Me again : Hi, here again. He's doing... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Me again

88 Replies

Hi, here again.

He's doing really well. He's out in the chair each day, still hoisted but he was trying to stand and they had to tell him no you're not strong enough yet. Monday he was in the chair when I got there and they didn't put him back to bed until I left. He was getting tired towards the end.

He grimaced in pain and nodded when I asked if he was in pain. I went through chest, back, arms legs. Lots of shaking head, then he rolled his eyes as if to say for goodness sake, lol. I apologised to him and said I'll start at the top, is it your head, yes, so nurse gave him more painkillers.

Today he'd been in the chair since 6a.m. and they put him back in bed just before I got there at 11. He slept the whole time I was there! At 12.30 I told him I was going so he could sleep in peace. He opened his eyes and nodded and blew me a kiss. I caught the bus halfway home and walked into a hairdressers where appointments not always necessary and got my hair cut, then caught the next bus home.

Rang ICU for an update. Physio had been and he'd done all the arm and leg exercises he'd been asked to do. He's had a couple of cannulas removed and also had the ventilator dropped again and he's breathing fine.

So, he's trying his best, hopefully he'll be off the ventilator by Thursday/Friday and have the tracheotomy removed after the weekend. Then he'll get the speech therapist to help him with his speaking and also check he's swallowing okay.

I'm going on Wednesday, but think I'll stay home on Thursday.

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88 Replies
Mydog8it profile image

I'm glad for you both that he is slowly returning to normal..... it makes me feel less worried whilst I wait my turn for the op.

in reply to Mydog8it

I'm positive you'll be fine, everyone on his ward went home day 6 or 7. He obviously fancied staying asleep longer while he's healing x

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

So nice to get an update I do look for them :-)

He is doing so well if you look back on the posts you have done from the beginning of all this to what you are saying now you can see just how far he has come and I am so happy for you both

Recovery can have good and bad days so everything you have said fits in and he certainly sounds eager to get moving trying to stand up even though to weak but the signs are all there for when he gets a bit stronger

All the medications and things he will no doubt get a headache glad you got to where the pain was in the end after he rolled his eyes at you he certainly can let you know with his facial expressions what he wants or doesn't want and how he feels :-)

You are like super women squeezing a haircut in but I am glad you have done something for you :-)

I cannot wait to read more of how he progresses now and thank you for letting us be a part of a word I do not usually use this journey with you and your Husbands

I am sure your posts one day will help so many others that find themselves in a similar position and will give them so much hope :-)

Look forward to your next update :-) x

in reply to BeKind28-

Yes, this time last week he was just getting the second tracheotomy, and although he started waking up last Wednesday, it was Friday before he was able to properly come around xx

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to

Hello :-)

I think he is doing brilliantly :-) x

Maisywhippet profile image

sounds like he’s making very good progress 👏

WeeHoolet profile image

It's lovely to read your post, Castleview, as I'm always looking for your update and think of you both often. Slowly, steadily, your hubby is moving towards recovery and sounds to be doing really well. He must be hurting and exhausted, poor lad, but shows no sign of slacking, so well done, your hubby 👏💓

And good for you too! You must be feeling a little happier now, what with prettying yourself up for hubby (though it's good excuse for a comfy sit-down, the hairdressers!) 💇‍♀️💕

Look after yourself, eat and rest well, Castleview. That strength and love of yours will be needed more and more through the critical days and procedures ahead. Wishing you both the very best. xx ☺️

Lovedogs1 profile image

This is so good to hear, I’m so glad for you both. Hopefully he will continue to improve every day.

Blearyeyed profile image

Absolutely amazing , and I'm so glad you gave yourself a treat too. Hugs , Bee

in reply to Blearyeyed

Had to, I looked like a scarecrow 😜

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

😆😆😆 Now hubby is awake when you visit you can't get away with it anymore either , sounds like he's nearly well enough to start cracking jokes about being pulled through hedges backwards! 😆😆😆But that's brilliant to think of when you remember it was only a week ago that he still wasn't off the breathing apparatus, I'm so happy for you , Bee

in reply to Blearyeyed

I've got peace until he gets the tracheotomy out, as he can't speak.....BUT he is making his feelings known😜

weepip profile image

I am so pleased to see your update. Such good news to hear he is making a slow but sure progress. Thanks for letting us know I'm sure there are many of us checking for your updates and willing him on . You will need to test him tomorrow and see if he notices the hairdo :) I hope you do stay home Thursday and take a day to yourself this must of been dreadful for you and you need time to take a few deep breathes xx

in reply to weepip

This is the only time I'll let him off for not noticing my hair cut, lol

Chickenlou profile image

Brilliant news 😊

The fact he rolled his eyes at you made me laugh, as it’s a good sign he’s on the mend!

