling good!!: I am feeling good today... - Bridge to 10K
Im feeling good!!
Way to go H, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! That change of name to run-faster last year was the right thing to do for sure.
The HM is within your grasp, you can do it!
Keep on looking after you and yours xxxxx
Thank you! At school cross country the teacher was always shouting 'run faster H' so I guess it has stuck. The teacher would be mightily surprised at how far I have come now lol.

You are doing brilliantly! 😄

Whoop whoop on all counts! Well done on the PB, that's fab and great news on the heart testing. That must be such a relief for you.
It sounds as if your HM training is going brilliantly. When's the race?
I am relieved about the cardiac tests although it gives us no answers to why my brother had a cardiac arrest.
The hm is on April 22 so a little more time for training! I do find 10 miles a slog at the moment so I shall have to either strengthen my legs more or find some extra grit to achieve 13 miles!

Great start to the year - really pleased for you and I can understand why that new pb made you feel emotional. You are on target for your HM too - well done!☺
Thank you. I hope the hm training continues to progress ok.
I'm afraid I decided not to enter the one in March.😕 My weekday running has been difficult due to work and building work at home which has frequently left me with no time to squeeze in runs. I didn't feel I could commit to the training sadly. I try to run after work twice a week when I can and then a 10k at the weekends on my lovely trails, which is keeping things ticking over. Once I have a little more time again, I will be on the hunt for my next HM! Following the injury I had last summer, I do find my left leg still 'tires' more easily so am happy with how things are...for now!☺
Sometimes life takes over doesn't. But you are still getting out and maintaining your running fitness. There will be more chances for a hm in the future when you have the ideal conditions to commit to training. My training had gone ok so far but I will have a couple of weeks in Australia where my distances will suffer hugely. I am hoping I can still pull it off in the 4-5 wks after we return.
Wonderful RFD! Great news on the heart health and congratulations on the PB! That HM has your name on it 👍🏼👍🏼👊
Thanks Decker, I am still plodding along on my training plan!

Fantastic! so glad things are going well for you, a strong runner and an even stronger person
Thank you aliboo. I am really trying to work on my goals!