I’m sure someone else must have posted on this topic before but can’t find it! Holes developed in the mesh toes of my shoes virtually the first time I wore them - anyone else have this problem? Has anyone found a way of repairing the holes or a brand of shoe that don’t do this. Or is it just my feet or the way I run?😂😂
Holes in toes of running shoes!: I’m sure... - Bridge to 10K
Holes in toes of running shoes!

Asics shouldn't do that after the first run. Causes? Tight shoes (should be a size longer), long nails, or hard stride. I'd bet on tight shoes. If they are the same size as your walking shoes, they are tight.

That shouldn’t happen on the first wear so I’d take them/send them back.
Did you get a half or full size bigger than your everyday shoe? Such a shame as they’re such a pretty colour 🙂

Find a strong thread in the same colour and sew them.. I done this with a black pair I had and they lasted months after 👍
I need to try this!
Just curious... where did you pick this post up? Did you just click on a past link ?
Ah so I have backtracked to find out what I did: I was reading the Toes anyone post and must have hit on this in "related posts " and didn't notice the age of the post- holiday browsing!!!
That looks like a defective shoe. I’d take them back - it’s not normal for a new shoe.

I assume that the photo above was not taken after your first run…?
Some shoes seem more prone to doing this than other I think - those with light mesh uppers and where there is less reinforcement around toe area. That being said, I have often end up with holes in my shoes, despite getting shoes in a bigger size and tying lock laces to stop my foot sliding forward! I too, have tried sewing up holes in the past! It shouldn’t happen after one or two wears however…
My current shoes (which I ❤️) have had very small holes in for ages now but they doesn’t seem to be getting any bigger! 🤞Perhaps I am a natural running scruff! 😂😂
Does no harm to let Me Big toe go on a journey 😅😂
No you are right - I only just got round to posting as the holes are now getting quite big😂 and I want to try and mend them but small holes did indeed appear on the second or third time I wore them which was disappointing. (I keep my toenails short so it wasn’t that). I will try a bigger size next time and I have ordered some strong thread to see them up.

Hi . I had the same with first pair of ASICS but only on left foot. Got a pair of brooks and started the same after few weeks. I had hot half a size bigger. Just had first gait analysis last week and advised needed full size bigger . The fab staff advised I prob stuck my toe up when I run and said to consider a bit of duck tape underneath in same spot in my new shoes. If I am sticking my toe up I don’t think I can concentrate on keeping it down!Good luck wok next pair🤞
I got Asics and expected to go up half a size but the sales person advised a full size up. I was very dubious, being my first pair of running shoes, but he was absolutely right. Any smaller and I would have had a sore big toe (one of my big toes wears out the lining in all of my shoes)
Yes it seems mad to buy a size up (will I trip over the toes😂) but it seems to be what everyone is recommending-I suppose your feet swell a bit when running.

It is a common issue with running shoes. The solution that works for me is to stick some duct tape inside the shoe at the toe end. You have to cut the tape so it is exactly the right shape and it can be very fiddly to fit correctly but it works. Some shoes have a reinforced section in that area to combat the issue but most done. See if the shop will accept a return. Some have a disclaimer to say holes in the toes aren't a valid warranty return problem. Good luck.
Hello, yeah mine always end up like that, whatever shoe I get. Usually after a few weeks though. Someone told me once it was called runners toe and that it happened because some people run with their big toe pointing upwards?? I never felt like I was running like that but.....
I have 6 pairs of Asics gt2000 and holes have appeared in the older ones over time. I did a gait analysis when I started running and ended up with going from a usual size 5 up to 6.5, they have all been really comfy with toe space but still small holes.

Always happens to me, shoes and socks, right foot first (but not first time out). My big toes are 15mm longer than their neighbours and my nails as hard as, well, nails. Shoes big enough to avoid this would be too big everywhere else.