I had an angiogram 2 days ago. Prior to the contrast infusion, I had 4 intravenous injections, from what I understand they were sodium chloride, then for blood vessel dilation and beta-blocker. At one point my legs felt cold and numb and a cold and unpleasant feeling in my body, and the doctor refrained from doing another injection, then the IV and CT scan followed. After the aniogram I had headaches all day. Is it common to feel sick for an angiogram? Has anyone else done it?
Hi, has anyone else had an angiogram - British Heart Fou...
Hi, has anyone else had an angiogram

I’ve had several CT angiograms. I get the cold from the saline (though just in my arm), and I feel like I wet the bed when the contrast goes in. On the first my heart rate was slow enough not to need a beta blocker; for the others I was already on a beta blocker tablet — so no experience with beta blockers through the iv.
No headaches.
Invasive angiograms are a bit more uncomfortable, but I was half knocked out for it so not hugely so. And there’s the plus of getting to see your heart beating on the massive screen.
Twice I had a migraine with aura after an angiogram, but after the Cardiac CT scan I didn't have any problems.
I had one not long ago. I had to have a beta blocker to slow my heart rate down and I felt cold when they injected the solution.
I had a headache for 24 hours after it but I was warned I might have one.
Yet another experience on the road to find why I have heart failure.
I've had an angiogram. I felt warmth come through into my whole body. Twice. Afterwards I had a plastic wrap round my wrist for which the pressure was gradually released. I did not need a stent, no blockages found.
Hi. I've had both angiogram and CT angiogram. Both times felt cold at first when the saline was put in, and then feeling heat all over my body. I was also given medication to reduce my heart rate down. The headache seems common afterwards, but does subside.Any concerns with sickness, you can always check with your cardiologist, but I never had any sickness afterwards.
Hope everything is well.
if you were given nitro prior to the test or a nitro patch , this could be the cause of the headache