I've just got back from a 10k-ish run and for the first time the second toe on my right foot is sore. The skin right on the tip has rubbed a bit, but not blistered. Would this be a shoe issue? I can't remember if I've run quite as far since I bought my new shoes a few weeks ago. Anyone got any tips to avoid this becoming a problem in the future?
Sore toes: I've just got back from a 10k-ish... - Bridge to 10K
Sore toes

Blister plaster before run while your shoes loosen up a bit or socks with toes in might work
I had a similar issue, it was time for new socks. Also used a dab of Body Glide for next couple of runs. I havnt had the problem again.
My second toe on my right foot has been like this for several months, it tends to be better if I keep the nail as short as possible. But I also noticed my new shoes don't rub that toe, so maybe it's a shoe shape issue. It also started when I began doing longer distances. I'm interested to read your replies
Taken from the running for fitness book..
You can also invest in socks that are specifically designed for running. You probably won’t need these unless you run long distances. You may not notice a seam which rubs your feet over 5 or 10 miles. But by the end of a marathon, you will be painfully aware of every seam, and could well have blisters where your socks have rubbed.
Sock manufacturers such as Thorlos make socks that have no seams, and of which the soles are padded for comfort. I like these, but I know many runners who find them too warm. Other brands of socks are double-layered, which helps to reduce blisters (since the layers rub against each other, rather than against your skin). Many runners swear by these, others find them uncomfortable after they have first been washed. Try the different brands and see which suit you best
Is your second toe longer than your big toe? If so, you may find that you get more problems down the line, and it may be worth seeking out shoes with wide and deep toe-boxes. I am involved in such a search as I have this toe problem myself Specialist running shoe brands include Altra and Inov-8 (this is not the first time I have mentioned these recently, but I promise I'm not affiliated to either!).
Toe info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morto...
This is useful. I have 'square' feet... whereas I believe most people's toes taper after the big toe. I have two the same length as my big toe! And other two not much smaller... My adidas galaxies seem to allow plenty of room for this. But will also check out those brands plus the link
Don't suppose it's any consolation to you, but you sound like you have the ideal toe shape for dancing in pointe shoes -my daughter would be very jealous if she knew
Maybe I should take up ballet

Just try a dab of Vaseline on it next time you run.. then there's compeed..

I have this prob. Big toe and second toe right foot. Still growing a repairing lost nail. They take ages 🙄 Vaseline, smeared on the ends and between the toes, pre run is a good plan to prevent chafing. Nails trimmed straight across
As you run up and down we get pressure on either heel or toe. Loads of looking for the wider tie box shoe. Trouble us all makers seem to be narrowing in order to shave down costs. Same with pockets, ankle zips and waist cords on run tights. Grr. Altra seems to be the only ones making clown shoes 😃

Hilly twin skin running socks