My second ever - no great damage- not as bad as last time, this was only my second in 2600 klms. - but a bit sore today mainly in my hands.
A tiny piece of tree bark brought me down. At fists I thought I may have tripped on a raised portion of the concrete path - you have to watch those paths made out of individual pieces of laid concrete - sometimes they shift a little over time and the edge raises a little. But - no, it was only a piece of tree bark.
I was running with a group and trying valiantly to keep up with them. I am a bit tired of running by myself - don't mind doing fastish intervals by myself on a proper track and also long slow runs by myself - but trying to stay with others two times per week. BUT - everybody else is faster than me !! Those that aren't faster then me seem to stay away from the running groups. Not too many 70 year olds running around where I live!!
I was actually running with a 65 year old yesterday - but he is a 25 minute 5K runner anyway.