Glad you managed to take some time for you too, that’s very important.

Looking forward to the next update soon xx

Cavalierrubie profile image

It’s so good to hear your news. Your hubby is doing so well and sleep is the best healer for him. You have been wonderful, so make sure you relax now and look after yourself before he comes home. He is being looked after well so grab this time to recuperate yourself. You must be exhausted. Keep us updated please xxxx

Weetabixie profile image

Thank you for letting us know he is improving further :-) I too look out for updates from you and am relieved and glad to see he is getting better slowly but surely. Nice to hear you do something for you too.Stay strong and the best to you and your husband 🤞🙏🫶:-)

Manderson27 profile image

So glad for you both that he is improving. It is surprising how emotionally invested we become on here with people we don't know. I think a lot of us were cheering from the sidelines.

ETHEL103 profile image

Keep the updates coming.Always wonderful to hear good news.I also have a Castleview,wonder if it's the same castle as lol.Mines in Kent.

in reply to ETHEL103

No, my castle is in Derbyshire 🙂

ETHEL103 profile image
ETHEL103 in reply to

Oh lovely part of the country.

in reply to ETHEL103

It is. My mum was from Folkestone so all holidays and some Christmas weeks spent there x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to

Yes a lovely place to live :-) x

Stumpy47 profile image

Sounds like he's doing well, when you look back a couple if weeks! As he gets stronger the improvements will be greater hopefully. Enjoy your you time!

Callie456 profile image

It's wonderful to hear how he's improving, step by step. I'm so happy for you. He clearly has a good sense of humor, despite everything! That was lovely to get a haircut, something nice for you. Well done :) Yes, visiting alternate days, or a day of rest every few days is good for you too, so you can keep up with all the hospital visits, which are certainly draining when they occur for such a long time. Enjoy your rest day on Thursday.

Gillph profile image

Progress can be a bit of a stop and start but he has a great sense of humour hasn’t he? V pleased you got rid of the scarecrow look too! Like others here I look forward to your updates and it’s so encouraging for those of us in the ‘waiting room’. xx

Catwifie profile image

Great news..he's on the mend..told you..he just needed a long lie in! 😉😘You look after yourself as you'll have your hands full once they discharge him !

Love to you both from a driech Argyll 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💝

in reply to Catwifie

Thank you. Yes, very wet and grey here as well x

Sim22 profile image

Hiya, keep the update coming I find writing down your thoughts are important for your wellbeing and interesting in your husband progress. Many years ago I used to sit in the gallery at the old National heart hospital, watching various heart operations which were cutting edge procedure in those days with recovery taking many weeks. Mostly, these days heart procedures are routine with excellent outcomes.

Seal59 profile image

So glad to hear this news. I think people on this group feel like they know you now, so are sharing this journey with you. It’s definitely a better place than you were a short while ago. I hope things continue to move in an upward direction for you both.

WoodlandLover profile image
WoodlandLover in reply to Seal59

Yes I agree, we do feel we know Castleview don't we? And it has definitely given us huge encouragement while we wait, and a sense of shared companionship, because it can be an isolating feeling, waiting for heart surgery, and trying to stay as 'normal' as possible for your family. Thank you Castleview, for sharing all your vulnerability and heroism, it's gifted us all, at the same time. Xx

CuriousBetsy profile image

Thank you much for the updates. I am sure you are helping so many spouses and children as they care for their loved one.🤗

Stent2024 profile image

that is great news . Was getting worried when I didn’t see a post from you yesterday . Seems like he’s slowly getting better everyday . Keep strong , your getting here x

in reply to Stent2024

I was just too tired last night to post, I only slept 2 hours on Sunday night, then visited on Monday. When I got home I had something to eat, a cuppa and then bed.

WeeHoolet profile image
WeeHoolet in reply to

Bless you for posting when you do. We know you must be exhausted, emotionally as well as physically 😴 🙂

Noodlesalad profile image

He's doing so well and so are you, slow and steady he'll get there.

Topper60 profile image

So pleased for you both.

benjijen profile image

This is such positive news. I'm so pleased for him, you and your family. Xx

Dyllibobs profile image

So happy to read your latest post, your hubby sure does have a great sense of humour! He's come such a long way & clearly getting stronger now. Keep the updates coming when you get chance & definitely take time for yourself. Sending love to you both xx

Plum53 profile image

Lovely to hear from you and that things are moving forward with hubby. Slowly one step at a time but he is improving. Good you took some time for yourself and got your hair done. A hair cut can make us ladies feel so much better gives us a little lift which is what you need. Best wishes going forward. Take care of yourself xx

MoBeee profile image

Thanks for the update, he's on the way to recovery. With your love, he'll make a recovery Insh'allah. He's showing all the positive signs.

