Hi,I had an angioplasty in March 2021 due to stable angina,been on the usual cocktail of meds since,( Lansoprazole,Bendroflumethiazide,Bisoprolol,Ramapril,Aspirin and Atorvastatin ),I have recently stopped taking Bisoprolol due to suspected side-effects,( sanctioned by doctor ) and have been O.K. with that apart from a brief flare-up of intense anxiety.I have since come to suspect that other side-effects I've been having,( fatigue,excess trapped wind,dizziness,feeling that I was about to faint ),may possibly be down to Lansoprazole.I suspected this as the side-effects were much worse in the mornings,which is when I've been told to take Lansoprazole,so as an experiment I stopped taking it for a few days and the symptoms have greatly improved,has anybody else had anything similar ? Can anyone say if it's O.K. to take Lansoprazole in the evening instead ( so side effects may occur while you're asleep )?
Lansoprazole: Hi,I had an angioplasty... - British Heart Fou...

I had been advised at one stage to take Lansoprazole at night instead of morning to get more benefit from acid reflux at night, so I wouldn't have thought it would matter. Worth trying ?
The leaflet with my Lansoprazole merely advises that if the dosage is one pill a day, then take it at the same time (any time). When I took it on a regular basis, I did so before going to bed as it was during the night that I experienced stomach discomfort.
Yes, that was why my GP advised me take mine at night.
I was told by my doctor pharmacy try to cut down on them because they are not good for you on tiktok there a doctor on their he said the same thing I only take them now if I get stomach ache
It depends really on why you need them. Not the best thing for simple indigestion and unwise food choices. Be guided by your doctor and your own medical issues. They are a life saver for some.
Dint believe anything you see in TikTok. check with your own doctor first.
Many thanks for the replies,I'm going to try taking it at night.
My twopenn'orth....If you have been prescribed Lansoprazole to 'settle the stomach' due to you taking other medication and you find you might be experiencing unpleasant side effects probably caused by Lansoprazole and are much better when you dont take it, the question arises do you really need to take it at all? I often say on here that prescribing health professionals prescribe PPIs to settle the stomach as a default rather than trialling their patient without it to actually see if they need it. And if they don't need it that's one less medication to worry about but if they do need it then prescribe it. But if you do need it and get side effects then there is other medication available as an alternative, people on here have been moved on to famotidine with good results, i.e medication under control and no side effects. Finally I take landoprazole for reflux and I always take mine in the morning before I eat, and that lasts me the day and into the overnight fast before I take the next one the following day. If you switch to taking your lansoprazole at night any effect of settling the stomach due to medication you have taken over the day will mostly be lost. So my advice to you is basically talk to your GP or prescribing health professional about trialling dropping landoprazole since it seems to me from what you have said you don't actually need it.
Thanks for your reply,my understanding is that the Lansoprazole is there to protect my stomach from the effects of having to take low-dose aspirin long term,I would prefer not to take it at all,I am due to have a medication review fairly soon so I will explore options then.
I stopped taking Lansoprazole (prescribed due to low dose aspirin) and now buy my own enteric coated low dose aspirin for under £1.
If you are taking dispersible aspirin and suffer from gastro upsets because it it irritating your stomach lining I suggest you investigate coated low dose aspirin as an alternative, which is what I take.
I have been on Lans.. for years for Gerd/acid reflux made worse by Hiatius hernia. So, I eat less in quanity but more often. I also dont eat at least two hours before going to bed. I take Lans...only if I feel discomfort in the evening or in the night if I need it. I never take it if I feel ok. It works so quickly for me I can have it on standby. I definately need it but for me its an essential standby rather than a daily must. So check with your doc if you can use it when you need it and see how that goes. 🙂
My doc said its every day or not at all for Lans
I used to take Omeprazole as required for acid reflux / hiatus hernia and it did work like that. But over the years and after being told several times that I should take it every day do now take it every day. It means i can eat what i like when i like.
My experience is that the effects last for 24 hours.
Regarding aspirin i was told by a cardiologist who gave me a very thorough review of my medication that if you haven't had a heart attack the benefits of taking aspirin are slightly outweighed by the risks, so i could stop taking it.
