Hi every bodies just wondering if many of you have had problems with Statins in particular Rosuvastatin, I had possible digestion problems where food would appear to stick in the back of my throat, feeling tired and falling asleep frequently, mild stomach ache aching muscles So I have come off of it that's not a life it's being a zombie any suggestions on what to take that is more natural I've started on Benacol plant from Sainsbury, Now don't rush away I have another one for you all, Bisoprolol Fumarate another zombie drug Sold by all good undertakers have not stopped taking it but the warnings are horrendous, as I've noticed on all these medicines it says the doctor should monitor you and do a blood test I/e I have a dodgy kidney that leaks protein and is supposed to be monitored I wasn't even asked about it, when I mentioned it They just waved my concerns away, maybe they thought I was part of the group Dodgy let me have your thoughts on these small minor things
What problems has anyone had with st... - British Heart Fou...
What problems has anyone had with statin s

Apparently it was big news on TV the other day that statins do more harm than good and only half the people taking them actually benefit....I'm weary to be honest....
My husband had major problems on statins and was put on Ezetimibe and is doing fine on this.
None , my cholesterol is 2.0 from 6.5 so they did a job .
Asked about stopping but they do more than cholesterol , having CAD they prevent more buildup in the arterial wall apparently and even though I've had the bypass they prevent further build up in the problem areas.
I think people have been taking them for decades now including my parents so on reflection I think I'll stick with them rather than risk known outcome of further artery blockage Vs a maybe bad for you .
I’m on both. I have painful joints and feel quite tired a lot of the time but I also had a heart attack 3 years ago. I stopped the statins for 6 weeks on doc advice but that made no difference so I started them again.
I tried taking the statins at night time instead of morning and sleeping them off. Seems to work better for me. I also take all my meds with food so they don’t upset my stomach
The warnings on all meds are horrendous if you take them at face value. I’ve found that the best people to ask/discuss are pharmacists. They’re actually trained to know, understand and work with medication. Our local one is extremely helpful and will advise/explain clearly all the possible side effects.
Docs are trained on symptoms, diagnosis and monitoring and if in doubt they take pharmaceutical advice.
I tried at least 3 different stains including rosuvastatin which is supposed to cause the least side effects. I had terrible muscle and leg pain unbearable and some other symptoms.
Finally I was put on Ezetimibe/Ezetrol and it has worked and no noticeable side effects for me. Just try different ones as we are all different. I also had Bisoprolol can't remember what that did but changed it. Put it one way my cupboard looks like I could be a drug dealer!! I have a love hate relationship with my meds would I die without or be better? Who knows? I take 2 pills to counteract other pills, pretty screwed up.
Well good luck need to go take some pills now no joke!!
I had nasty side effects on statins and my top lip and gums slightly swelled so I'm not allowed to take any incase of anaphylaxis which is great I don't have to argue with the doctor anymore. As for bisoprolol I've added that to a very ever growing list of drugs that make me feel like a zombie and I don't take them. At the moment I'm battling with diltiazem. 🙄
serrapeptase a natural enzyme does a better job than flippin statins with no danger/side effects
I tried 2 different statins, can't remember the names but both gave me excruciating pain in my back and arms. Since I'm already registered as disabled and suffer badly from nerve pain I stopped taking them. There are so many stories about statins that it's hard to decide if you should take them. My doctor didn't argue with me when I made the decision to stop.
I have been on atorvastatin (10mg) for 20 years with no side effects. As part of a study, 4 years ago, I had cardiac MRIs and arterial ultrasounds. These showed no problem with my heart and valves and all my arteries showed no sign of atherosclerosis. Side effects are not obligatory and may not be as a result of the suspect drug!

Did you have a CAC scan ? Be interesting after 20 years if you have calcium buildup.
I am on rosuvastatin 5mg and bisoprolol fumarate 1.25mg along with several other medications and do not notice any particular side effects.....I was on simvastatin 10mg for several years until I lost a large amount of weight any my cholesterol dropped way down and then started getting joint pain in my hands...my doctor took me off them , but over the last couple of years my weight has returned due to various factors so I find myself on the rosuvastatin