Conquering the freezing sogginess outside - Bridge to 10K

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Conquering the freezing sogginess outside

Sandyscroll profile image
โ€ข34 Replies

I've just got back from my usual Saturday morning romp over the local mini mountains. Usually it's hard work, but well worth it. This morning I encountered freezing rain, sleet, slush and a surprise free gift of black ice. I can't say I was a happy bunny, but at least I felt like a minor super hero for having got out there and completed my planned 10k regardless. It was really hard work I'll admit. One of those 'running through treacle' days. I had dressed up for the occasion with my flouro pink water resistant jacket, with a long sleeved flouro orange top underneath, thermo leggings with a purple waist band, a red baseball cap to keep the rain out of my eyes and blue trainers. I don't think I left too many colours out. ๐Ÿ˜‚

I am planning on getting waterproof socks, but my biggest issue was freezing wet legs. I refuse to stay in just because the weather isn't playing nicely, so I wondered if anyone has any experience of water resistant leggings/running tights? I've seen them online, but they are a bit pricey, so I thought I'd ask before I risk it.

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Sandyscroll profile image
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34 Replies
Fishypieface profile image

Ha! I love that 'romp over mini mountains'! I think that would finish me off, never mind the dreadful weather to boot. It does feel good once you are in the swing of it, freezing, soaked to the skin extremities, sweaty and red faced at the same time.... certainly makes you feel alive!!

Didn't even know they did waterproof leggings.... Or socks! All sounds a bit rubbery to me! :)

Well done on a cracking 10k, I have plans to get out tomorrow, but I don't think 10k will form a part of it!!

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

It was my first introduction to running in freezing wet stuff, and at the moment it's not looking like we're going to be friends! Maybe I need to run in a tarpaulin. โ›บ๐Ÿ˜‚ I hope it's nice and dry for you tomorrow. โ˜บ๏ธ

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to Sandyscroll

Tarpaulin! Why didn't I think of that?! Like a knee length poncho.... it would all run off nicely AND cover up a multitude of sins underneath.... I'm liking this more and more.... off to google running ponchos! :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

A super heroic 10k Sandy!...well done you๐Ÿ˜Šxxx

Someone will know about the waterproof kit (not me though๐Ÿ˜†)...

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks Jan. Maybe we all need to know about waterproof kit! ๐ŸŒง๏ธ๐ŸŒจ๏ธ

SaskAlliecat profile image

I also do not have any experience with waterproof leggings/socks. I think my trail shoes are waterproof because my feet have stayed warm and dry so far.

Great job on your run! I went out for a 8k yesterday and took a nasty fall on ice at 4K. Had a little cry, swore like a sailor, picked myself and wobbled home. I've got some pretty colours sprouting on my hip and have been zapping my lower back with my husband's TENS machine. I'll have to see if tomorrow's long run happens ๐Ÿ™.

Take care in the conditions. We went from a deep freeze to above normal temperatures with freezing overnight so not ideal for running.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Oh no, poor you! Wet and freezing is a lethal combination. Hope your hip is ok? This winter running is something to get used to, that's for sure. Certainly makes things a lot more complicated. Good luck getting back out there, I know you will err on the side of caution!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Thanks FPF. My hip seems to be ok, as long as I don't sit normally. I just have to sit more on the other hip. I've been battling tailbone and sacrum pain for 2 years, so I'm just really glad I landed on my hip and not my bum. My tailbone seems no worse for wear. I'm just so frustrated with myself. Within the first few minutes, I knew I should go back and use the treadmill but it was sunny and I really wanted to stay outside. In hindsight, if I would've just wore my spikes, it would've been ok. Half the pathways were clear so it seemed silly to wear them, but really, it was silly not to wear them. I'll be smarter next time....

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to SaskAlliecat

Sorry to hear about the fall Sask. Glad it was not really serious, but the bruising sucks. Its so hard to tell the black ice from the pavement sometimes. I went out today to mix some hills into my longer run and was a bit wary of some sketchy spots. Hope you can make your long run, if not tomorrow then very soon.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

I had coccyx pain for about 3 years after falling down the stairs and landing on it, it was dreadful, at its worse every time I stood up, so I feel your pain!!

I hope things are better for you today? x

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Thank for asking FPF. you definitely know what I'm going through. My tailbone is no longer debilitating, but is something I still have to live with daily. After a year of pelvic floor and regular Physio, I had hoped it would be gone, but no such luck.

My bruise is very tender but otherwise I feel pretty good. I don't think I'll risk a run though. I'll do a workout on the elliptical instead tonight and see how it feels. My body is incredibly fatigued right now due to poor sleep and stress from the big move at work so taking a little break is probably a good idea. Hopefully I'll get a run in Wednesday.

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

I've got no idea at all how you cope with your weather. Sounds like that fall was a nasty one. It wasn't until I was half way up the hill this morning that I found any ice. It was lurking! Ice does that.

Waterproof trail shoes sounds like a good start. Next time I need some I'll add that to my list of criteria.

