Ralph was good this morning, not out of bed because he'd already had some work done, they changed the tracheotomy tube for a smaller one. Drs did their rounds and are going to tell SALT to not do the other tube through the nose and shock as they think in a few days it may not be necessary. His secretions are drying up with the 4 injections a day and at 2pm they took him to radiology to get Botox injections in 4 salivary glands. Sandra, his nurse said he was incredibly brave. She thought they'd numb the area first but apparently they can't. Luckily she'd given him paracetamol,30 minutes before. She held his hands and told him to squeeze as hard as he wanted. She said his eyes were watering, but he got through it. She said he'd been reading since he got back, and she'll be giving him more painkillers at 6. She asked did he want her to leave him alone for a while and he nodded. The plan going forward is to probably put an even smaller tracheotomy tube in in a few days, and also in the next few days lower the cuff again and see how he goes and try to get him a speaking button as well. Each time they put a smaller tube in, he can cough up and get rid of secretions as well and as the saying goes, better out than in☺️All his other numbers are good and they're very pleased with his progress. It will be fantastic if he doesn't have to have the shocks, consultant thinks once he's used to smaller tubes and coughing more, and secretions dry up to normal levels, he should be able to manage his swallowing himself. Feeling more optimistic at last.
Moving the right way: Ralph was good... - British Heart Fou...
Moving the right way
That is a good, positive message to read, well done to Ralph, he did well. Onwards & upwards now and things being more optimistic. Hugs x
That is truly amazing news. Both of you have been so brave and I am praying for you both that Ralph continues to make steady progress. ❤️❤️❤️
What fantastic news!!!! Would be lovely not to need much more interfering with!
fabulous news, he just needed the time for his body to do its job and start healing, I think he was just waiting for summer 😉. Tell him we are waiting for a pic of him in the garden with a cup of tea so we can all see who we been praying for xx
Brilliant news, I have been thinking about both of you, char
Wonderful! 🤗
Onwards and upwards. So glad things are improving.
Been waiting for your update always look for them and I think this has to be the best yet !
Finally there is progress moving in the right direction and we all could not be happier to read this
Small steps he is getting there such a strong man he is
I hope his progress has took a little pressure of you to and you are feeling more content and relaxed x
wow. I’m so glad to read this update. He’s doing so well. And braver than me 😊 please pass on our regards and best wishes. Again, I do hope you are getting a rest as well?
Bless him, he is being so strong and brave, as are you x
So very glad to hear that the secretions are clearing up finally! Brilliant update and I hope he keeps improving at this hospital.
Take care.
Tos x
So pleased at your latest news.😀
Fantastic news…so pleased for you both!!😀
Hi Sue Lovely to get a positive update again. Seems that the moving to the new hospital has been a turning point for you both with them having a good plan of action Glad they hopefully wont need to do the shock thing it didn't sound like the most pleasant . You and Ralph have done so well to get to here and I hope he continues to make good progress xxx
That’s all sounding positive. I’m so relieved for you both. Ralph has been a real fighter and you have been his rock.
So pleased for you both.
You both deserve medals but better still you already have each other and in truth no medals or worldly goods can put a value on the love that drives you both on. Thanks so much for sharing the update. ❤️
Very positive news so pleased things are moving forward.x
what great news to wake up to on a grey wet morning. Hoping Ralph continues to recover without any more setbacks. Hoping you are looking after yourself as well. 😊x
Wonderful news. Don't forget to look after yourself too. Prayers and hugs.Jenny
Positive news. 🥰🌸 well done Ralph. X
really pleased things are moving in the right direction.
Ralph has an incredible fighting spirit.....he's marching on....more positive news and good to read xx
Thanks Castleview for the very detailed update. It is good to hear progress after progress at last. I'm pleased for you both, it is very good news indeed 😊
terrific news sue x
Brilliant news! Well done Ralph - give him a joint hug from all of us on the forum!xx
Well done both of you 💕
positive news. Well done both of you. It sounds like Sandra and the rest of the hospital team are looking after Ralph really well. X
Thank you for updating us. FANTASTIC news. Sending you both my best wishes. So chuffed for you both my dear. May God continue to watch over you both. Xxx
Glad to hear all this. He seems to be doing much better in this hospital than the previous one. Are they more specialist or just more involved and proactive?
