Hi, I’m wondering if anyone else has has similar experiences with either Lansoprazole and Omeprazole. I was initially prescribed 30 mg daily of Lansoprazole because of having to take daily aspirin which can cause problems because of excess acid production. Even since I started taking Lansoprazole after having stents in April 2021 I have had problems with stomach pains and pains in my right side and sometimes tightness in chest area. My GP recently changed me to 10 mg of Omeprazole instead of the Lansoprazole because I was a bit suspicious that they were the cause of my stomach problems. I had to go without either for a week because I was unable to pick up the new prescription. I noticed that my stomach problems had more or less disappeared. When I started the Omeprazole, they came back with 2 days. I have been experimenting by stopping them for a few days and then restarting and I am 90% certain that these Proton Pump Inhibitors are the cause of my stomach pains, I’d be grateful for any comments. Thanks
Lansoprazole and Omeprazole - British Heart Fou...
Lansoprazole and Omeprazole

I can't take any PPI's as they really upset my stomach with very bad pains.My doctor changed them to Famoditine which work in a different way and seem to be much kinder to the stomach, although I struggled with them too. I changed the aspirin to coated ones and my stomach is much better.
I'm another one who can't take PPIs, and have been prescribed Famotidine. After being on it a while it's not an unmixed blessing but better than prazoles.
had exactly the same problem… was prescribed omaprazole.. decided to stop taking them after stomach pains.. no more stomach pains😊… was prescribed by a gastroenterologist when i was admitted for chest pains!.. cardiologist asked if i’d had any previous stomach problems.. when i said no.. he informed me i’d dine the right thing stopping the omaprazole lol
hi- my stomach really didn’t like Lansoprazole- markers showed I had bowel inflammation so I ended up having a colonoscopy- which was all clear. I changed to rabeprazle on GP advice. Like you mines for the daily aspirin intake. Worth exploring other options- I also read an article about Lansoprazole which suggested it can strip tummy of the much needed bacteria to make a healthy gut. Anyway the change worked for me as had a few embarrassing run to the toilet events while on original tablet!
omeprazole gave me an inflamed stomach - the gastroenterologist said about 10 pc of people have this with that medication. I was so bad I thought I had cancer and was woken in the middle of the night with burning chest pains. Now I’ve stopped it and gone onto something else I don’t have the gastric issues anymore.
I changed to Famotidine eventually, I found PPI’s made things worse.my Gp refused to prescribe them as they are more expensive. I saw a Consultant gastroenterologist, explained the problem and he laughed and said he would write to the Gp, he said as a Consultant he outranked a Gp and he could prescribe Famotidine for me.
I would agree with you. Having similar experience myself.
Hi Wilko, just to add my 2 penneth. I take nexium which are advanced over lanzoprolol, never heard of Famotidine. I don't take a tablet every day, just when I feel my stomach is a bit acidic.
never though of it, but me and wife suffer the same problems. Might give it ago with out them to c if it makes a difference.
I hope it helps. Please bear in mind though that these are prescribed by cardiologists to help prevent the problems that daily aspirin would otherwise cause. I had already spoken about my suspicions to my GP and I’m seeing her again next week to ask for an alternative.
My heart surgeon told me to come off omeprazole immediately . Due to new research. Read up about new research and don’t come off anything without asking your doctor ! But I highly recommend you read about it - research from USA
hello, do you have a link to share regarding the research you mention please.
I had the same problem with Lansoprazole. It was after taking them for some time (9 months I think).
In my case it was to protect against Clopidogrel). The cardiologist changed the med to Famotidine which is not a PPI. The problem went away. You do need something to protect against long term use of either clopidogrel or aspirin.
I was on Lanzoprazole for about a year after MI and 2 stents in May 2021. I had some unpleasant side effects which I narrowed done to this PPI and also read up on them and their long term use; the result of this research led me to ask my pharmacist if I could stop taking any PPI as I was taking coated asprin which should help prevent stomach problems. She said that it was OK to stop over a few days of reduced dosage.
It is about 6 months since this change and I have not had any stomach acid symptoms since. However I have never had stomach acid problems and so would advise talking to your doctor and or cardiologist for advice especially if you have a history of stomach acid problems prior to being prescribed PPI's.
I'm allergic to PPIs so I take Famotidine which works differently. It's about the only alternative I've found. I Used to take ranitidine but for some reason it got banned. I also had to change to coated aspirin that dissolves in the gut not the stomach
Hi Wilko, I also have stomach pains after taking Omeprazole. I was on 40 mg & gradually reduced to 20 mg. Think I will now try to reduce my dose to see if it makes a difference.
Hi Wilko
I had similar issues with both (including spasms that mimicked a heart attack) but was moved to Esomeprazole which has pretty much eliminated all the symptoms it is backed up with Gaviscon Advanced for when I get some twinges.