As I posted above I am also on Lansoprazole for reflux disease ( and perhaps a mild hiatus hernia), and have been taking PPIs for over 15 years to keep it under control. I noticed that you are similarly placed except you choose to take it when your symptoms are bad, and don't when you feel OK. If it's any help it sounds to me that you are on the cusp of not needing it, and perhaps when you do need it it has been brought about by a trigger from something you ate. I am sure you are aware of the foods that folks like us should avoid as in acidic, bloating, relaxants like coffee, etc etc but I found by keeping food diary what my triggers are and now avoid them, although I still occasionally have relapses. So if you have not done so already it might be useful to find out what your trigger foods are and you might then be able to get by without the PPI. I also found out by accident (whilst decorating skirting boards!) that prolonged bending down acted as a trigger and so I am careful to avoid that. I also had to stop yoga because of that. Finally if you take PPIs and then immediately stop your body will then in response overcompensate by making more stomach acid which may be a reason why you have to go back to your PPI to get things under control again after stopping. Hope this is useful.
I had Lansoprazole for acid reflux but had to come off it due to it lowering my sodium levels to much . If I get acid reflux I have Gaviscon which works . If you stay on it make sure you have regular blood tests .
I stopped Lansoprozole with no ill effect when I stopped taking Ticagrelor. I am still taking dispensable aspirin, but it seems odd to take a medicine that definitively will change the way your body functions (regardless of whether you get recognised “side effects”), just in case or as a preventative step for a condition that could be easily treated with the drug if did occur. I have never had any stomach issues but will reconsider if I do. GP was in agreement. Good luck
Interesting that you take one more drug than me even though i had a quad bypass rather than angioplasty. Is something else going on with your health, although of course we are all different.
For a variety of reasons I found it easier to take 3 medicines late after noon inc Lansoprazole and the other 2 in late evenings.
I don't really get gastric upsets so presumably am taking lanso in case I do because of the aspirin. Logically therefore if I could take coated aspirin presumably I could get rid of lanso so the higher cost of the aspirin would be more than mitigated by not taking lanso.
As to the broader question of what impact they have, that is tricky. Are any impacts as a result of age, weather, general sporadic health problems, medication?
Bisoprolol and statins are often cited here as causing problems so will be interested to see if many here cite lansoprazole as also causing problems
I've been taking Lanzoparole for years and never had any side effects, I take similar BP meds as you.
I have been on Lansoprazole since 2020. I take them 30 to 60 minutes before breakfast, as advised by GP & consultant. They are taken to protect your tummy from the Asprin which can effect your kidneys. I've experienced no side effects.
I’ve stopped taking mine all together as I don’t get any acid reflux from the aspirin, don’t know if I should be taking it to protect my stomach or not.
Apparently PPI’s shouldn’t be taken long term. I take Famatodine, it is more expensive and my Gp refused to prescribe it. My Consultant laughed and said I outrank him I’ll write to him and tell him to prescribe it, and he did. For me it works, I take it in the evening.
I don't think it matters when you take lansoprazole,it protects your stomach and helps reduce acidity
I also have an intolerance to lansoprazole. Back in the mid 90's I went onto a trial of Rabeprazole. This antacid works very well and I have stayed with it and no side effects. Some GP's don't like to prescribe it as it a bit dearer than the usual go to. Might be worth talking to your GP about changing.
Like others have stated, it seems Lansoprazole is prescribed by default, with little concern for follow-up on individual experience and needs.
As suggested by the nurse on the BHF phone helpline to reduce morning queasiness, I persuaded my Practice to change my prescription to coated enteric aspirin. I was then able to reduce my Lansoprazole dose significantly - currently just one 15mg pill twice a week as a transitional measure. This has reduced to nothing discomfort in a certain area. As a result I now rarely have to use haemorrhoid cream (....too much info?).
Another key source of info and support in doing all this was the Practice Pharmacist. This is not necessarily the same as your Dispensing Pharmacist. They have exhaustive knowledge of drug interactions, side effects, and alternative options - and access to your notes!
I have been on Lansoprazole since having an Upper GI endoscopy in June 2023 where it was thought I had a gastric polyp that later turned out to be essentially gastric mucosa. There was histologic evidence on biopsies in keeping with reflux oesophagitis from which PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) were suggested. Acid depressants were recommended due to very high dysphagia.
Lansoprazole is a type of medicine called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), Proton pumps are enzymes in the lining of your stomach that help it make acid to digest food. Lansoprazole prevents proton pumps from working properly. This reduces the amount of acid the stomach makes.
This is what the NHS says about Lansoprazole: nhs.uk/medicines/lansoprazole/
There are so many side effects of Lansoprazole / Naproxen and this website lists so many that it is difficult to find one not listed: drugs.com/sfx/lansoprazole-....
I noticed my local Supermarket sells Lansoprazole and that might cause a problem for those who self-medicate.
I take lansoprazole to offset the so called side effects of blood thinners on my stomach. I have never suffered from reflux and I sometimes wonder if they are needed .
I don’t know if my experience of Lansoprazole will be of any interest to you!