Hope you have a swift recovery. X

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Sandyscroll

Thanks Sandy. This winter has been a real mix bag this. I wish it would just stay cold or stay warm. The fluctuations around freezing make for treacherous driving/walking/running conditions. I'll take my spikes tomorrow and run the city pathway instead of my neighbourhood. Maybe there will be less ice accumulation.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Aaaaaagh...that sounds horrid Allie๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜... you poor thing๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š

I hope you are ok. It will be the same conditions tomorrow I expect and if you are not 100%....๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Take care and hope you feel

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks Jan. As long as I don't touch my hip, I feel surprisingly good. I spent the day moving into my new clinic. I was on organizational duty, figuring out where everything should go and putting it away, which seemed to help keep me limber today. As long as I'm not too stiff tomorrow, I'll hopefully get out for some form of a run. It might not be the 16k I planned for but that's ok. I'll have to see what the pathways are like and take my spikes.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Oh man! Hope it's nothing that's going to cause you too much pain.

ju-ju- profile image

This is fantastic, you are very brave. Iโ€™m following as keen to hear about this. I have heard of waterproof socks but I donโ€™t know where you can get them.....

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

DexShell do a range of waterproof socks, and I'm sure there must be others. I found some on Ebay and There are loads of water resistant leggings/tights online. Decathlon do some for ยฃ9.99, not sure if it would be like wearing half a wetsuit. But then again, would I rather that than wearing freezing rain soaked leggings? Maybe... ๐Ÿค”

SC1472 profile image

I got some waterproof socks for cycling but I am not sure I would want to run in them as I think my feet would sweat too much. They are made of a plastic type of material - the main issue with them is if you get splashed by a car the tidal wave gets into the socks and then you end up with a puddle in the socks....

Iโ€™ve no experience of water resistant leggings but my son does a lot of hiking and uses nikwax to give his jumpers and trousers a waterproof coating - I think it worked but I donโ€™t think I got a straight answer out if him, I donโ€™t know if you can do the same to some existing leggings but it may be worth a try with an โ€˜olderโ€™ pair?

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to SC1472

Now there's an idea. I didn't think of that, and it's worth a try. I use something that's probably similar on my waxed coat after I've washed it. But I don't think it survives a wash and spin. Could still be worth a go though.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate10 in reply to Sandyscroll

I waterproof my work gear by going to the hardware store, paying about seven dollars for a "Wax toilet ring", gently melting it at home and "painting" it on jacket, pants etc with a cheapie throwaway paintbrush. Works like a charm, lasts far longer than the overpriced "treatments" :)

Irishprincess profile image

I got absolutely drenched in the middle of a run a while back and was wearing More Mile thermal leggings. They're not sold as waterproof but I was impressed at how dry my legs were afterwards compared to my top which was sodden!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Oh and well done on the run ๐Ÿ™‚

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

I was wearing thermal leggings, and a water resistant Karrimor jacket. I was still a drowned rat! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Decker profile image

Well done on getting through a tough one Sandy! Sounds like you may have brought a rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ into the freezing rain. ๐Ÿ˜

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to Decker

If I can squeeze a few more colours in there, I'm always ready to give it a go! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‚

Irish-John profile image

Maybe hiking/backpacking Gaiters? :)

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to Irish-John

That could work for soggy socks!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate10 in reply to Sandyscroll

ABSOLUTELY! And you can get them in varying lenghts for higher up :)

Sandyscroll profile image

This is what I've found thus far:

Ronhill trackster pants

Inov-8 over trousers

Or these quite pricey pants

There's a fair bit out there. I guess I'll just take the plunge and try each different suggestion until I find something that works. โ˜บ

Langley-Loper profile image

I am continually impressed by your dedication to your running. Being a Southern wimp, I ran at 8am today to avoid the approaching torrential rain. At about 10am it started sleeting, 10.30am snowing (at least snow bounces off). Glad I have done my run and can stay indoors now.

My running friend at work says there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. I think she has a bigger clothing budget than me!

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to Langley-Loper

Haha! Well done on getting your run in between the grotty patches of cold, wet stuff! I'm a 'soft southerner' really. I moved away from London in my twenties leaving all my family behind. I just couldn't afford the house prices. Glad my attempt at blending with the locals is so convincing! Having said that my dad was a ferryman on the Thames in Twickenham, so I'm used to being out in all weathers. I worked for him for about 10 years. I'm a bit older now (quite a bit...!) but still love the outdoors, whatever the weather. I agree with your work friend's philosophy. I just need the right trousers!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐ŸŒง๏ธ๐ŸŒจ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘–

wez70 profile image

Ditto! After walking the dog before heading out for the run I thought it was not as cold as I had imagined, didn't need gloves, could do long sleeve with t-shirt on top today and off I went. I missed the massive puddle that I thought was just solid ground but was in face a skating rink and said a couple of rude words as I crashed through the ice after sailing a couple of feet on it ... the snow started to come down rendering me a soggy and frightening looking mess and although I got round and did my planned distance, the shower just now had my thighs red raw and on fire because of too quick a change of temperature ... first day stuff! Glad you survived but that's me done for the day ... sofa and blanket with crap TV and dog cuddles beckons. Well done you!

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to wez70

Hey, you did a great job! Time to receive your hero medal ๐ŸŽ–. You've totally earnt your sofa surfing reward! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜€

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