Plastow48 profile image

Great to hear your latest update and that you are looking after yourself too. Hope the sun shines on Thursday and you have a day doing what you want to do. Prayers and hugs.Jenny

Bishop1 profile image

Delighted to read your positive post today. Great you treated yourself to a hair doTake care. Good luck with hubby,s recovery

Have a good day x x

Wooodsie profile image

Hi Castleview, replying again 😂, you really don't need to apologise for your updates, judging by the number of responses and likes, the community are very pleased to hear from you, I know I certainly am.

Isn't the treatment he is getting marvelous; we do moan about the NHS, but when push comes to shove... You couldn't ask for more. His recovery is slow, but regularly improving, so good news, I'm pleased for you both.

Suzyh profile image

So glad he's on the mend these things take time and that's he needs time for his body heal x

Pdbd1 profile image

Thanks for taking the time to update. Such positive news. What a difference a few days makes 😊 Good to hear you are also being kind to yourself.

Larneybuds profile image

Lovely to read this morning. Hope this progress continues ....happy days xx

Sooz34 profile image

You definitely need a bit if time yo yourself. My husband had a really bad time after his op ..nowhere near your husbands level. But I know the toll on me over 14 days ..I was literally in my knees. I have heart failure but it was really the stress and the knock on effect. I think you did the right thing getting off that bus and doing something for yourself to make you feel 'normal'. It's very hard going and I really admire your courage and resilience as well as your husbands fight. I hope the improvements continue and remember you're no good if you're worn out as when he gets home the work and worry goes on! Xx

CalvinHb profile image

More good news!

Edenowl profile image

That sounds like things are definitely going in the right direction. Glad you got your hair done, always a nice little pick me up. Fingers crossed he will soon be able to talk to you and breath for himself. Thinking of you. Thanks for the updates xx

Bingo88 profile image

So pleased he is progressing slowly. It will take time to rebuild his strength up. Just hope the terrible weather doesn't affect you too much the next few days. Heavy rain is expected. Take care. Brian

in reply to Bingo88

Yes, it's pouring now, but I'm having tomorrow off from visiting. Catch up with housework, then feet up and do some reading

Bingo88 profile image
Bingo88 in reply to

You certainly need to look after yourself as well

Nannysue1 profile image

Brilliant news

Avagra profile image

Things moving the right way ❤️

Carercmb profile image

You’re both doing FABULOUS . Great to hear. Picks us all up


Hi Castleview i’ve been following your updates and so pleased to hear that your husband’s improving every day. I hope this continues and you can soon hold a conversation with him.

Beatles1956 profile image


WoodlandLover profile image

This is so amazing to hear your ongoing good news! It makes my heart sing 😚 I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers for your hubby's continued recovery and your returning strength. What a heroic month you've both navigated! Sending love and respect 🙏 XX

Digger0 profile image

Excellent news - I'd be tired if I'd been washed and out of bed for 6.00am!!! Were the night nurses trying to find something to do :) He sounds as if he is coming on really well. I'm presuming that they might move him to a hospital nearer home if he needs more rehab? Just don't moan at him if he forgets your anniversary!

in reply to Digger0

He'll stay in the same hospital, moving first to PCU then back to the ward he was on for 3 weeks prior to the op. By then he'll be able to have his phone and tablet back and I can go back to visiting 3 days a week and phone calls.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to

Excellent! You will be able to Face time him then :)

andrea_waffle7 profile image

Hi Castleview, like someone else said earlier you are like super woman and your husband will think here comes my Wonder Woman. Keep going your husband is getting there now. Phew 🩷 you can have a little time to yourself. Maybe someone else in your family can visit to give you a little break from time to time. Amazing news. Xx

in reply to andrea_waffle7

😆 not wonder woman, just a wife who loves her husband. ❤️

Handel profile image

Hello Castleview. Your lovely hubby has really turned the corner now so there will be improvements every hour. If you look back on the notes made when he first came out from the bypass, you'll see how far he's come.

I'm sure hubby will want to know what's been happening over the past few weeks so he can get some closure. And good for you getting a nice hair do! I bet he'll notice next time you visit!😊.

We're all here thinking about you both (and your family - it won't have been easy for them either). Sending all the love in the world and gentle virtual hugs. Jan xxxx

Greenthorn profile image

Thanks for the update. We are all on tenterhooks!

