Had 4 Ecg tests last Thursday at local surgery ,nurse showed Gp who said nothing to be be done at the moment ,but wants to see me This Wednesday for review, since then feeling all sorts of thing in chest area , at work yesterday seem to be short of breath,even though up and down 3 storey building, sometimes feel,s like my breathing has stopped when even just standing up a pair of steps, in the evening felt better , been back on very low dose of bisoprolol past few days, was having these feelings before they put me back on bisoprolol, i.ve had at fib since 2018, Just wondering if other people suffer from the same things , need to ease my mind
fed up with feelings in chest - British Heart Fou...
fed up with feelings in chest

I am so sorry you are still struggling
The dose you are on is such a baby dose I wonder as I sense you are really suffering with your anxiety if it is playing on your mind and so you are feeling every little thing that maybe are normal but if we were not anxious we would not notice as I know when I am put on a med all of a sudden I get anxious and start feeling things and then not sure is it me the med or what it can be really difficult to separate these feelings
I think quite a few of us would feel breathless walking up 3 flights of stairs
I know you need to get this sorted out but I really think some Counselling or therapy may help to and when you have your review maybe mention it if you could be referred
Write all your symptoms down and concerns ready for your review so you make sure you do not forget anything
Try and stay focused your ECG'S all looked ok that is a positive
Let us know how you get on x
thanks ,i will start taking notes as you said every time i feel short of breaths and feelings in my chest. i do think sometimes it is me getting stressed out and and angry and ,it ,s that sometimes it occurs when i seem relaxed and also the lady i was working for gave me a proper cup of coffee instead of de-caf yesterday at work and that might of triggered things off, ive being trying to keep of all caffeine drinks ,gp,s advice, ah well just have to see what the week brings.🙂
I hope it brings you some answers and peace of mind x
Went to see gp for review about ecg tests ,said they were okay but had nothing to do with my At fib, but to do with an extra beat i get,showed me the tests, said thats why i get low pulse beat at times , told him about strange feelings in chest and short breath , told him i was getting stressed about it , he said if i,m getting stressed about this , this could be the reasons for the strange feelings in chest,so said i should take a whole tablet everyday and see how it goes for two weeks then come back and see him, he also said might have to increase the strength
It is very stressful having to live with me I know it
My Husband is under a lot of pressure and some years ago before I even had my heart attacks he started with these double beats miss one then double again even stopped him sleeping at night he was stressed though coping with me and still is
He went and had every test done under a Consultant and his heart was fine in fact he ran the treadmill higher according to the Consultant than any one he had seen had ever done
He asked about how he felt and he said he was stressed and the Consultant said he thought that was what the cause was plus he said some of the fittest athletes get this and then he gave him a choice to live with it or go on beta blockers
Because at night it kept him awake he said beta blockers and as he is not anxious he just got on and took them even went back and asked for the dose to be upped as they were not quite doing it and he has taken them ever since and is fine
I am just telling you this as it shows how someone that is not anxious deals with this rather than how me and you tend to deal with things and how much anxiety can play a big part
Your Doctor does not seem concerned and you have been checked out so I can say as you have the feelings you are getting most likely are anxiety I get out of breath and if you take note when you do and then feel anxious because you have how your breathing then gets worse
I have so many challenges over taking meds as I have the biggest meds fear and as soon as I take one I go into panic but since my heart events I have had to take them I dont like it but know it is a must
You are going to have to follow what they say and give this a good chance try not to worry and when you do tell yourself my tests I have only recently had done are ok
I bet you did not ask about some Counselling
If you carry on struggling do ask about it
Let us know how you get on x
Hearing about all the things you ,ve gone through and are going through makes me feel a bit embarrassed and ashamed it ,s that perhaps I,ve got it get to me,did,t use to be like this, I did,t ask about counselling, just want to see how things go,and your advice has helped a lot ,see how I get on over the next couple of weeks ,will let you know what gp says then .
Will do thanks 🙂