I had a heart attack 2 years ago and have been taking Lansoprazole ever since. I’ve been having problems since the beginning of the year with nausea/upset stomach and generally feeling very unwell, on and off. I had to stop Lansoprazole for a while so that my GP could repeat a test for stomach inflammation. I restarted it about 3 weeks ago and within a week I started to feel very unwell with nausea and extreme exhaustion. I was told by my GP that it was unlikely to be the Lansoprazole but to stop taking it again and see if there was any improvement. Within 2 days the exhaustion disappeared, along with the nausea. The coincidence is too great for it not to be the Lansoprazole that was causing the problems. I haven’t as yet had a follow up appointment to see what I should do next. I have also been told I am pre-diabetic. I walk twice a day and am badly underweight. I have read online that Lansoprazole could be the cause although I haven’t spoken to my GP about this yet.
How about swapping to famotidine instead. I can't tolerate the "azoles". They make me feel permanently sick.
I have been on heart meds for 10 years now and have never been prescribed a PPI, but I do eat a little something when taking any of my pills. If you have not had any issues with your stomach before all the meds were prescribed, maybe you dont need the lansoprazole?? This is something to talk to your Dr. about and maybe you wont need it anymore. I do know that they are not for long term use,and carry some risks unless you have stomach/gerd issues, and if you were on them for a long time, they should be weaned off of. I am in the US, so maybe the Drs here dont necessarily prescribe them to all of their heart patients, but in this forum, I have noticed a lot of hearties are taking them. Take care.
I've taken lansoprazole, omeprazole, ranitidine and famotine over the years and always at night. With the latter 2 I get rebound acid late mornings, the PPIs seem to be better. I'm interested in the side-effects you mention as I've been blaming the Bisop and hadn't thought the Omeprazole could be the culprit.
That's what is recommended, take the Lansoprazole bedtime! Remeber this is a PPI and helps with stomach problems, not cause them.
I was having similar angina problems which have been better controlled with Bisoprolol. How is your BP?
I was put on Atorvastatin, bisoprolol, clopidogrel, low dose aspirin and lansoprazole following my heart attack. I take everything at night (that way I rarely forget!). That was in 2012, my medics are very pleased with my 6 monthly bloodwork and overall good health! I hope that helps.
I have been on Lansoprazole for about 30 years now and had no side effects. I also have Heart Failure, high cholesterol and Angina. I have the same problems as you but this only started since I have had heart problems. For the Acid Reflux I sleep with a wedge which props me up and stops the cough. Picture of bed wedge you use it with your pillow on top. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Nodlem73 I'm sorry you have been experiencing these horrible side affects , I have been taking lansoprazope approx 20 year and I havnt had any of these side affects but everyone is different what is ok for some mabe not for all . Hope you get to the bottom of it x
I also take the the same drugs as you I also stopped the bisoprolol that cured most problems and I've now stopped the atorvastatin and I'm back to my old self, able to breathe and to walk up hills, and not having to hold onto the kitchen side after getting up because of feeling dizzy, my surgeon said I had just the smallest piece of cholesterol in my vain which was no problem he said no need to take statins then he said take it anyway. WHY!! I've now got my life back and living it.
FWIW, a nutritionist friend of mine is scathing about the unnecessary use of antacids and yesterday told me that I only needed to take it if I burped. I don't. Though we've known each other intimately for 12-13 years, we remain reticent about vulgarities, and I think that she may have also been referring to another form of releasing gas - I do have to take care to contain this, including when I'm with her.
Hi Nodlem. I had spells of feeling faint and dizzy when I was on lansoprazole as well. An experienced cardiologist told me that the reason was that the drug depletes magnesium levels over time. It can also affect B vitamin levels. Bearing in mind that I am not medically trained, I suggest you try the following: purchase some Epsom Salts or Magnesium Flakes and dissolve 2 tablespoons in a washing-up bowl of warm water. Then soak your feet (yes, I know it sounds daft!) for 20 mins. Do this twice weekly. Also, if you do not already, take a B vitamin complex tablet daily, as well as a vitamin D supplement to assist calcium absorption into bones. Regarding the magnesium, a shortage can adversely affect the heart rate, resulting in dizziness/faint. The body will absorb precisely as much magnesium as it needs from the foot soak; overdose is impossible. It's a safe delivery mechanism and it's effective. See if that works for you - and good luck! I hope you feel a little more robust very soon.
I’ve been taking Lansoprazole for 4 months , had lots of chest pains, which is acid reflux, and done a food tolerance test which has helped. Now has all subsided and good at moment. For example drink soya milk , Dark rye and sunflower bread , changed my eating habits. The choices you decide are yours alone 👍