Dempo profile image

Lovely to read your update, he’s made great progress. You deserved that hairdo, it must be so tiring for you with the long bus journeys each way to visit. Amazing aftercare from the NHS, too.

maggie80 profile image

Hi, it sounds really good. Take a day at a time. Look back on last week. How things have improved. You're hubby will get there in the end. It took me twelve months to feel more myself. I had a quadruple and a replacement heart valve. It all takes time. Everybody is different. Stay strong. Take care. C x

devonian186 profile image

Good to hear such positive news. I found that I needed the max allowed paracetemol 2x4 every day for around 6 weeks, mostly for the pain in the sternum rather than the head.

However I can imagine its a very stuffy atmosphere in his room so that won't be helping and wards are kept so warm. My abiding memory is of the constant need for water. Is he getting enough fluid?

Isn't it your wedding anniversary soon? You can whisper to him that you've bought yourself the new car he had promised you for your anniversary. That should get him moving!

best regards

in reply to devonian186

He has the tracheotomy so can't swallow, so all food and water is given through a line through his nose to tummy.He'd have a relapse if I said about a car, neither of us drive, lol

Yes, our silver wedding on Tuesday 27th,💖

JMV100 profile image

Brilliant news ,Castleview. Glad you have made time for yourself. Keep the updates coming. We are all cheering you both on from the sidelines. Take care of yourself.

CrofterG profile image

That's great news all improvements are good news, and you ll be feeling a lot better also.Keep with the updates always good to hear.

cappachina profile image

Good news slow but sure is the way forward He will get there. Yes have a day off. You will need to be 100% fit for when he's home again

Elsabounre profile image

What a journey...but you are seeing those improvements daily...and that is the reward...I am sorry he is having such a difficult time when others did not...but we are all different as are the surgeons who perform these ops...glad you did the hairdresser on your way home...a little time for you...always necessary...may goodness and luck continue to accompany you in both your battles...

1AnneMcC profile image

Forgive me for asking, I may have missed your answer before but has the surgeon or anyone given a reason why this has affected your husband in this way? Or is it 'one of those things'?I ask because many years ago my brother had the same op and failed to regain consciousness after the op. Everyone was positive the op had gone well but Roy didnt recover. It was many years ago and everything has improved so much but for Roy it was just one of those things.

My husband had the same OP in 2014 and recovered quickly and well.

The question I always ask of them now is 'did you expect this to happen?' As not being a medical professional we dont often know the right questions to ask before the op.

Best wishes to you and your family. Xx

in reply to 1AnneMcC

They were surprised as all scans were clear, but sometimes some people take longer, almost as if their body is saying stay asleep while you're healing

1AnneMcC profile image
1AnneMcC in reply to

I'm so pleased he is doing well x

Afibflipper profile image

I think anyone reading this will have their own day lifted up - knowing how hard the struggle has been for both of you. Just how amazingly he’s doing now, that you are still getting your hair done is great. I wonder if he has any recall of those first days, as to whether he did hear you and recall what you said to him despite being unresponsive. I don’t know if you’ve written a journal for him so he can read about what he missed & what he has had the strength to get through. Maybe your sons can add things.

Often we never say things we want to say or should say to loved ones, we assume they just know! It’s at times like this it’s possibly nice to sit and read those pages with/to him, thankfully he come out the other side. Thankfully you’ll be able to do this together. Xx

Just a thought to anyone who struggles with words, write it down if it’s easier - then if ever there’s a time there’s only one of you - you know the other one always knew what you knew. Xx

Qualipop profile image

Slow but sure. It will be a long journey but he's getting there. Such a relief. I bet it felt wonderful to get that haircut and just do something for yourself.

Jako999 profile image

It’s all great news . Home soon 🤞🤞

meadfoot profile image

Thats great. All moving in the right direction.

2wheeler profile image

I think it is very important for you to take time for yourself, a trip to the hairdressers is a good choice. Nice to hear your news take care Sending hugs

BEATbump profile image

So good to hear he's continuing to gain his strength back albeit slowly. He has no rush tell him the weather stinks and to wait for the warmth to return. Good giving yourself a little pamper. Stay strong everything going in the right direction 🤗

momander profile image

Hi there,

I am so pleased that your husband is doing much better, it must be such a relief for you. Take care and rest lots and lots!!! xx

DebbiB28 profile image

So happy to hear this good news.

pauljusa profile image

Best wishes to hubby and tell him I said that these guys are in full retreat! 😁

in reply to pauljusa

He'll love that😂😂

pauljusa profile image

More great news. 👍

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