My parkrun PB is 29:30 - but I haven't been anywhere near that for 18 months. I'm not one to try to beat 5K pb at every parkrun and often choose to run much slower with other runners - it is actually good fun to run "easily" Last week I ran parkrun in 39 minutes . BUT - it was pacer day today at my local pr and as it is a bit cooler than it has been , I decided to "give it a go" for a change . Most of my training lately has been for a run/walk HM.
I decided to chase the 32 minute pacer - he went out a bit too fast so I trailed him for the first kilometre or so - but as he slowly realised that he was going too fast, I slowly caught up to him - about 2.5K I realised that he was holding me back so I went past him and I stayed in front of him from then on. I could see the 31 minute pacer up ahead but decided that he was too far ahead for me to catch up. BUT, by 4K , I was only 100 metres of so behind the 31minute pacer and I decided to go past him .
Finished with 30:49 --- 97th out of 274 - 1st in my age group
- 57% age group - I wonder what time I would have to do to do 60% of age group???
Back to a nice easy 8:30/k pace tomorrow