I was prescribed lansoprazole 30mg after my ablation 3 weeks ago. I am supposed to take it first thing in the morning before food for 2 months. I am experiencing a lot of side effects from the tablets. Has anyone else been prescribed this medication after their procedure and how did you get on with it ?
Lansoprazole after ablation - British Heart Fou...
Lansoprazole after ablation

Had Lansoprazole for 8 weeks following OHS, no ill effects at all.
Given the nature of the most common side effects are you sure it is the Lansoprazole causing them?
I was prescribed lansoprazole when I went onto clopidogrel, changed from omeprazo!e. I had had stomach pains and upset tummy. Was changed to pantoprazole which I can take with no.problem. Might be worth seeing if you can get it changed
Lansoprazole appears to be the go to Protein Pump Inhibitor (PPI) they prescribe to reduce the risk of stomach issues when people are prescribed Aspirin or Clopidogrel, but like you, I had problem, I finally ended up on Esomeprazole after a couple of intermediate steps.
Speak to your GP they should, hopefully, help you find what is best for you.
Lansoprozole and me didn't get on. We stuck out our relationship for 3 months but in the end we had to part ways. Gave me shocking tummy upsets and the irony of spending a lot of time in contemplation in the smallest room, several times a day, as a result of taking a tablet to protect my stomach wasn't lost on me. I now take famotidine and whilst I still feel queasy at times I can at least venture out without worrying where the nearest loo is!
Over the years I've found out that I am allergic to all of the PPIs that I have been prescribed. At one point my GP threw his hands up in horror, declared me to be a "nightmare to medicate" (his actual words) and prescribed me Peptac which is basically a cheap version of Gaviscon. As it turned out, I don't need a PPI if I take my medication with food, so that's what I now do. The Peptac is no longer on prescription. If I do get a bit of acid reflux, then a quick dose of Gaviscon and some water sorts it out, but that's usually only half a dozen times a year.
I read the side effects and decided not to take it. It was only prescribed as a precaution due to Aspirin and Clopidogrel which I took for a year with no problems.
Hi Fish Guy,I’ve just had an aortic valve replacement and I noticed a new capsule they were giving me.I asked what it was and they said lanzoprazole.I asked the cardio surgeon if I needed it and it was just to protect my stomach from damage by aspirin newly prescribed.I asked was there something else I could do.I don’t take non steroidal pain relief and I haven’t got any other risk factors.
He said I don’t have to have it.I really don’t like how it affects me.Taking tablets for the first time in my life apart from Bisoprolol ,I won’t do anything rash but Il ask for advice and help from Doctors to reduce how much I’m taking.