What does a running routine look like? - Bridge to 10K

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What does a running routine look like?

JoolieB1 profile image
9 Replies

Could anyone share any tips about what might be a good routine look like. Should there be resting periods where distance being run is reduced? Maybe a pattern of one faster run, an easy run and then a long run with a additional cross training day each week - is that sustainable across the whole year? If there were maybe a couple of half marathons in a year, would this be followed by a time of resting? Sorry, but as a newbie I want to get it right so I still enjoy running and avoid injury. Julie

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9 Replies
misswobble profile image

Two half marathons in a year is ambitious for a newbie runner. Even one is ambitious but can be done. If you planned one for later in the year say October then you have a long lead in to give you plenty of time to train. Along the way you could enter a 5 or a 10k race or two to keep you interested. Park Runs would be a good idea for training purposes

Cross training is important I'd say, as the fitter you are, the easier it will be and you run less risk of getting injured.

Good luck

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate10 in reply to misswobble

I agree that cross training is needed, cycling tomorrow! September is far away so I will train but continue having running fun and adventures!

Coddfish profile image

I run for general health and am not trying to stretch to a half marathon, not sure yet whether I want to get to 10k. I exercise 5 days a week with 2 clear rest days. Monday is either a 20-30 minute speed interval run (outdoor) or a 30 minute swim plus weights in the gym. Tuesday I do an Aqua class plus a 40 minute swim. Wednesday is outdoor run, either speed intervals (if not already done) or a longer run/walk run of 50 - 60 minutes. Thursday is a 30 minute swim using a Swimfit class, plus either weights (if I didn't do them on Monday) or another Aqua class. Friday is rest day. Saturday is Parkrun. Sunday is rest day. Sometimes I run on Sunday instead of Saturday (based on commitments and weather), if so I do 5k then instead and the Monday is swimming. Very occasionally weather forces me onto the gym treadmill where I am only prepared to do a 20 minute speed interval run regardless of what day it is! All are done first thing in the morning.

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate10 in reply to Coddfish

I run for health and like to run on my own rather than in races although parkrun is great, I do that from m time to time. My running distance just crept up from 5 k to 10k, so I wondered if I could set a goal and September for a half marathon seems reasonable if I am careful and avoid injury. Just wondered what advice experienced runners might have around a running calendar that would be helpful to a beginner. I have already run 13k, so if I increase my long run distance steadily, should be fine and I want to add in cross training, a little increase in speed for my shorter runs too. I booked the half on impulse but it seems to have given me a challenging goal and I want to go for it

ViaM profile image

Sorry to keep throwing links at you but, when I graduated, I had exactly the same questions as you. I found some good articles, which I have bookmarked. Here are the ones relevant to your question:



I hope they offer you some good ideas.

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate10 in reply to ViaM

Thanks, I have read the articles and bookmarked them to read again another time. I just can't seem to fit into running clubs or training plans for some reason so I have written a half marathon training plan with a long run (increasing by 1km each week) and a slow 5k plus a tempo 5k. Also a cross training session. I will see how many manage with that, if it is my own plan, it can be changed around easily. Looking forward to increasing my distance and also doing some cycling again, maybe also swimming. Appreciate you sharing those articles,mercy interesting. Julie

runswithdogs profile image

Last year I build up to 13k for a race. I obeyed the 10% rule, and I'm relatively young (34) and not carrying extra weight around. I still got an overuse injury. I think we forget we are new runners - I had only been running a year. Now that I'm building back up I'm intentionally having easy weeks where I cut back to only short runs. I'm hoping that, in combination with weights at the gym and better stretching will lead to injury free distance buildup. I'm also experimenting with run-walk intervals to reduce the constant impact of the long run. I'm back around 12km and so far so good.

Long story short, go easy on yourself and listen to your body. The injury couch stinks.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Great question.

I do a long run and a speed run every week. Occasionally I try a hill run instead of speed. I only run twice a week as I swim and speed walk as well. This year I am adding in core work and stretching. I've been a bit lapse with those.

Rest days should be as important as training days to avoid injury. They also recommend that you have a decreased training week every four weeks to give your body a proper rest. That's one I have to work on a bit as I get too much into the swing of things.

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate10 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Today is a rest day and I went for a 15 km cycle ride, really stretched out my legs and my knees feel so much better but worked my lungs and heart LOL. Will walk tomorrow to completely recover from attempting a programme and failing, then a long run on Friday! 😀

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