The last hospital he was in cardiac intensive care, so they basically dealt with his heart operation, that was successful, except they missed the stroke! Once he was recovered from that I don't think they knew what to do with him except get him out of one of their beds. Our local hospital is much more invested in getting him fit and well. This hospital has it's faults don't get me wrong, but as far as Ralph's care is concerned they are going above and beyond. They always come while I'm there and explain exactly what the plan is to both of us and you can see they genuinely care and they aren't rushing him, in fact sometimes they have to tell him to slow down, 😆

It is strange how we have different experiences
Where Ralph is now is my local Hospital and when I had 3 heart attacks they kept sending me home even though questioned by family why I was having so many in such a short space of time were they sure everything was ok to which they kept saying yes however eventually they did an angiogram and it was all stations go and they cannot operate at the Hospital Ralph is in now so they contacted Sheffield and I soon got a call from them saying you need a triple Bypass and quick
When I spoke to the Surgeon at Sheffield when I was in there they said you could see right from my first heart attack just from the scans that I needed a triple Bypass and yet they kept telling me I was ok in my local Hospital
Sheffield is more though for doing the operations and they are very overloaded as they take so many patients from surrounding areas and yes they need the beds where as where Ralph is now the intensive care there is excellent and they have more time
I also think in the early days Ralph was so poorly it may have been hard for them to detect the stroke there was so much going of where as now things have improved they can see more clearly what has been happening at the local Hospital
I think Sheffield did a good job in doing a successful Bypass and then keeping him going till he was safe enough to be sent to the local Hospital where they are doing a good job having more time to see what has been going wrong and what he needs to get him back on his feet again and home with you where he belongs with you
For me though I am grateful to Sheffield Hospital they saw what the local one was missing
Both Hospitals are good at what they do best though and thank goodness they are x
Hip Hip Hooray! 🎉 ( wrong body part gets cheered in this term, I am aware !)
Fantastic news, praying he continues to improve day by day
Thank goodness progress seems to be steady and sure. Well done to both of you! xx
Such fantastic news at last. Ralph is so brave and you also. Sending healing thoughts your way
Thats fantastic news, the only way is forward from now on , well done to Ralph. And I can't wait until the day you are on here telling all of us that you have him home with you where he belongs. 🙂
Great to hear things are improving. Hopefully onwards and upwards from now.
👍. This is what we have been waiting to hear.
The mountain path to healing is truly being climbed step by step, but is very steady, and just look how far Ralph has come! Your tireless love and devotion have lit his way. I join everyone else here in being delighted for you both, and wishing him ongoing healing, and you, peace of mind and times of rest and relaxation. Hugs and love XX
This is really good news and so good to hear. Praying for you both best wishes 😊❤️💙🤗😘
Hi, wonderful news. Will you give Ralph a message from me. Tell him he is a very strong minded person also his lovely wife and son. Stay safe.
That's brilliant news. Ralph has been through such a lot and so have you. You could write a best seller (and I'd be the first one to buy it 😊). Love and hugs (and looking forward to the next paragraph). Jan xxx
you are both travelling a long hard road but thank goodness things are improving. Thank you for keeping us updated. X
So glad to hear this good news ❤️
That's encouraging news about Ralph. And you seem happier in your post. I hope you are looking after yourself it's all to easy to neglect your needs when worrying about the other half of you. Hope Ralph continues to make progress.
I feel for you both as it’s obviously a very difficult time and some of the treatments although they sound harsh are for the welfare of Ralph.Good luck to both of you
Every positive event is a celebration..yes..he is a strong man...and determined to get back home...and he deserves that victory...there were times when the hospital really frustrated me..but in his new place..he seems to be getting better care...I wish you continued strength..and keep the candle in the window..soon Ralph will be there.
Brilliant news so pleased to hear Its been a long haul for you both keep the updates coming
Brilliant news! He's a strong man & definitely wants to get home 🥰 xxx
I've been following this for some time. I am busy and rarely get the time to comment, however I am so pleased that the sun is starting to peep through for you.
It's also so pleasing to hear you tell of that particular nurse who seems to combine the best attributes of both the human race and the National Health Service.
To be fair they're all amazing, but she is special
Hi Sue Excellent news I have a tear in my eyes just reading your post both are so brave I will continue to include you both in my prayers God bless you bothxx
so very pleased for him and you, makes the day brighter with good news .xxxx
lovely news 😊